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I made a gamepad extension (SB2/SBX only)

Garamol56's Gamepad Extension

So, recently I was making a clone of Super Mario Bros for the NES, and I wanted to be able to control the game with my wired xbox 360 controller. I looked on this forum and found a gamepad extension, but that only gave 2 state values for L stick and R stick positions, and things were named confusingly. So I decided to create a new one.

Current Version: v1.4


<[(Buttons) v] is pressed?::extension> // Returns true if the selected button is pressed.
When [(Buttons) v] is pressed::hat extension // Run code when a button is pressed.
([(Left/Right) v] stick [(HV) v] position::extension) // Return the amount that the specified stick is pushed in a direction (-100% = -1, 100% = 1)
([(Left/Right) v] stick [(HVB) v] direction::extension) // Return a plaintext value containing the direction (Up/Down/Left/Right/Up Right etc..)
<[(Left/Right) v] stick is facing [(Direction) v]::extension> // Return true if the specified stick is facing a certain direction
When [(Left/Right) v] stick is facing [(Direction) v]::hat extension // Run code when a specified stick is facing a certain direction
([(Left/Right) v] stick [(AEFE) v]::extension) // Return the angle or force of a specified stick

Menus for dropdowns:
Left/Right: Left, Right
HVB: Horizontal, Vertical, Both
HV: Horizontal, Vertical
Direction: Up, Down, Left, Right, Up Left, Up Right, Down Left, Down Right
AEFE: Angle, Force

Planned Blocks:

([(Button) v] press time::extension) // Return the amount of time a specified button has been pressed for


!function(e){e._shutdown=function(){};const t="ongamepadconnected"in window,s={};function a(e){s[e.index]=e}window.addEventListener("gamepadconnected",function(e){a(e.gamepad)}),window.addEventListener("gamepaddisconnected",function(e){!function(e){delete s[e.index]}(e.gamepad)}),t||setInterval(function(){for(var e=navigator.getGamepads?navigator.getGamepads():navigator.webkitGetGamepads?navigator.webkitGetGamepads():[],t=0;t<e.length;t++)e[t]&&(e[t].index in s?s[e[t].index]=e[t]:a(e[t]))},1),e._getStatus=(()=>({status:2,msg:"Ready"})),e.aefe=function(e,t){x=s[0].axes["Left"===e?0:2],y=-s[0].axes["Left"===e?1:5];const a=8e3/32767;return-a<x&&x<a&&(x=0),-a<y&&y<a&&(y=0),"Angle"===t?value=180*Math.atan2(x,y)/Math.PI:Math.sqrt(x*x+y*y)},e.ispressed=(e=>s[0].buttons[["A","B","X","Y","LB","RB","LT","RT","SELECT","START","LEFT STICK","RIGHT STICK"].indexOf(e)].pressed),e.stickpos=((e,t)=>s[0].axes[["LeftHorizontal","LeftVertical","RightHorizontal","","","RightVertical"].indexOf(e+t)]),e.stickfacing=function(e,t){let a="";const n="Vertical"===t||"Both"===t,i="Horizontal"===t||"Both"===t;return"Left"===e?(n&&(s[0].axes[1]<-.5?a+="Up ":s[0].axes[1]>.5&&(a+="Down ")),i&&(s[0].axes[0]<-.5?a+="Left":s[0].axes[0]>.5&&(a+="Right"))):(n&&(s[0].axes[5]<-.5?a+="Up ":s[0].axes[5]>.5&&(a+="Down ")),i&&(s[0].axes[2]<-.5?a+="Left":s[0].axes[2]>.5&&(a+="Right"))),a},e.stickis=function(e,t){if("Left"===e)switch(t){case"Up":return s[0].axes[1]<-.5;case"Down":return s[0].axes[1]>.5;case"Left":return s[0].axes[0]<-.5;case"Right":return s[0].axes[0]>.5;case"Up Left":return s[0].axes[1]<-.5&&s[0].axes[0]<-.5;case"Up Right":return s[0].axes[1]<-.5&&s[0].axes[0]>.5;case"Down Left":return s[0].axes[1]>.5&&s[0].axes[0]<-.5;case"Down Right":return s[0].axes[1]>.5&&s[0].axes[0]>.5}else switch(t){case"Up":return s[0].axes[5]<-.5;case"Down":return s[0].axes[5]>.5;case"Left":return s[0].axes[2]<-.5;case"Right":return s[0].axes[2]>.5;case"Up Left":return s[0].axes[5]<-.5&&s[0].axes[2]<-.5;case"Up Right":return s[0].axes[5]<-.5&&s[0].axes[2]>.5;case"Down Left":return s[0].axes[5]>.5&&s[0].axes[2]<-.5;case"Down Right":return s[0].axes[5]>.5&&s[0].axes[2]>.5}},ScratchExtensions.register("Gamepad",{blocks:[["b","%m.buttons is pressed?","ispressed","A"],["h","When %m.buttons is pressed","ispressed","A"],["r","%m.lr stick %m.hv position","stickpos","Left","Horizontal"],["r","%m.lr stick %m.hvb direction","stickfacing","Left","Both"],["b","%m.lr stick is facing %m.dir?","stickis","Left","Up"],["h","When %m.lr stick is facing %m.dir","stickis","Left","Up"],["r","%m.lr stick %m.aefe","aefe","Left","Angle"]],menus:{buttons:["Y","B","A","X","LB","RB","LT","RT","SELECT","START","LEFT STICK","RIGHT STICK"],lr:["Left","Right"],hv:["Horizontal","Vertical"],hvb:["Horizontal","Vertical","Both"],dir:["Up","Down","Left","Right","Up Left","Up Right","Down Left","Down Right"],aefe:["Angle","Force"]}},e)}({});

