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Ensoir School of Sorcery ~ an RP from the World of Harry Potter

a. Magic outside of common rooms/classrooms must have written permission from a teacher or be in presence of a High-Rank
b. Dueling may only be completed under the supervision of a High-Rank
c. Magic can always be used for emergencies or self defense
d. No Law-Breaking (you may be expelled)
e. No magic in the corridors
f. No students out of house area after 10:00pm without Teacher Permission
g. No student may leave Ensoir grounds without parental and Headteacher’s permission (excepting when rule h applies)
h. Bardiel Cove is open for 3rd+ years from 8:00am until 5:00pm on weekends so long as they show their signed form and note their outing on the board
i. High-Ranks are Prefects, Head Boys, Head Girls And Teachers
j. All students must wear uniform (black robes with gold tassels) between their first and last lesson (excluding Astronomy) on weekdays
k. Students must have no pets except hippogriffs (to be kept outside), cats, rabbits, frogs, or birds.

My Profile || Contact me if you need any help or have any questions! || Buzzy Bee Banners ||

1000+ posts

Ensoir School of Sorcery ~ an RP from the World of Harry Potter

Students take a range of classes here at Ensoir. All students take X subject and E subjects are optional.

X: Transfiguration
X: Charms
X: Potions
X: History of Magic
X: Defence Against the Dark Arts
X: Herbology
X: Flying lessons (on hippogriffs)
E: Astronomy
E: Arithmancy
E: Muggle Studies
E: Divination
E: Study of Ancient Runes
E: Care of Magical Creatures
E: Apparation

My Profile || Contact me if you need any help or have any questions! || Buzzy Bee Banners ||

1000+ posts

Ensoir School of Sorcery ~ an RP from the World of Harry Potter

Hippogriff Racing
Students who own hippogriffs may race in the school races if they get onto the team.

Next Match: There is not full teams yet..

Fire Team
Captain: Lillianna Brook
Racer 1: Lillianna Brook
Racer 2: Durnell Sage
Racer 3: Alexandra Wood
Racer 4: Felicity Crast
Racer 5: Charlie Ridmac
Racer 6: Vesta Fiamma

Water Team
Captain: Flow Crast
Racer 1: Flow Crast
Racer 2: Maribel Whiterock
Racer 3: Dragones Devais
Racer 4: Michael Clowden
Racer 5: Khevan Ikhar Tengwa
Racer 6: Brook Willows

Earth Team
Racer 1: Flower Childs
Racer 2: Rosalia Bennett
Racer 3: Summer Hills
Racer 4:
Racer 5:
Racer 6:

Metal Team
Captain: Zinnalaria Espryt Tengwar
Racer 1: Zinnalaria Espryt Tengwar
Racer 2: Jimmy Van
Racer 3:
Racer 4:
Racer 5:
Racer 6:

To join, go to tryouts (until September 2018, just say in application or on here) .
Captains are appointed at the start of the year.

Active RP members are more likely to get on teams or become prefects. If you show your character training hard and learning, you will probably be picked. If you say they are flawless, you won't. Try to give them consistent strengths (eg. avoiding trees) and weaknesses (eg. landing and diving).

Last edited by LotusLavender (Sept. 9, 2019 19:10:27)

My Profile || Contact me if you need any help or have any questions! || Buzzy Bee Banners ||

1000+ posts

Ensoir School of Sorcery ~ an RP from the World of Harry Potter

Ensoir Challenge!
Every two months, I will set a challenge here for you all to enter. These challenges will help you get to know your character.

Activity: Write 1 week’s worth of diary entries for your character. These can be summer holiday or just school time.
Dates: 19th July until 1st September
Judges: RPP-Exploration and OnionWitch
Studio for entries: here
Prizes: a shoutout on this page with another advertisement of your choice


June/July 2018:
Activity: Draw a floor plan of your character’s house like Jade Owlpuff’s home here.
Dates: 1st May until 14th July
Judges: RPP-Exploration and XxOwl31xX
Studio for entries: here
Prizes: a shoutout on this page with another advertisement of your choice
Winner: OnionWitch

My Profile || Contact me if you need any help or have any questions! || Buzzy Bee Banners ||

1000+ posts

Ensoir School of Sorcery ~ an RP from the World of Harry Potter

Here are all of the useful pages for the new thread: the added characters are open except for head and are references to old RP members
• Pixpickle
• Onionwitch
• AlexiaPotter

Popsy, feel free to change these and anything else - I hand all Ensoir permissions to you.

My Profile || Contact me if you need any help or have any questions! || Buzzy Bee Banners ||

500+ posts

Ensoir School of Sorcery ~ an RP from the World of Harry Potter

LotusLavender wrote:

Here are all of the useful pages for the new thread: the added characters are open except for head and are references to old RP members
• Pixpickle
• Onionwitch
• AlexiaPotter

Popsy, feel free to change these and anything else - I hand all Ensoir permissions to you.
Thank you
500+ posts

Ensoir School of Sorcery ~ an RP from the World of Harry Potter

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