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  • » Requests
  • » ╝╡╢Gծbծ's Gift Shծp ~~ We ցծbծ yծur ծrders until they are perfect! ~~ Nծw hiring! ~~ Grand ծpening! ~~ ծrder tծday!╟╠╚ [RSS Feed]
1000+ posts

╝╡╢Gծbծ's Gift Shծp ~~ We ցծbծ yծur ծrders until they are perfect! ~~ Nծw hiring! ~~ Grand ծpening! ~~ ծrder tծday!╟╠╚

Thank you to @xxhamsandwichxx of вυzzy вee вannerѕ for the banner!

Gobo's Gift Shop
We Gobo your orders until they are perfect!
Gobo's Gift Shop is a shop founded by @kitten769 on 30th May 2020. We are part of Gobo Group (containing GoboBux and Gobo's Choice) and have just opened to orders! We have one worker and we offer many services including, but not limited to, 3d art, profile pictures, banners, particle effects and maps (not MAPs, maps of places, real or imaginary)




*The shop studio has not been founded yet, therefore there is no link

Last edited by kitten769 (June 10, 2020 10:28:29)

1000+ posts

╝╡╢Gծbծ's Gift Shծp ~~ We ցծbծ yծur ծrders until they are perfect! ~~ Nծw hiring! ~~ Grand ծpening! ~~ ծrder tծday!╟╠╚

Gobo's Gift Shop
We Gobo your orders until they are perfect!
Particle effects
Spelling and grammar checks for English
Profile Pictures
All of our art services in 3d!

Last edited by kitten769 (June 1, 2020 13:59:15)

1000+ posts

╝╡╢Gծbծ's Gift Shծp ~~ We ցծbծ yծur ծrders until they are perfect! ~~ Nծw hiring! ~~ Grand ծpening! ~~ ծrder tծday!╟╠╚

Gobo's Gift Shop
We Gobo your orders until they are perfect!
Staff application:
Previous experience in shops: (list up to, but no more than 5)
Do you want a BoD position, if so which one:
How active are you: (/10)
Are you willing to be signed up for GoboBux?: (Don't worry, you don't have to pay, it just lets you remove strikes and gain qualifications)
Have you read the terms?:
Are you following the discussion?: (needed)
Partnership application:
Shop name:
Shop owner:
Shop banner:
Shop url: (link)
Permission from owner: (proof)
Why should we partner with you?:
Order form:
Product wanted:
Where should we notify you of completion?:
Have you read the ToS: (Terms of Service)

Last edited by kitten769 (June 3, 2020 09:04:20)

1000+ posts

╝╡╢Gծbծ's Gift Shծp ~~ We ցծbծ yծur ծrders until they are perfect! ~~ Nծw hiring! ~~ Grand ծpening! ~~ ծrder tծday!╟╠╚

Gobo's Gift Shop
We Gobo your orders until they are perfect!
@kitten769 {} {} {} 3d art, grammar checks, maps, profile pictures, scripting, writing, art
@milkysplash {} {} {} thumbnails, banners
@blu3coder {} {} {} banners, thumbnails, profile pictures and grammar checks
@Deandrea1233 {} {} {} Banners, art, scripts, profile pictures

@lightningspark6545 {} {} {} BBCode, spelling and grammar checks, art and scripting
@monkeylover200 {} {} {} Banners, profile pictures, thumbnails and bbcode

Last edited by kitten769 (June 16, 2020 11:30:46)

1000+ posts

╝╡╢Gծbծ's Gift Shծp ~~ We ցծbծ yծur ծrders until they are perfect! ~~ Nծw hiring! ~~ Grand ծpening! ~~ ծrder tծday!╟╠╚

Gobo's Gift Shop
We Gobo your orders until they are perfect!
Completed orders:
Profile picture for @princesspuppy321 ~ Completed by @Deandrea1233

Last edited by kitten769 (June 3, 2020 08:57:52)

1000+ posts

╝╡╢Gծbծ's Gift Shծp ~~ We ցծbծ yծur ծrders until they are perfect! ~~ Nծw hiring! ~~ Grand ծpening! ~~ ծrder tծday!╟╠╚

Gobo's Gift Shop
We Gobo your orders until they are perfect!
None right now!
None right now!
Claimed, incomplete
None right now!

If your order was claimed and is not on here, check out our completed orders page!

Last edited by kitten769 (May 30, 2020 15:43:16)

1000+ posts

╝╡╢Gծbծ's Gift Shծp ~~ We ցծbծ yծur ծrders until they are perfect! ~~ Nծw hiring! ~~ Grand ծpening! ~~ ծrder tծday!╟╠╚

Gobo's Gift Shop
We Gobo your orders until they are perfect!
None yet, leave the first!