(function(ext) {
    ext._shutdown = function() {};
	const haveEvents = "ongamepadconnected" in window,
		  controllers = {};
	function connecthandler(e) {
		addgamepad(e.gamepad); // Add the controller to the controllers object
	function addgamepad(e) {
		controllers[e.index] = e; // Add the controller to the controllers array
	function disconnecthandler(e) {
		removegamepad(e.gamepad); // Handle Disconnects
	function removegamepad(e) {
		delete controllers[e.index]; // Remove controllers when they are disconnected
	function scangamepads() {
		for (var e = navigator.getGamepads ? navigator.getGamepads() : navigator.webkitGetGamepads ? navigator.webkitGetGamepads() : [], n = 0; n < e.length; n++) e[n] && (e[n].index in controllers ? (controllers[e[n].index] = e[n]) : addgamepad(e[n]));
	window.addEventListener("gamepadconnected", connecthandler);
	window.addEventListener("gamepaddisconnected", disconnecthandler);
	haveEvents || setInterval(scangamepads, 1); // When the controller is detected, enable the extension
	ext._getStatus = () => ({
		status: 2,
		msg: "Ready"
	ext.aefe = function(stick, af) {
		// Return the force or angle of a specified stick
		x = controllers[0].axes[stick === "Left" ? 0 : 2];
		y = -controllers[0].axes[stick === "Left" ? 1 : 5];
		const ni = 8000 / 32767; // Deadzone
		if (-ni < x && x < ni) x = 0;
		if (-ni < y && y < ni) y = 0;
		return af === "Angle" ? (value = 180 * Math.atan2(x, y) / Math.PI) : Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y);
	// Return if the user is pressing the button given to the function
	ext.ispressed = button => controllers[0].buttons[["A", "B", "X", "Y", "LB", "RB", "LT", "RT", "SELECT", "START", "LEFT STICK", "RIGHT STICK"].indexOf(button)].pressed;
	// Return the value of the axes for the stick and the direction specified
	ext.stickpos = (stick, axis) => controllers[0].axes[["LeftHorizontal", "LeftVertical", "RightHorizontal", "", "", "RightVertical"].indexOf(stick + axis)];
	ext.stickfacing = function(stick, axis) {
		// Return a string representation of the direction of the given control stick
		let output = "";
		const veritcal = axis === "Vertical" || axis === "Both",
			horizontal = axis === "Horizontal" || axis === "Both";
		if (stick === "Left") {
			if (veritcal) {
				if (controllers[0].axes[1] < -0.5) output += "Up ";
				else if (controllers[0].axes[1] > 0.5) output += "Down ";
			if (horizontal) {
				if (controllers[0].axes[0] < -0.5) output += "Left";
				else if (controllers[0].axes[0] > 0.5) output += "Right";
		} else {
			if (veritcal) {
				if (controllers[0].axes[5] < -0.5) output += "Up ";
