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100+ posts

Royalty free image bank and Copyright

Hi folks,
3 questions today.

1/ Is there a section or something to make the transition between Scratch and a higher-level program (as Scratch Byob or something else) easier?h
Is there not, it would be good in the future (not now because I know the Scratch team is overbusy with the new Scratch)
Because some good scratchers get bored after a while because they have made everything with Scratch, but they still need to learn and don't know how to evolve further.

2/ What about to add a meta info within the images, by example, I borrow an image from another project and another from another one, if you go inside my project, you could see a tag saying “from ***'s project” or “made by ***”

In addition to this it would be really great to have the ability to search within a free and royalties-free images bank, it would avoid a lot of copyritght infringement. There is Google Advanced Image Search, by example, you could use with the option “search images with modification and allowed re-use”.
But I think there should be this kind of feature (with Flickr or other any other bank) within Scratch!
1000+ posts

Royalty free image bank and Copyright

1) You could try Stencyl. It has block-coding like Scratch, but you can also code by typing at the same time.

2) That might be cool, but you could just put a comment on the sprite with the costume (right click an empty scripting area, click add comment)

3) There is no copyright infringement on Scratch as it's for educational purposes and stuff so we can use any image/sound file (http://scratch.mit.edu/DMCA/).

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