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Ensoir School of Sorcery ~ an RP from the World of Harry Potter

LotusLavender wrote:

BlackWolfee wrote:

Staff Application
Character Name: Ms Olivia Noctua
Position: Charms professor
House: Ravenclaw from Hogwarts
Gender: Female
Personality: She is kind and sympathetic for students, but can easily be fed up by people being lazy, not bothering to learn, not listening, deliberately being defiant, and by people who keep doing something she told them not to. Ms Noctua is quick to learn new things however has trouble learning things that go against what she has been taught before. She can be very stubborn, and is not very good at admitting she is in the wrong.
Backstory: After leaving Hogwarts, where she was a top student, Ms Noctua married a member of the ministry of magic. She became a teacher at Ensoir after her husband was “killed” (Ms Noctua tells herself) in an accident where a dementor was released. She felt that she wanted to do something, be able to pass her knowledge onto the new generation, instead of sit around mourning, so she became a teacher.
Appearance: She has silvery-grey hair, always in a perfect, neat plait. She wears dark blue glasses all the time. Her face is lined with wrinkles, not because she is really old but because of what she has been through. She stands and sits straight and stiff, all the time. Her eyes are silvery grey, with straight edges that only soften when she sees mistreated animals.
Strengths: Her strengths are remembering what she has been taught, and she is a fast learner, thus making her good as a charms teacher as she can easily understand charms and teach them.
Weaknesses: She is not good at relearning something a different way to how she was taught. (like when your 5th grade teacher tells you to divide fractions one way, and your sixth grade teacher marks you wrong for doing it that way) She is also very stubborn and not good at admitting she is wrong.
Pet: She has an owl named Akela. His feather's are the same silvery colour as her eyes.
Patronus (may not have one): Her patronus is an owl.
I agree on that stubborn thingy - I get it a lot. Accepted anyway!
Sorry to bother you, but it looks like Ms Noctua has not been added to the characters list…

13 | INFP-A | Ravenclaw | Introvert | Violist | Pianist | bookworm | writer | straight-A student | artist | nerd | science lover |
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Ensoir School of Sorcery ~ an RP from the World of Harry Potter

PaintPony1024 wrote:

Student Application
Character Name: Harper Floighet
Year: 2nd
House: Water
Gender: Female
Personality: Smart, Really shy but wants to make friends
Backstory: Lived in Denmark, but moved to school when she found out she could work with magic
Appearance: Long blond hair that reaches her hips with green cat like eyes.
Best Class: Everything else except the 2 below
Worst Classotions and Herbology
Classes Taken:Study of Ancient Runes
Care of Magical Creatures
Pet: Cat
Patronus (6yr+): Horse

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100+ posts

Ensoir School of Sorcery ~ an RP from the World of Harry Potter

LotusLavender wrote:

PaintPony1024 wrote:

Student Application
Character Name: Harper Floighet
Year: 2nd
House: Water
Gender: Female
Personality: Smart, Really shy but wants to make friends
Backstory: Lived in Denmark, but moved to school when she found out she could work with magic
Appearance: Long blond hair that reaches her hips with green cat like eyes.
Best Class: Everything else except the 2 below
Worst Classotions and Herbology
Classes Taken:Study of Ancient Runes
Care of Magical Creatures
Pet: Cat
Patronus (6yr+): Horse


I’d rather ride on a Mustang, than in one.

1000+ posts

Ensoir School of Sorcery ~ an RP from the World of Harry Potter

You are welcome. I accept everything fully filled in that’s non-canon and yours sounds great!

@BlackWolfee and @otherrecentapplicants
I have added your characters. I apologise for not doing it before but Ensoir admin is a nightmare on mobile…

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500+ posts

Ensoir School of Sorcery ~ an RP from the World of Harry Potter

LotusLavender wrote:

@BlackWolfee and @otherrecentapplicants
I have added your characters. I apologise for not doing it before but Ensoir admin is a nightmare on mobile…
That's fine. Thankyou!

13 | INFP-A | Ravenclaw | Introvert | Violist | Pianist | bookworm | writer | straight-A student | artist | nerd | science lover |
This shop is advertised courtesy of the Scratch Shop Support Union. Join today to get your shop featured!
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Ensoir School of Sorcery ~ an RP from the World of Harry Potter


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1000+ posts

Ensoir School of Sorcery ~ an RP from the World of Harry Potter


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1000+ posts

Ensoir School of Sorcery ~ an RP from the World of Harry Potter

Sorry. Accidentally posted

Last edited by LotusLavender (Nov. 9, 2018 23:17:25)

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500+ posts

Ensoir School of Sorcery ~ an RP from the World of Harry Potter

To start a club, use this form:
Name:Homework club
Description: For anyone who needs help with anything to do with schoolwork
Age and House range:Any
Run by:Miss Crast
Members:Flow Crast,Emily crast

500+ posts

Ensoir School of Sorcery ~ an RP from the World of Harry Potter

LotusLavender wrote:

Hippogriff Racing
Students who own hippogriffs may race in the school races if they get onto the team.