				else if (controllers[0].axes[5] > 0.5) output += "Down ";
			if (horizontal) {
				if (controllers[0].axes[2] < -0.5) output += "Left";
				else if (controllers[0].axes[2] > 0.5) output += "Right";
		return output;
	ext.stickis = function(stick, direction) {
		// Return true or false depending on if the specified stick is facing a direction
		if (stick === "Left") {
			switch (direction) {
				case "Up": return controllers[0].axes[1] < -0.5;
				case "Down": return controllers[0].axes[1] > 0.5;
				case "Left": return controllers[0].axes[0] < -0.5;
				case "Right": return controllers[0].axes[0] > 0.5;
				case "Up Left": return controllers[0].axes[1] < -0.5 && controllers[0].axes[0] < -0.5;
				case "Up Right": return controllers[0].axes[1] < -0.5 && controllers[0].axes[0] > 0.5;
				case "Down Left": return controllers[0].axes[1] > 0.5 && controllers[0].axes[0] < -0.5;
				case "Down Right": return controllers[0].axes[1] > 0.5 && controllers[0].axes[0] > 0.5;
		} else {
			switch (direction) {
				case "Up": return controllers[0].axes[5] < -0.5;
				case "Down": return controllers[0].axes[5] > 0.5;
				case "Left": return controllers[0].axes[2] < -0.5;
				case "Right": return controllers[0].axes[2] > 0.5;
				case "Up Left": return controllers[0].axes[5] < -0.5 && controllers[0].axes[2] < -0.5;
				case "Up Right": return controllers[0].axes[5] < -0.5 && controllers[0].axes[2] > 0.5;
				case "Down Left": return controllers[0].axes[5] > 0.5 && controllers[0].axes[2] < -0.5;
				case "Down Right": return controllers[0].axes[5] > 0.5 && controllers[0].axes[2] > 0.5;
	ScratchExtensions.register("Gamepad", {
		blocks: [
            ["b", "%m.buttons is pressed?", "ispressed", "A"],
            ["h", "When %m.buttons is pressed", "ispressed", "A"],
            ["r", "%m.lr stick %m.hv position", "stickpos", "Left", "Horizontal"],
            ["r", "%m.lr stick %m.hvb direction", "stickfacing", "Left", "Both"],
            ["b", "%m.lr stick is facing %m.dir?", "stickis", "Left", "Up"],
            ["h", "When %m.lr stick is facing %m.dir", "stickis", "Left", "Up"],
            ["r", "%m.lr stick %m.aefe", "aefe", "Left", "Angle"]
        ], menus: {
			buttons: ["Y", "B", "A", "X", "LB", "RB", "LT", "RT", "SELECT", "START", "LEFT STICK", "RIGHT STICK"],
			lr: ["Left", "Right"],
			hv: ["Horizontal", "Vertical"],
			hvb: ["Horizontal", "Vertical", "Both"],
			dir: ["Up", "Down", "Left", "Right", "Up Left", "Up Right", "Down Left", "Down Right"],
			aefe: ["Angle", "Force"]
	}, ext); // Register the extension so scratch can use it