Last edited by kitten769 (May 30, 2020 15:43:31)

1000+ posts

╝╡╢Gծbծ's Gift Shծp ~~ We ցծbծ yծur ծrders until they are perfect! ~~ Nծw hiring! ~~ Grand ծpening! ~~ ծrder tծday!╟╠╚

Gobo's Gift Shop
We Gobo your orders until they are perfect!
Terms of service:

0.1 Follow the community guidelines at all times.
0.2 If you consistently spam this forum and continue to do so after 3 warnings, you will be reported.

1.1 Respect workers: they are trying their best
1.2 You have the right to request a redo, however you must be polite in doing so
1.3 To prove you have read these terms, include ‘Octoradish Jam’ in your order form
1.4 Give credit to the worker who did your order. Failure to do so is art theft, which you will be reported for.

2.1 If you see an unclaimed order, please take it by quoting the post and saying ‘taken’
2.2 When you have done an order, inform the customer in their place of choice, but also put a link to it on the forum.
2.3 Always respect customers. Failure to do so will result in 2 strikes
2.4 If you do not respond to an activity check or vote, you will receive one strike for inactivity
2.5 You will receive GoboBux for completing an order or being first to respond to an activity check
2.6 Include the codeword ‘kitten&code’ in your application form

Last edited by kitten769 (June 3, 2020 09:03:08)

1000+ posts

╝╡╢Gծbծ's Gift Shծp ~~ We ցծbծ yծur ծrders until they are perfect! ~~ Nծw hiring! ~~ Grand ծpening! ~~ ծrder tծday!╟╠╚

Gobo's Gift Shop
We Gobo your orders until they are perfect!
BoD and other workers:
GOBO: @kitten769 (complete control, does UOC in absence of GOBOtary)
Vice-GOBO: @blu3coder (almost complete control, cannot shut the shop)
GOBOtary: @lightningspark6545 (Bumps topic and news, can call votes and BoD meetings, does UOC)
Vice-GOBOtary: @monkeylover200 (Bumps topic)
PR-GOBO: @milkysplash (In charge of finding partnerships and federations, solves shop disputes)
Normal workers:

Last edited by kitten769 (June 16, 2020 11:31:08)

1000+ posts

╝╡╢Gծbծ's Gift Shծp ~~ We ցծbծ yծur ծrders until they are perfect! ~~ Nծw hiring! ~~ Grand ծpening! ~~ ծrder tծday!╟╠╚

Gobo's Gift Shop
We Gobo your orders until they are perfect!
None yet! Be the first!

We do not join any currencies (with the exception of Gobobux) and a request to join one will be rejected.

We are part of Gobo Group! It encompasses:
Gobo's Choice!

Gobobux 2.0

Last edited by kitten769 (June 18, 2020 11:20:55)

1000+ posts

╝╡╢Gծbծ's Gift Shծp ~~ We ցծbծ yծur ծrders until they are perfect! ~~ Nծw hiring! ~~ Grand ծpening! ~~ ծrder tծday!╟╠╚

Now hiring!!

1000+ posts

╝╡╢Gծbծ's Gift Shծp ~~ We ցծbծ yծur ծrders until they are perfect! ~~ Nծw hiring! ~~ Grand ծpening! ~~ ծrder tծday!╟╠╚

Staff application:
Previous experience in shops: I own Star Thumbnails (dead) Sky High (Active) BoD at Citurs Creations (Kinda dead) Uhhh…(list up to, but no more than 5)
Do you want a BoD position, if so which one: PR-Gobo or GOBOtary, I don't mind. Vice-GOBO probably not.
Skills: Thumbnails, Banners (Can you uplaod?)
How active are you: 7-8/10
Are you willing to be signed up for GoboBux?: (Don't worry, you don't have to pay, it just lets you remove strikes and gain qualifications) I mean, if I'm going to run 2.0, I'll already have an acocunt. Butttttttttttt we haven't gotten anywhere with it yet. Give me 5 more days to finish it, and fix up all the typos.
Have you read the terms?: No, because I didn't undertand what you meant by saying kitten&code.

When I've just reserved another post at GoboBux… and the SIXTY SECOND DEMON GOT ME!