Next Match: There is not full teams yet..

Fire Team
Captain: Lillianna Brook
Racer 1: Lillianna Brook
Racer 2: Durnell Sage
Racer 3: Alexandra Wood
Racer 4: Felicity Crast
Racer 5: Charlie Ridmac
Racer 6: Vesta Fiamma

Water Team
Captain: Flow Crast
Racer 1: Flow Crast
Racer 2: Maribel Whiterock
Racer 3: Dragones Devais
Racer 4: Michael Clowden
Racer 5: Khevan Ikhar Tengwa
Racer 6: Brook Willows

Earth Team
Racer 1: Flower Childs
Racer 2: Rosalia Bennett
Racer 3: Summer Hills
Racer 4:
Racer 5:
Racer 6:

Metal Team
Captain: Zinnalaria Espryt Tengwar
Racer 1: Zinnalaria Espryt Tengwar
Racer 2: Jimmy Van
Racer 3:
Racer 4:
Racer 5:
Racer 6:

To join, go to tryouts (until September 2018, just say in application or on here) .
Captains are appointed at the start of the year.

Active RP members are more likely to get on teams or become prefects. If you show your character training hard and learning, you will probably be picked. If you say they are flawless, you won't. Try to give them consistent strengths (eg. avoiding trees) and weaknesses (eg. landing and diving).
You know its a shame ensoir went inactive otherwise water could race fire
500+ posts

Ensoir School of Sorcery ~ an RP from the World of Harry Potter

Student Application
Character Name: Anna Smith
Year: 6
House: Earth
Gender: Female.
Personality: Shy, quiet and a bit creepy.
Backstory: A shy girl who comes from a normal family.
Appearance: Short Blonde hair, green eyes, very pale skin, and usually keeps her head down.
Best Class: Transfiguration.
Worst Class: Potions.
Classes Taken: All. Many still don't know how she manages to get to all of them without a time turner.
Pet: A small lizard.
Patronus (6yr+): Giraffe.

Just a quick note, please delete all of my other characters! I only want this one right now. (Noah Lowes, Lillianna Brooke, Eliana Cassidy and Ms Lillian.)
1000+ posts

Ensoir School of Sorcery ~ an RP from the World of Harry Potter

Hello! Would anyone be able to do the character lists?

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New Scratcher
8 posts

Ensoir School of Sorcery ~ an RP from the World of Harry Potter

Hello! I was just wondering if this is still active?

Lexus ♥️

Last edited by AlexMoonWolf (Sept. 4, 2019 09:48:26)

New Scratcher
8 posts

Ensoir School of Sorcery ~ an RP from the World of Harry Potter

AlexMoonWolf wrote:

Hello! I was just wondering if this is still active?

Lexus ♥️
Whoops spelt my own name wrong!
Meant Lexie
500+ posts

Ensoir School of Sorcery ~ an RP from the World of Harry Potter

AlexMoonWolf wrote:

Hello! I was just wondering if this is still active?

Lexus ♥️
I dont really know I hope will becone active again do you want to rp?
500+ posts

Ensoir School of Sorcery ~ an RP from the World of Harry Potter

500+ posts

Ensoir School of Sorcery ~ an RP from the World of Harry Potter

Student Application
Character Name: Anna Smith
Year: 6
House: Earth
Gender: Female.
Personality: Shy, quiet and a bit creepy.
Backstory: A shy girl who comes from a normal family.
Appearance: Short Blonde hair, green eyes, very pale skin, and usually keeps her head down.
Best Class: Transfiguration.
Worst Class: Potions.
Classes Taken: All. Many still don't know how she manages to get to all of them without a time turner.
Pet: A small lizard.
Patronus (6yr+): Giraffe.

Just a quick note, please delete all of my other characters! I only want this one right now. (Noah Lowes, Lillianna Brooke, Eliana Cassidy and Ms Lillian.)

500+ posts

Ensoir School of Sorcery ~ an RP from the World of Harry Potter

Hello just to let everyone know I will be taking over sensoir for a while while @lotuslavender is a bit busy I have created a new forum but first I do need to add character lists which may take a while as I cant just copy and paste as I have to add links ect
1000+ posts

Ensoir School of Sorcery ~ an RP from the World of Harry Potter

Welcome to Ensoir - a Spanish magic school for young wizards and witches - let your journey begin

Role-Play Here…
View old Role-Plays here…

About Ensoir
Ensoir School of Sorcery is a magic school (like Hogwarts) with a unique culture and teaching method. When you join, you are sorted by statues of the 4 founders into elemental houses (water, fire, metal, earth). Common Rooms and dorms for each house are different. Ensoir is a large school that teaches many subjects, including multiple ones that Hogwarts students do not learn, and is known for having many extra curricular activities.

About The Ensoir Houses
This song explains all the houses briefly:
Ensoir is a school to teach young brains of many things;
It has four houses and each one;
An element it is.

Fire is a house that holds;
Those of temper, stong and bold;
Who will stand for what is right;
Though warm and friendly they can be.