Credit to Alyssa Rosenzweig for the force/angle function and deadzone

Last edited by Garamol56 (May 4, 2021 17:16:35)

Current Posts: 266
Code to find my posts: Z2FyYW1vbDU2
Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere - Albert Einstein
100+ posts

I made a gamepad extension (SB2/SBX only)


Current Posts: 266
Code to find my posts: Z2FyYW1vbDU2
Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere - Albert Einstein
100+ posts

I made a gamepad extension (SB2/SBX only)

Does anyone have any suggestions for version 1.4?

Current Posts: 266
Code to find my posts: Z2FyYW1vbDU2
Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere - Albert Einstein
18 posts

I made a gamepad extension (SB2/SBX only)

Garamol56 wrote:

Does anyone have any suggestions for version 1.4?
I honestley expected Wii U Gamepad for this, so maybe also implement that?
100+ posts

I made a gamepad extension (SB2/SBX only)

cat1554 wrote:

Garamol56 wrote:

Does anyone have any suggestions for version 1.4?
I honestley expected Wii U Gamepad for this, so maybe also implement that?
I don't actually own a WIi U, so it'd be quite hard to make.

Current Posts: 266
Code to find my posts: Z2FyYW1vbDU2
Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere - Albert Einstein
79 posts

I made a gamepad extension (SB2/SBX only)

Garamol56 wrote:

cat1554 wrote:

Garamol56 wrote:

Does anyone have any suggestions for version 1.4?
I honestley expected Wii U Gamepad for this, so maybe also implement that?
I don't actually own a WIi U, so it'd be quite hard to make.
Try WiinUPro. It is Windows exclusive, but you can use it to map Wii U Pro Controller buttons to Xbox, keyboard, mouse and joystick inputs. However, if you want to use Xbox controllers with it, you need to download the SCP Driver, as otherwise you can't trick Windows into thinking your Wii U controller is an Xbox controller. There is also a lighter version of it which comes with the SCP driver but only supports mapping to Xbox controls called WiinUSoft.

The more you nag for it, the less likely it is to happen.

24 posts

I made a gamepad extension (SB2/SBX only)

dragon0307 wrote:

Garamol56 wrote:

cat1554 wrote:

Garamol56 wrote:

Does anyone have any suggestions for version 1.4?
I honestley expected Wii U Gamepad for this, so maybe also implement that?
I don't actually own a WIi U, so it'd be quite hard to make.
Try WiinUPro. It is Windows exclusive, but you can use it to map Wii U Pro Controller buttons to Xbox, keyboard, mouse and joystick inputs. However, if you want to use Xbox controllers with it, you need to download the SCP Driver, as otherwise you can't trick Windows into thinking your Wii U controller is an Xbox controller. There is also a lighter version of it which comes with the SCP driver but only supports mapping to Xbox controls called WiinUSoft.
I Tried Wiin U Pro It Wouldnt Work For Me
24 posts

I made a gamepad extension (SB2/SBX only)

24 posts

I made a gamepad extension (SB2/SBX only)

dragon0307 wrote:

Garamol56 wrote:

cat1554 wrote:

Garamol56 wrote:

Does anyone have any suggestions for version 1.4?
I honestley expected Wii U Gamepad for this, so maybe also implement that?
I don't actually own a WIi U, so it'd be quite hard to make.
Try WiinUPro. It is Windows exclusive, but you can use it to map Wii U Pro Controller buttons to Xbox, keyboard, mouse and joystick inputs. However, if you want to use Xbox controllers with it, you need to download the SCP Driver, as otherwise you can't trick Windows into thinking your Wii U controller is an Xbox controller. There is also a lighter version of it which comes with the SCP driver but only supports mapping to Xbox controls called WiinUSoft.
Have You Tryed It Before If You Put It In A Game So I Can Test It
100+ posts

I made a gamepad extension (SB2/SBX only)

I'm not going to be adding support for Wii U. If you need it, contact someone else

Last edited by Garamol56 (April 17, 2019 16:54:59)

Current Posts: 266
Code to find my posts: Z2FyYW1vbDU2
Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere - Albert Einstein
100+ posts

I made a gamepad extension (SB2/SBX only)


Current Posts: 266
Code to find my posts: Z2FyYW1vbDU2
Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere - Albert Einstein
100+ posts

I made a gamepad extension (SB2/SBX only)


Current Posts: 266
Code to find my posts: Z2FyYW1vbDU2
Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere - Albert Einstein
36 posts

I made a gamepad extension (SB2/SBX only)

so…how to use code?

“Heluim is inert, it does not react to anything. This makes it perfect to help create a safe atmosphere for welding.” & “Atomic Number: 2; Formula: He; Atomic Weight: 4.002602; State at 20° C: gas; Boiling point: -268.928° C; Melting point: unknown; % in the Universe: 23; % in the Earth's crust: 0.00000055; % in Earths's oceans: 0.00000000072; % in humans: none.”
–The Periodic Table by Sean Callery and Miranda Smith

59 posts

I made a gamepad extension (SB2/SBX only)

Garamol56 wrote:

Garamol56's Gamepad Extension

So, recently I was making a clone of Super Mario Bros for the NES, and I wanted to be able to control the game with my wired xbox 360 controller. I looked on this forum and found a gamepad extension, but that only gave 2 state values for L stick and R stick positions, and things were named confusingly. So I decided to create a new one.

