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20 posts

Duplication error

So recently, I've been using the duplicate tool, and It's worked fine till now.

I make a vector drawing on a new sprite, and when I duplicate that sprite, It's in the sprite list, but not on scene. I've used ‘go to X Y’ commands to try and move it, and I've tried to drag other sprites, but it glitches up and shows me an older sprite I deleted long ago instead. To fix it, I just save, leave, and come back to my project, and it works normally, untill you repeat above. I'm running FireFox on Win. 7. Yes, my internet is working fine. The game is ‘Wall Destroyer’ by me of course. If you look inside, the black background is merely a shade-er, not a background error.

Last edited by startersodontbother (Aug. 10, 2014 15:23:43)

Humpty Dumpty was a bear. Humpty Dumpty had no hair. Humpty Dumpty jumped over the moon. We won't be seeing him anytime soon.
when I receive [an invitation v]
ask [Where to?] and wait
if <(answer) = [The worst house eva]> then
say [I not going >:(]

if <(answer) = [Pizza Hut w/ video games]> then
Sing for joy


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