“are you sure you're not jewish?” - howard, tbbt

If you made it down here, if something's hard, rember, it's not rocket science.
- - -
out of contextness

i actually feel sorry for a traffic bollard, bbc news you are too good at your job


- - -
*jams to the Every Tube Station Song*
1000+ posts

╝╡╢Gծbծ's Gift Shծp ~~ We ցծbծ yծur ծrders until they are perfect! ~~ Nծw hiring! ~~ Grand ծpening! ~~ ծrder tծday!╟╠╚

Milkysplash wrote:

Staff application:
Previous experience in shops: I own Star Thumbnails (dead) Sky High (Active) BoD at Citurs Creations (Kinda dead) Uhhh…(list up to, but no more than 5)
Do you want a BoD position, if so which one: PR-Gobo or GOBOtary, I don't mind. Vice-GOBO probably not.
Skills: Thumbnails, Banners (Can you uplaod?)
How active are you: 7-8/10
Are you willing to be signed up for GoboBux?: (Don't worry, you don't have to pay, it just lets you remove strikes and gain qualifications) I mean, if I'm going to run 2.0, I'll already have an acocunt. Butttttttttttt we haven't gotten anywhere with it yet. Give me 5 more days to finish it, and fix up all the typos.
Have you read the terms?: No, because I didn't undertand what you meant by saying kitten&code.

When I've just reserved another post at GoboBux… and the SIXTY SECOND DEMON GOT ME!
Accepted! What is your favourite colour?

1000+ posts

╝╡╢Gծbծ's Gift Shծp ~~ We ցծbծ yծur ծrders until they are perfect! ~~ Nծw hiring! ~~ Grand ծpening! ~~ ծrder tծday!╟╠╚

kitten769 wrote:

Milkysplash wrote:

Staff application:
Previous experience in shops: I own Star Thumbnails (dead) Sky High (Active) BoD at Citurs Creations (Kinda dead) Uhhh…(list up to, but no more than 5)
Do you want a BoD position, if so which one: PR-Gobo or GOBOtary, I don't mind. Vice-GOBO probably not.
Skills: Thumbnails, Banners (Can you uplaod?)
How active are you: 7-8/10
Are you willing to be signed up for GoboBux?: (Don't worry, you don't have to pay, it just lets you remove strikes and gain qualifications) I mean, if I'm going to run 2.0, I'll already have an acocunt. Butttttttttttt we haven't gotten anywhere with it yet. Give me 5 more days to finish it, and fix up all the typos.
Have you read the terms?: No, because I didn't undertand what you meant by saying kitten&code.

When I've just reserved another post at GoboBux… and the SIXTY SECOND DEMON GOT ME!
Accepted! What is your favourite colour?
Any colour to do with the sunset. However, I quite like #03b6fc

“are you sure you're not jewish?” - howard, tbbt

If you made it down here, if something's hard, rember, it's not rocket science.
- - -
out of contextness

i actually feel sorry for a traffic bollard, bbc news you are too good at your job


- - -
*jams to the Every Tube Station Song*
1000+ posts

╝╡╢Gծbծ's Gift Shծp ~~ We ցծbծ yծur ծrders until they are perfect! ~~ Nծw hiring! ~~ Grand ծpening! ~~ ծrder tծday!╟╠╚

Milkysplash wrote:

kitten769 wrote:

Milkysplash wrote:

Staff application:
Previous experience in shops: I own Star Thumbnails (dead) Sky High (Active) BoD at Citurs Creations (Kinda dead) Uhhh…(list up to, but no more than 5)
Do you want a BoD position, if so which one: PR-Gobo or GOBOtary, I don't mind. Vice-GOBO probably not.
Skills: Thumbnails, Banners (Can you uplaod?)
How active are you: 7-8/10
Are you willing to be signed up for GoboBux?: (Don't worry, you don't have to pay, it just lets you remove strikes and gain qualifications) I mean, if I'm going to run 2.0, I'll already have an acocunt. Butttttttttttt we haven't gotten anywhere with it yet. Give me 5 more days to finish it, and fix up all the typos.
Have you read the terms?: No, because I didn't undertand what you meant by saying kitten&code.

When I've just reserved another post at GoboBux… and the SIXTY SECOND DEMON GOT ME!
Accepted! What is your favourite colour?
Any colour to do with the sunset. However, I quite like #03b6fc
You are PR-GOBO! Try to find some nice shops to partner with then give me a list and I'll decide!