Current Version: v1.3


<[(Buttons) v] is pressed?::extension> // Returns true if the selected button is pressed.
When [(Buttons) v] is pressed::hat extension // Run code when a button is pressed.
([(Left/Right) v] stick [(HV) v] position::extension) // Return the amount that the specified stick is pushed in a direction (-100% = -1, 100% = 1)
([(Left/Right) v] stick [(HVB) v] direction::extension) // Return a plaintext value containing the direction (Up/Down/Left/Right/Up Right etc..)
<[(Left/Right) v] stick is facing [(Direction) v]::extension> // Return true if the specified stick is facing a certain direction
When [(Left/Right) v] stick is facing [(Direction) v]::hat extension // Run code when a specified stick is facing a certain direction
([(Left/Right) v] stick [(AEFE) v]::extension) // Return the angle or force of a specified stick

Menus for dropdowns:
Left/Right: Left, Right
HVB: Horizontal, Vertical, Both
HV: Horizontal, Vertical
Direction: Up, Down, Left, Right, Up Left, Up Right, Down Left, Down Right
AEFE: Angle, Force

Planned Blocks:

([(Button) v] press time::extension) // Return the amount of time a specified button has been pressed for


!function(e){e._shutdown=function(){};var t="ongamepadconnected"in window,i={};function n(e){i[e.index]=e}function a(){for(var e=navigator.getGamepads?navigator.getGamepads():navigator.webkitGetGamepads?navigator.webkitGetGamepads():[],t=0;t<e.length;t++)e[t]&&(e[t].index in i?i[e[t].index]=e[t]:n(e[t]))}window.addEventListener("gamepadconnected",function(e){n(e.gamepad)}),window.addEventListener("gamepaddisconnected",function(e){!function(e){delete i[e.index]}(e.gamepad)}),t||setInterval(a,1),e._getStatus=function(){return{status:2,msg:"Ready"}};var s=8e3/32767;e.aefe=function(e,t){switch(e){case"Left":x=i[0].axes[0],y=-i[0].axes[1];break;case"Right":x=i[0].axes[2],y=-i[0].axes[5]}switch(-s<x&&x<s&&(x=0),-s<y&&y<s&&(y=0),t){case"Angle":return value=180*Math.atan2(x,y)/Math.PI;case"Force":return Math.sqrt(x*x+y*y)}},e.ispressed=function(e){return i[0].buttons[["Y","B","A","X","LB","RB","LT","RT","SELECT","START","LEFT STICK","RIGHT STICK"].indexOf(e)].pressed},e.stickpos=function(e,t){return i[0].axes[["LeftHorizontal","LeftVertical","RightHorizontal","","","RightVertical"].indexOf(e+t)]},e.stickfacing=function(e,t){let n="";return"Left"==e&&("Both"!=t&&"Vertical"!=t||(i[0].axes[1]<-.5?n+="Up ":i[0].axes[1]>.5&&(n+="Down ")),"Both"!=t&&"Horizontal"!=t||(i[0].axes[0]<-.5?n+="Left":i[0].axes[0]>.5&&(n+="Right"))),"Right"==e&&("Both"!=t&&"Vertical"!=t||(i[0].axes[5]<-.5?n+="Up ":i[0].axes[5]>.5&&(n+="Down ")),"Both"!=t&&"Horizontal"!=t||(i[0].axes[2]<-.5?n+="Left":i[0].axes[2]>.5&&(n+="Right"))),n},e.stickis=function(e,t){if("Left"==e){if("Up"==t)return i[0].axes[1]<-.5;if("Down"==t)return i[0].axes[1]>.5;if("Left"==t)return i[0].axes[0]<-.5;if("Right"==t)return i[0].axes[0]>.5;if("Up Left"==t)return i[0].axes[1]<-.5&&i[0].axes[0]<-.5;if("Up Right"==t)return i[0].axes[1]<-.5&&i[0].axes[0]>.5;if("Down Left"==t)return i[0].axes[1]>.5&&i[0].axes[0]<-.5;if("Down Right"==t)return i[0].axes[1]>.5&&i[0].axes[0]>.5}if("Left"==e){if("Up"==t)return i[0].axes[5]<-.5;if("Down"==t)return i[0].axes[5]>.5;if("Left"==t)return i[0].axes[2]<-.5;if("Right"==t)return i[0].axes[2]>.5;if("Up Left"==t)return i[0].axes[5]<-.5&&i[0].axes[2]<-.5;if("Up Right"==t)return i[0].axes[5]<-.5&&i[0].axes[2]>.5;if("Down Left"==t)return i[0].axes[5]>.5&&i[0].axes[2]<-.5;if("Down Right"==t)return i[0].axes[5]>.5&&i[0].axes[2]>.5}};ScratchExtensions.register("Gamepad",{blocks:[["b","%m.buttons is pressed?","ispressed","A"],["h","When %m.buttons is pressed","ispressed","A"],["r","%m.lr stick %m.hv position","stickpos","Left","Horizontal"],["r","%m.lr stick %m.hvb direction","stickfacing","Left","Both"],["b","%m.lr stick is facing %m.dir?","stickis","Left","Up"],["h","When %m.lr stick is facing %m.dir","stickis","Left","Up"],["r","%m.lr stick %m.aefe","aefe","Left","Angle"]],menus:{buttons:["Y","B","A","X","LB","RB","LT","RT","SELECT","START","LEFT STICK","RIGHT STICK"],lr:["Left","Right"],hv:["Horizontal","Vertical"],hvb:["Horizontal","Vertical","Both"],dir:["Up","Down","Left","Right","Up Left","Up Right","Down Left","Down Right"],aefe:["Angle","Force"]}},e)}({});

