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Add the Backpack to the Offline Editor

LionHeart70 wrote:

bigpuppy wrote:

MCAnimator3D wrote:

There wouldn't be a point of calling it the “offline” editor because the backpack requires an internet connection. Unless you're using it to transfer sounds/costumes to another sprite, there isn't really a reason to implement the backpack…
Yeah. That's why I think this doesn't really make a lot of sense..

Charles12310 wrote:

No Support.

It's impossible on how this works, since Offline Editor is for those who don't have an account.

An account stores the data you made on a website, otherwise, how can we handle data individually without implementing something that stores this in it?

If you try to bring the backpack from Offline Editor, to an Online Editor, that is impossible, since one has an account, and the other doesn't, since the backpack of the Online one won't detect the contents of the backpack of the Offline Editor since the data wasn't stored in a account since it's offline.

The offline backpack and online backpack could be separate (the offline backpack stores scripts, sprites, etc. on the computer, while the online backpack stores them online on your account)

Also, for those that say "that would defeat the purpose of it being an offine editor", sharing projects from the offline editor requires an internet connection, which defeats the purpose of an offline editor, so we should remove that feature. /s

Last edited by alexphan (Aug. 27, 2017 16:19:33)

1000+ posts

Add the Backpack to the Offline Editor

I think one solution is to save a script on a file (right clicking it and then click on save to file) and then go to another editor and load it.

(Note that I do not know if this is implemented or not but if it isn't then I'm requesting it to be added.)

A few internet communication companies want to corrupt the internet by getting rid of net neutrality. Stop Them!
36 posts

Add the Backpack to the Offline Editor

when green flag clicked
if ken clicked then
36 posts

Add the Backpack to the Offline Editor

when green flag clicked
if then
500+ posts

Add the Backpack to the Offline Editor


when green flag clicked
if ken clicked then


when green flag clicked
if then
Please don't blockspam or post irreverently.

Last edited by neeb132 (Feb. 22, 2018 20:37:31)

1000+ posts

Add the Backpack to the Offline Editor

If someone using the offline editor needed to copy a script/costume multiple times, a backpack would make the process a whole lot easier.

Got to be good looking cause he's so hard to see -The Beatles

(Thank you @just-there from The Profile Picture Shop for the banner ^^)

Nothing's down here, sorry to disappoint you.

JK. there may be something down there…

Maybe not, tho.

You're determined, aren't you?

Talar du Svenska? Om inte, det ar fin.

Just stop it, will ya?

Fine, you win.

Take a rice cake. *yeets you a rice cake*
Say “Thanks for that rice cake, Kewpie!” if you made it this far.
11 posts

Add the Backpack to the Offline Editor

I think it's very useful for having several projects that all contain much of the same code, sprites, …etc. Otherwise you have to create a new sprite, move everything you want to copy over to it, upload/share/whatever-it's-called it, go to the other scratch project, load the sprite, and transfer everything you want over to where you want it. versus drag and drop, drag and drop,…MUCH more convenient. Even if you just transfer a sprite you already have everything within, you might still have to move all the bits of code from the sprite to the new sprite. If you are moving many pieces of code, that is a lot of dragging and dropping to transfer between sprite-to-sprite or background-to-sprite (and backgrounds' code can't be saved, as well,) which would be much simpler if you could have a backpack storage to move the code or costumes with. I think it might not be very useful for everyone, but it wouldn't get in the way for anyone else and it could be extremely helpful to some people.
500+ posts

Add the Backpack to the Offline Editor

Not sure how this could be done. Without internet you are unable to use the backpack feature, and because there is no online feature whatsoever of the offline editor, I'm not sure where you would even backpack from. But if you mean saving sprites and sounds in one place, that would make more sense.
1000+ posts

Add the Backpack to the Offline Editor

It does already exist, the file explorer already is a backpack since you could just save/load what you need.

No support.

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100+ posts

Add the Backpack to the Offline Editor

LuckyLucky7 wrote:

It does already exist, the file explorer already is a backpack since you could just save/load what you need.

No support.
10 posts

Add the Backpack to the Offline Editor

I can try to make an external program that functions sort of like it, but I can't promise I can finish it.
Although already I know how I would do it.
So this will be my plan:
repeat until <program done>
work on program
if <program fails to work too many times> then
post fail message on this discussion
stop [all v]
if <program works> then
upload program
post message in this discussion with link & instructions

EDIT: I will start working tomorrow / this evening.

Last edited by timo123456 (June 28, 2018 11:49:37)

1 post

Add the Backpack to the Offline Editor

I hate the new update 3.0 i cant figure out how to download a GIF on my projects so i downloaded The offline 2.0 on my computer but i dont have my stuff that i need for animating
2 posts

Add the Backpack to the Offline Editor

KittensAC wrote:

Does anyone know how to add things to backpack?? just asking cause im new 8-D
there is a really smal tba thats called backpach right
then click it and drag script sound and costumes or sounds.
2 posts

Add the Backpack to the Offline Editor

play sound [ v]
play sound [ v]
play sound [ v]
play sound [ v]
play sound [ v]
play sound [ v]
play sound [ v]
play sound [ v]
play sound [ v]
play sound [ v]
play sound [ v]
play sound [ v]
play sound [ v]
100+ posts

Add the Backpack to the Offline Editor

im1goku2 wrote:

play sound [ v]
play sound [ v]
play sound [ v]
play sound [ v]
play sound [ v]
play sound [ v]
play sound [ v]
play sound [ v]
play sound [ v]
play sound [ v]
play sound [ v]
play sound [ v]
play sound [ v]
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2 posts

Add the Backpack to the Offline Editor

when green flag clicked
say [I agree!] for (2) secs

Last edited by Gamingwithcole1011 (May 19, 2019 19:35:25)

16 posts

Add the Backpack to the Offline Editor

cobraguy wrote:

stampcollector wrote:

if <key [ space] pressed?> then


change x by (10)
Please don't block spam.


say <Yes add the backpack and this is my first time typing in scratch>

Follow me @Prestongamez THANK YOU
16 posts

Add the Backpack to the Offline Editor

when green flag clicked
say for (2) secs

Follow me @Prestongamez THANK YOU
100+ posts

Add the Backpack to the Offline Editor

Prestongamez wrote:

when green flag clicked
say for (2) secs

Please don't necropost (post in old topics without bumping them).

Last edited by -PhoenixAnimates- (June 23, 2020 04:23:16)

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