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How to RP (In any game)

Welcome, scratcher!
Maybe you joined an RP group on Scratch, or another game.
Maybe you have never heard of roleplay. Well, guess what? I'm here to help!

First, what is roleplay?

Roleplay is pretending to be a character that YOU pick. No, a character does not mean human. You could be a flying pig (In the right RP, of course.)!
In roleplay, YOU choose what your character does. He/She/It can go to the store, skip school, and any other actions you pick! Of course, your actions must relate to what you are doing, and what the RP type is.
You can be anything. You can pick whether your kid is a child, an adult, a monster, or a superhero!
To sum it up, you can be ANYTHING.
Approriate areas for roleplay and staying on topic
Let's say you join an SCP roleplay. Everybody else is roleplaying as an MTF, Class D, and whatnot. Is being a FNAF character in a specified SCP roleplay appropriate?
If you said no, you are correct.
Here's a list of why you need to stay on topic.
It makes other people feel uncomfortable. When you roleplay as something off topic, people may want to void you.
It ruins the fun. Nobody wants to deal with somebody off topic.
It breaks the lore. If you don't know what lore is, it's the storyline. If your character is not included or does not relate to the lore, it ruins the fun.
You might get banned. Some admins on games and studios may kick you if you continue to ruin roleplays.
NOTE: Characters who do not follow these rules are called Cross-characters.
How to RP
This is the most important thing to read.
Number 1: GRAMMAR
Look at this sentence:
Idek why she did that all said was ofc
This sentence is bad because:
You NEVER want to use abbreviations like IDK, OFC, or anything of that matter.
2] This sentence has no punctuation. You MUST include punctuation in your sentences.
3] Most importantly, the grammar is terrible. Also, she never stated who SHE is.

So, now you know you need grammar. But, we also have to follow other rules.
For dialogue, put `` or “ in front and at the back of the sentence. Think of it as you are writing a story.
Keep to the 3rd person in actions. Saying ”I put it down." may be grammatically correct, but for best roleplay, stick to the 3rd person.
When OOC, say OOC and put what you are saying in brackets
When going back IC, say IC before you go IC.
Only do a single action per sentence. Saying Mike went to white house found president killed him does not give anybody else time to react.
Also, be logical and do not be OP. Even if Mike did a single action to do that, there would be Secret Service at the white house. It would be way too OP to be able to kill the Secret Service.
Try to have some cons about your character, not just pros. Having no weaknesses makes your character OP.
Do not put an asterick before an action. It makes the sentence look less clean, and it's a symbol of being an RP noob. Example: *eats* is not correct.
Roleplay terms/Glossary

{1} IC stands for In Character.
{2} OOC stands for Out Of Character
{3} OP stands for Over Powered.
(Note: It is okay to use bad grammar and such in OOC, just not IC.)

Well, that sums it up. Please try to use this roleplay guide as a reference, and stay healthy!
100+ posts

How to RP (In any game)

ORP is Open roleplay (anyone can join the scence)
RN is right now

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-Albert Einstien

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