(function(ext) {
ext._shutdown = function() {};
var haveEvents = "ongamepadconnected" in window,
controllers = {};

function connecthandler(e) {
addgamepad(e.gamepad) // Add the controller to the "controllers" object

function addgamepad(e) {
controllers[e.index] = e // Add the controller to the "controllers" object

function disconnecthandler(e) {
removegamepad(e.gamepad) // Handle Disconnects

function removegamepad(e) {
delete controllers[e.index] // Remove controllers when disconnected

function updateStatus() {
haveEvents || scangamepads(), requestAnimationFrame(updateStatus) // Update the controller values

function scangamepads() {
for (var e = navigator.getGamepads ? navigator.getGamepads() : navigator.webkitGetGamepads ? navigator.webkitGetGamepads() : [], n = 0; n < e.length; n++) e[n] && (e[n].index in controllers ? controllers[e[n].index] = e[n] : addgamepad(e[n]))
window.addEventListener("gamepadconnected", connecthandler), window.addEventListener("gamepaddisconnected", disconnecthandler), haveEvents || setInterval(scangamepads, 1); // When the controller is detected, enable the extension
ext._getStatus = function() {
return {
status: 2,
msg: 'Ready'

var ni = 8000 / 32767; // Deadzone

ext.aefe = function(s,af) { // Return the force or angle of a specified stick
var xp, yp;
switch (s) {
case "Left":
x = controllers[0].axes[0];
y = -controllers[0].axes[1];
case "Right":
x = controllers[0].axes[2];
y = -controllers[0].axes[5];
if (-ni < x && x < ni) x = 0;
if (-ni < y && y < ni) y = 0;
switch(af) {
case "Angle":
return(value = 180 * Math.atan2(x, y) / Math.PI);

case "Force":
return Math.sqrt(x*x + y*y);

ext.ispressed = function(b) {
return (controllers[0].buttons[["Y", "B", "A", "X", "LB", "RB", "LT", "RT", "SELECT", "START", "LEFT STICK", "RIGHT STICK"].indexOf(b)].pressed); // Return if the user is pressing the button given to the function

ext.stickpos = function(s, hv) {
return (controllers[0].axes[(["LeftHorizontal", "LeftVertical", "RightHorizontal", "", "", "RightVertical"].indexOf(s + hv))]); // Return the value of the axes for the stick and the direction specified

ext.stickfacing = function(s, hvb) { // Return a plaintext direction for a control stick
let output = "";
if (s == "Left") {
if (hvb == "Both" || hvb == "Vertical") {
if (controllers[0].axes[1] < -.5) {
output += "Up "
} else if (controllers[0].axes[1] > .5) {
output += "Down "
if (hvb == "Both" || hvb == "Horizontal") {
if (controllers[0].axes[0] < -.5) {
output += "Left"
} else if (controllers[0].axes[0] > .5) {
output += "Right"

if (s == "Right") {
if (hvb == "Both" || hvb == "Vertical") {
if (controllers[0].axes[5] < -.5) {
output += "Up "
} else if (controllers[0].axes[5] > .5) {
output += "Down "
if (hvb == "Both" || hvb == "Horizontal") {
if (controllers[0].axes[2] < -.5) {
output += "Left"
} else if (controllers[0].axes[2] > .5) {
output += "Right"
return (output);