Water is house that holds;
Flows and patterns to be kept;
Though splashes come when things don't rest;
The water house are loyal friends to all

Earth is a house that holds;
A wide variety that join;
Together to keep things good;
And keep reality alive

Metal is a house that holds;
People proud to be their house;
Full of ambition and cunning;
And they come out to prove themselves.

All about Water:
In the water common room, there is a large river with a waterfall. Students sleep in boats on the river, some anchored to the sides, some moving. The river has small harbours with tables and chairs, though there are also larger boats to be used by multiple students for the same purposes. As the water student moods change, the waterfall changes to reflect the mood in the common room. The statue of Ariel Fallenrow, the founder of the house, stays on the river. Every night, each student releases a droplet from their magical ring (their house gift) with a worry, trouble or blessing that the statue will listen to and give advice to the student if needed.

When you are sorted into this house, you are gifted with a ring that holds unlimited droplets that stay the same shape. Water wear no jewellery or extra accessories in their uniform except their ring.

All about Fire:
In Fire common room, all furniture is made out of fire, though with fire-freezing charms on the flames. The fire-furniture is a practicality as any other things would catch fire while students practised. It is cosy. Dormitories surround the common room and each bed is surrounded by a ring of fire to protect the sleeper.

The founder’s (Fredrick Darsoug’s) statue relights the fires every term and many student watch. When you join this house, you get an amulet holding a magical fire that students learn to control in Element Lessons. This house wear their own magically-made make-up after 2nd year though some 1st years do it too.

All about Earth:
Earth common room and dorms are located in a glass tower at the front of the castle, not unlike a greenhouse. They sleep on woven vine hammocks and are surrounded by plants and wildlife. Earth common room is bright and open and airy. Students all know each other and are good friends (mostly). The statue of Andrew Wildgarden (the founder) is said to socialise with the students in the common room. Rumour has it that he can name every member of his house.

When joining Earth, you get a plant discovered by the founder that has magical properties that make it very rare and valued. This house wear no accessories and are usually mucky because many spend all their spare time in the herbology lab.

All about Metal:
In Metal common room, there is lots of space. The furnishings are all made of metal. The dormitories are a floor above the common room and are very similar in looks. Due to the amount of metal, Metal often have to leave the common rooms and dormitories in the summer as it can get very hot. The statue of Marcus Grunter (the founder) does not often see metal pupils, but spies on the other houses to make sure they are not as good as his.
When joining Metal, you get a goblet that can create any drink. Metal wear many metal bangles and accessories.

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1000+ posts

Ensoir School of Sorcery ~ an RP from the World of Harry Potter


Headteacher: Poppy Pixpick (@popsyrabbit)
Deputy Head: Thomas Lavender

Earth Founder Statue: open
Fire Founder Statue: open
Metal Founder Statue: open
Water Founder Statue: open
NOTE: Founder Statues teach Element Lessons to their houses and act as house heads. They have got names already and they don’t need to be applied for with a form.

Herbology Prof: open
Potions Prof: open
Charms Prof: open
Astronomy Prof: open
Defense Agains Dark Arts Prof: open
Magizooligy Prof: open
Arithmancy Professor: none
Choir Mistress:
Divination Professor:
Runes Professor:
Muggle Studies Professor: none
Hippogriff Flying Instructor:
History of Magic:

Matron: Matron Owlpuff
Librarian: Alexia Clawren
Receptionist: Onionina Wandell

Fire Students:
1st Year:
2nd Year:
3rd Year:
4th Year:
5th Year:
6th Year:
7th Year:
Head Boy:
Head Girl:

Water Students:
1st Year:
2nd Year:
3rd Year:
4th Year:
5th Year:
6th Year:
7th Year:
Head Boy:
Head Girl:

Metal Students:
1st Year:
2nd Year:
3rd Year:
4th Year:
5th Year:
6th Year:
7th Year:
Head Boy:
Head Girl:

Earth Students:
1st Year:
2nd Year:
3rd Year:
4th Year:
5th Year:
6th Year:
7th Year:
Head Boy:
Head Girl:

Student Application
Character Name:
Best Class:
Worst Class:
Classes Taken:
Patronus (6yr+):

Staff Application
Character Name:
House (may be from Hogwarts or other school):
Patronus (may not have one):

Student Application Example
Character Name: Alexandra (Alex) Wood
Year: 1st
House: Fire
Gender: Female
Personality: Bold and Fierce (which often comes across as rude), wilful, loyal
Backstory: Alex was born in London to 2 muggle parents. When younger, she did not fit in and frequently showed signs of magic when her temper rose (though no serious harm was done). She is awkward making friends and quick to make enemies.
Appearance: Long, thick brown hair. Lots of Fire makeup usually. Pale white skin. Tall.
Best Class: Element Class (she spends half her life playing with the fire in her amulet)
Worst Class: History of Magic (she likes practical tasks and gets fidgety)
Pet: n/a
Patronus (6yr+): n/a

Last edited by LotusLavender (Sept. 9, 2019 19:01:55)

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