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1000+ posts

|| Splashi Awards || (don’t ask) || closed

Splashi Awards don’t ask

Disclaimer 1:
This is not a rip-off of ‘Red Awards’. It’s my own awards programme.
Disclaimer 2:
We are not associated with any other shops/federations/currencies other than the fact that I am the owner of Oreo Shop and the Founder of Opals ~ A Federation, which can both be found in my signature.


We’re an awards programme (for shops, federations, and currencies) that is similar to Red Awards and any other awards programme. We are not a rip-off of Red Awards. We give awards to shops, federations and currencies for things like:
Biggest Shop (overall) on the first 3 pages
Biggest Federations on the first 3 pages
Biggest Currency on the first 3 pages

Last edited by bananaandchoc1 (July 10, 2020 09:36:05)

1000+ posts

|| Splashi Awards || (don’t ask) || closed

Overall Biggest Shop on the First 3 Pages
Overall Biggest Federation on the First 3 Pages - Gobo’s Choice
Overall Biggest Currency on the First 3 Pages
Most Unique Shop on the First 3 Pages - Robots and Princesses
Shop with the Most Employees on the First 3 Pages
Shop with the Most Partners on the First 3 Pages - Willow Tree Shop and Spotlight Shop
Shop with the most completed orders on the first 3 pages
Federation with the most shops on the first 3 pages - Gobo’s Choice
Federation with the most employees on the first 3 pages
Most unique federation on the first 3 pages
Currency with the most bank accounts on the first 3 pages
Currency with the most shops using it on the first 3 pages
Most unique currency on the first 3 pages
Fastest growing currency on the first 3 pages
Fastest growing shop on the first 3 pages
Fastest growing federation on the first 3 pages

Last edited by bananaandchoc1 (May 31, 2020 16:54:18)

1000+ posts

|| Splashi Awards || (don’t ask) || closed

I had an idea that I was going to hire staff to help me find out which shops/federations/currencies are in each of the categories, so if I trust you then I might let you help me out.
Awards will be issued every few months, as it will take a while to see what shops/federations/currencies are in each of the categories.

Last edited by bananaandchoc1 (May 31, 2020 14:39:48)

1000+ posts

|| Splashi Awards || (don’t ask) || closed


Last edited by bananaandchoc1 (May 31, 2020 13:51:19)

1000+ posts

|| Splashi Awards || (don’t ask) || closed

Reserved just in case.

1000+ posts

|| Splashi Awards || (don’t ask) || closed


Last edited by kaj (Tomorrow 00:00:00)
Forum helper | boy | platformers | 14yrs | guitar | website

1000+ posts

|| Splashi Awards || (don’t ask) || closed

--Explosion-- wrote:

Ehh what? Why are you reserving a post?

1000+ posts

|| Splashi Awards || (don’t ask) || closed

Overall biggest federation is just about to be Global Gobo's choice.

“are you sure you're not jewish?” - howard, tbbt

If you made it down here, if something's hard, rember, it's not rocket science.
- - -
out of contextness

i actually feel sorry for a traffic bollard, bbc news you are too good at your job


- - -
*jams to the Every Tube Station Song*
1000+ posts

|| Splashi Awards || (don’t ask) || closed

Milkysplash wrote:

Overall biggest federation is just about to be Global Gobo's choice.
Haha ok thanks xD

1000+ posts

|| Splashi Awards || (don’t ask) || closed

bananaandchoc1 wrote:

Milkysplash wrote:

Overall biggest federation is just about to be Global Gobo's choice.
Haha ok thanks xD
42 shops, second largest federation in the history of Scratch.

1000+ posts

|| Splashi Awards || (don’t ask) || closed

bananaandchoc1 wrote:

--Explosion-- wrote:

Ehh what? Why are you reserving a post?
maybe for an advertisement xD

im a regular guy

ive never been on the forums before. totally.
never owned or joined any shops or anything. yep.

ok, yes, i founded lightning studios, a dying shop that has fell from its prime ig.
1000+ posts

|| Splashi Awards || (don’t ask) || closed

I can’t be bothered to to this anymore, I’ve been procrastinating closing this. This is officially closed.

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