ext.stickis = function(s, dir) { // Return true or false depending on if the specified stick is facing a direction
if (s == "Left") {
if (dir == "Up") {
return (controllers[0].axes[1] < -.5)
if (dir == "Down") {
return (controllers[0].axes[1] > .5)
if (dir == "Left") {
return (controllers[0].axes[0] < -.5)
if (dir == "Right") {
return (controllers[0].axes[0] > .5)
if (dir == "Up Left") {
return (controllers[0].axes[1] < -.5 && (controllers[0].axes[0] < -.5))
if (dir == "Up Right") {
return (controllers[0].axes[1] < -.5 && (controllers[0].axes[0] > .5))
if (dir == "Down Left") {
return (controllers[0].axes[1] > .5 && (controllers[0].axes[0] < -.5))
if (dir == "Down Right") {
return (controllers[0].axes[1] > .5 && (controllers[0].axes[0] > .5))
if (s == "Left") {
if (dir == "Up") {
return (controllers[0].axes[5] < -.5)
if (dir == "Down") {
return (controllers[0].axes[5] > .5)
if (dir == "Left") {
return (controllers[0].axes[2] < -.5)
if (dir == "Right") {
return (controllers[0].axes[2] > .5)
if (dir == "Up Left") {
return (controllers[0].axes[5] < -.5 && (controllers[0].axes[2] < -.5))
if (dir == "Up Right") {
return (controllers[0].axes[5] < -.5 && (controllers[0].axes[2] > .5))
if (dir == "Down Left") {
return (controllers[0].axes[5] > .5 && (controllers[0].axes[2] < -.5))
if (dir == "Down Right") {
return (controllers[0].axes[5] > .5 && (controllers[0].axes[2] > .5))


var descriptor = {
blocks: [
['b', '%m.buttons is pressed?', 'ispressed', "A"],
['h', 'When %m.buttons is pressed', 'ispressed', "A"],
['r', '%m.lr stick %m.hv position', 'stickpos', "Left", "Horizontal"],
['r', '%m.lr stick %m.hvb direction', 'stickfacing', "Left", "Both"],
['b', '%m.lr stick is facing %m.dir?', 'stickis', "Left", "Up"],
['h', 'When %m.lr stick is facing %m.dir', 'stickis', "Left", "Up"],
['r', '%m.lr stick %m.aefe', 'aefe', 'Left', "Angle"],
menus: {
buttons: ["Y", "B", "A", "X", "LB", "RB", "LT", "RT", "SELECT", "START", "LEFT STICK", "RIGHT STICK"],
lr: ["Left", "Right"],
hv: ["Horizontal", "Vertical"],
hvb: ["Horizontal", "Vertical", "Both"],
dir: ["Up", "Down", "Left", "Right", "Up Left", "Up Right", "Down Left", "Down Right"],
aefe: ["Angle", "Force"]

ScratchExtensions.register('Gamepad', descriptor, ext); // Register the extension so scratch can use it

Credit to Alyssa Rosenzweig for the force/angle function and deadzone

That would be awesome! Sadly I don’t know what ST will think of it

Swiftz, your one stop shop for all your art, programming, advertising and more needs!

100+ posts

I made a gamepad extension (SB2/SBX only)

lktornado360 wrote:

so…how to use code?
There's essentially no reason to use this code, as you can't share projects using it and it only works on scratchX

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Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere - Albert Einstein
36 posts

I made a gamepad extension (SB2/SBX only)

Well how do you use it on ScratchX?

“Heluim is inert, it does not react to anything. This makes it perfect to help create a safe atmosphere for welding.” & “Atomic Number: 2; Formula: He; Atomic Weight: 4.002602; State at 20° C: gas; Boiling point: -268.928° C; Melting point: unknown; % in the Universe: 23; % in the Earth's crust: 0.00000055; % in Earths's oceans: 0.00000000072; % in humans: none.”
–The Periodic Table by Sean Callery and Miranda Smith

