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Weird glitch - random sprites?

Well, i was working on my most recent project (which i haven't shared yet).
The game i'm making is something like a platformer, so i have made the stickman you control, i named it ‘'Stickman’'.

Everything was good, when i finished scripting part of the Stickman, i decided to add AIs, then i started using the cloning functions.
However, i forgot to put an ‘'if’' block.

Then i put this.

when this sprite clicked

create clone of [myself v]

When i clicked the green flag the script started to make lots of clones, so my game lagged a lot
I had to save the project and then re-open it, then i fixed the script.
But then i noticed something, there was a sprite i didn't created. It was a blank sprite, it's name was ''S''.
My face at than moment was like (w00t)
I checked inside that sprite, it hads lots. Not only lots. LOTS of ‘'Clear’' & ‘'Pen up’' blocks.

I deleted the whole sprite then i finished my stickman.

What happened there?

500+ posts

Weird glitch - random sprites?

Weird. Can you show us the screenshot?

My browser / operating system: Windows 7, Chrome 35.0.1916.153, Flash 14.0 (release 0)

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New to Scratch
58 posts

Weird glitch - random sprites?

Here are the screenshots:

However, i'm not looking for help with this, i was just testing AIs.
I'm just curious on what was that

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