1000+ posts

╝╡╢Gծbծ's Gift Shծp ~~ We ցծbծ yծur ծrders until they are perfect! ~~ Nծw hiring! ~~ Grand ծpening! ~~ ծrder tծday!╟╠╚

kitten769 wrote:

Milkysplash wrote:

kitten769 wrote:

Milkysplash wrote:

Staff application:
Previous experience in shops: I own Star Thumbnails (dead) Sky High (Active) BoD at Citurs Creations (Kinda dead) Uhhh…(list up to, but no more than 5)
Do you want a BoD position, if so which one: PR-Gobo or GOBOtary, I don't mind. Vice-GOBO probably not.
Skills: Thumbnails, Banners (Can you uplaod?)
How active are you: 7-8/10
Are you willing to be signed up for GoboBux?: (Don't worry, you don't have to pay, it just lets you remove strikes and gain qualifications) I mean, if I'm going to run 2.0, I'll already have an acocunt. Butttttttttttt we haven't gotten anywhere with it yet. Give me 5 more days to finish it, and fix up all the typos.
Have you read the terms?: No, because I didn't undertand what you meant by saying kitten&code.

When I've just reserved another post at GoboBux… and the SIXTY SECOND DEMON GOT ME!
Accepted! What is your favourite colour?
Any colour to do with the sunset. However, I quite like #03b6fc
You are PR-GOBO! Try to find some nice shops to partner with then give me a list and I'll decide!
I'm on it!

“are you sure you're not jewish?” - howard, tbbt

If you made it down here, if something's hard, rember, it's not rocket science.
- - -
out of contextness

i actually feel sorry for a traffic bollard, bbc news you are too good at your job


- - -
*jams to the Every Tube Station Song*
100+ posts

╝╡╢Gծbծ's Gift Shծp ~~ We ցծbծ yծur ծrders until they are perfect! ~~ Nծw hiring! ~~ Grand ծpening! ~~ ծrder tծday!╟╠╚

Order form:
Username: PrincessPuppy321
Product wanted: Hufflepuff badger profile pic
Deadline: 7th June 2020
Where should we notify you of completion?: my profile
Have you read the ToS: (Terms of Service) yes, Octoradish Jam

Please ignore my username, I chose it ages ago lol.
My main account is @faeriie–, so you may know me from other shops.
1000+ posts

╝╡╢Gծbծ's Gift Shծp ~~ We ցծbծ yծur ծrders until they are perfect! ~~ Nծw hiring! ~~ Grand ծpening! ~~ ծrder tծday!╟╠╚

PrincessPuppy321 wrote:

Order form:
Username: PrincessPuppy321
Product wanted: Hufflepuff badger profile pic
Deadline: 7th June 2020
Where should we notify you of completion?: my profile
Have you read the ToS: (Terms of Service) yes, Octoradish Jam
Hi! We don't seem to have any staff able to do profile pictures yet. PErhaps some other shops can.

“are you sure you're not jewish?” - howard, tbbt

If you made it down here, if something's hard, rember, it's not rocket science.
- - -
out of contextness

i actually feel sorry for a traffic bollard, bbc news you are too good at your job


- - -
*jams to the Every Tube Station Song*
100+ posts

╝╡╢Gծbծ's Gift Shծp ~~ We ցծbծ yծur ծrders until they are perfect! ~~ Nծw hiring! ~~ Grand ծpening! ~~ ծrder tծday!╟╠╚

Milkysplash wrote:

PrincessPuppy321 wrote:

Order form:
Username: PrincessPuppy321
Product wanted: Hufflepuff badger profile pic
Deadline: 7th June 2020
Where should we notify you of completion?: my profile
Have you read the ToS: (Terms of Service) yes, Octoradish Jam
Hi! We don't seem to have any staff able to do profile pictures yet. PErhaps some other shops can.
ok, thanks anyway

Please ignore my username, I chose it ages ago lol.
My main account is @faeriie–, so you may know me from other shops.
1000+ posts

╝╡╢Gծbծ's Gift Shծp ~~ We ցծbծ yծur ծrders until they are perfect! ~~ Nծw hiring! ~~ Grand ծpening! ~~ ծrder tծday!╟╠╚

PrincessPuppy321 wrote:

Milkysplash wrote:

PrincessPuppy321 wrote:

Order form:
Username: PrincessPuppy321
Product wanted: Hufflepuff badger profile pic
Deadline: 7th June 2020
Where should we notify you of completion?: my profile
Have you read the ToS: (Terms of Service) yes, Octoradish Jam
Hi! We don't seem to have any staff able to do profile pictures yet. PErhaps some other shops can.
ok, thanks anyway
Sorry! We only started hiring today: please feel free to come back after 20th June, then we'll be open!

  • Discussion Forums
  • » Requests
  • » ╝╡╢Gծbծ's Gift Shծp ~~ We ցծbծ yծur ծrders until they are perfect! ~~ Nծw hiring! ~~ Grand ծpening! ~~ ծrder tծday!╟╠╚ [RSS Feed]

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