30 posts

I made a gamepad extension (SB2/SBX only)

i want to use it (does it work with xbox 1 controller)
36 posts

I made a gamepad extension (SB2/SBX only)

superman32123 wrote:

i want to use it (does it work with xbox 1 controller)
If it has USB, yes it works. Just press those three dots at the top-right of the screen in ScratchX, press More Tools, press Developer Tools, press Console, and paste in
!function(e){e._shutdown=function(){};var t=“ongamepadconnected”in window,i={};function n(e){i=e}function a(){for(var e=navigator.getGamepads?navigator.getGamepads():navigator.webkitGetGamepads?navigator.webkitGetGamepads():,t=0;t<e.length;t++)e&&(e.index in i?i[e.index]=e:n(e))}window.addEventListener(“gamepadconnected”,function(e){n(e.gamepad)}),window.addEventListener(“gamepaddisconnected”,function(e){!function(e){delete i}(e.gamepad)}),t||setInterval(a,1),e._getStatus=function(){return{status:2,msg:“Ready”}};var s=8e3/32767;e.aefe=function(e,t){switch(e){case“Left”:x=i.axes,y=-i.axes;break;case“Right”:x=i.axes,y=-i.axes}switch(-s<x&&x<s&&(x=0),-s<y&&y<s&&(y=0),t){case“Angle”:return value=180*Math.atan2(x,y)/Math.PI;case“Force”:return Math.sqrt(x*x+y*y)}},e.ispressed=function(e){return i.buttons[.indexOf(e)].pressed},e.stickpos=function(e,t){return i.axes[.indexOf(e+t)]},e.stickfacing=function(e,t){let n=“”;return“Left”==e&&(“Both”!=t&&“Vertical”!=t||(i.axes<-.5?n+=“Up ”:i.axes>.5&&(n+=“Down ”)),“Both”!=t&&“Horizontal”!=t||(i.axes<-.5?n+=“Left”:i.axes>.5&&(n+=“Right”))),“Right”==e&&(“Both”!=t&&“Vertical”!=t||(i.axes<-.5?n+=“Up ”:i.axes>.5&&(n+=“Down ”)),“Both”!=t&&“Horizontal”!=t||(i.axes<-.5?n+=“Left”:i.axes>.5&&(n+=“Right”))),n},e.stickis=function(e,t){if(“Left”==e){if(“Up”==t)return i.axes<-.5;if(“Down”==t)return i.axes>.5;if(“Left”==t)return i.axes<-.5;if(“Right”==t)return i.axes>.5;if(“Up Left”==t)return i.axes<-.5&&i.axes<-.5;if(“Up Right”==t)return i.axes<-.5&&i.axes>.5;if(“Down Left”==t)return i.axes>.5&&i.axes<-.5;if(“Down Right”==t)return i.axes>.5&&i.axes>.5}if(“Left”==e){if(“Up”==t)return i.axes<-.5;if(“Down”==t)return i.axes>.5;if(“Left”==t)return i.axes<-.5;if(“Right”==t)return i.axes>.5;if(“Up Left”==t)return i.axes<-.5&&i.axes<-.5;if(“Up Right”==t)return i.axes<-.5&&i.axes>.5;if(“Down Left”==t)return i.axes>.5&&i.axes<-.5;if(“Down Right”==t)return i.axes>.5&&i.axes>.5}};ScratchExtensions.register(“Gamepad”,{blocks:[,,,,,,],menus:{buttons:,lr:,hv:,hvb:,dir:,aefe:}},e)}({});

“Heluim is inert, it does not react to anything. This makes it perfect to help create a safe atmosphere for welding.” & “Atomic Number: 2; Formula: He; Atomic Weight: 4.002602; State at 20° C: gas; Boiling point: -268.928° C; Melting point: unknown; % in the Universe: 23; % in the Earth's crust: 0.00000055; % in Earths's oceans: 0.00000000072; % in humans: none.”
–The Periodic Table by Sean Callery and Miranda Smith

36 posts

I made a gamepad extension (SB2/SBX only)

and press enter

“Heluim is inert, it does not react to anything. This makes it perfect to help create a safe atmosphere for welding.” & “Atomic Number: 2; Formula: He; Atomic Weight: 4.002602; State at 20° C: gas; Boiling point: -268.928° C; Melting point: unknown; % in the Universe: 23; % in the Earth's crust: 0.00000055; % in Earths's oceans: 0.00000000072; % in humans: none.”
–The Periodic Table by Sean Callery and Miranda Smith

500+ posts

I made a gamepad extension (SB2/SBX only)

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Last edited by JackK211424 (July 29, 2019 16:24:55)

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