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500+ posts

Scratch 3.0 is going in the wrong direction

TailsDoll506 wrote:

_Portavia_ wrote:

Inkulumo wrote:

supermariofan153 wrote:

TailsDoll506 wrote:

Not to mention the god-awful sound GUI. They try to cram an entire sound into one screen, making it very difficult to work with, AND they took away the cursor that allows you to highlight sections. Meaning you have to duplicate multiple of the same file just to get an edited version.

It will definitely be much harder for artists, animators, or even programmers for a game to draw with. Not to mention, bitmap has this blurry look and it is misplaced to the point where you can still see cracks when drawing. Hopefully this gets polished and fixed. I personally think they are trying to hard to make this “easy” for youngsters but are not thinking about the older users. Whether that's how long they have been on scratch or age.
ms paint boys
But MS paint is AWFUL and not supported on macs.

Or linux users like me.
500+ posts

Scratch 3.0 is going in the wrong direction

cjvgamezpd wrote:

Takes a long time to load!
4 posts

Scratch 3.0 is going in the wrong direction

i feel like i am dying with this new scratch
i have a good computer and it still takes 500 years to load
51 posts

Scratch 3.0 is going in the wrong direction

Aseprite is a much better option for pixel art.

If you feel 3.0 has been a bad experience and you have a PS4 please have a look at Dreams.
1000+ posts

Scratch 3.0 is going in the wrong direction

Another thing to note is that GIF files can't be imported into Scratch 3
Also, has anyone experienced a couple of seconds of freezing every time the project saves? (which is very often)

bottom text
22 posts

Scratch 3.0 is going in the wrong direction

I have… many problems with Scratch 3! When I first saw the Scratch 3.0 editor beta in August, my first thoughts were not positive. Sure, sound editing is cool, and it seemed faster, but yesterday, when I tried to open Scratch to open a project… the Scratch 3.0 editor took over the Scratch 2.0 one and my first thought (and line of speech) was “Oh No.”

Then, when I tried to make a new project today… man. It's just unuseable. Here's a list of just 3 advantages I could find… VERSUS NINE DISADVANTAGES. These may just be my opinion, but I'm sure these problems are annoying for everyone who's used Scratch 2 for a long old time (Me, since 2015).

1. Faster loading times - one of the many problems with Scratch 2.0!
2. Increased array of sounds is nice.
3. Better sound and sprite editing tools!

1. Messed-up UI - the stage is now on the right and everything has been moved in odd ways, which is so confusing and annoying.
3. Graphics got a major downgrade - I can hardly freaking see the blocks.
4. You can't edit sounds anymore… umm…
5. Recording now takes freaking ages with the ‘new buttons’.
6. The Join + Unjoin buttons have been renamed to Group + Ungroup, which is annoying.
7. Plus, the backdrop and costume editor has been flipped on its head and shuffled to no end, too.
8. The bitmap editor still feels like bitmap, but the vector editor feels unfinished.
9. Scratch 3.0 won't run on Internet Explorer 11 anymore! What!? That's my main browser! I had to switch to Firefox!

Someone else must have ran into these problems too, right? I can't just be the only one, right?
So… I say… 2.0 is the best! Even good old 1.4, which is also really good, is better than… the major downgrade and unuseable mess that is 3.0.
I think… unless 3.0 is severely changed or scrapped entirely, I'll stick with the 2.0 offline editor, thanks!

Last edited by Freddy3000 (Jan. 3, 2019 20:10:43)

100+ posts

Scratch 3.0 is going in the wrong direction

I think 3.0 is actually pretty good

Last edited by qaz1550 (Jan. 15, 2019 22:50:26)

Hi, I'm @qaz1550,
another programmer who makes
fun games for the scratch community.

Go see my games here.
qaz1550 has:
6 internets
(y did i join that thing? XD)
500+ posts

Scratch 3.0 is going in the wrong direction

Freddy3000 wrote:

I have… many problems with Scratch 3! When I first saw the Scratch 3.0 editor beta in August, my first thoughts were not positive. Sure, sound editing is cool, and it seemed faster, but yesterday, when I tried to open Scratch to open a project… the Scratch 3.0 editor took over the Scratch 2.0 one and my first thought (and line of speech) was “Oh No.”

Then, when I tried to make a new project today… man. It's just unuseable. Here's a list of just 3 advantages I could find… VERSUS NINE DISADVANTAGES. These may just be my opinion, but I'm sure these problems are annoying for everyone who's used Scratch 2 for a long old time (Me, since 2015).

1. Faster loading times - one of the many problems with Scratch 2.0!
2. Increased array of sounds is nice.
3. Better sound and sprite editing tools!

1. Messed-up UI - the stage is now on the right and everything has been moved in odd ways, which is so confusing and annoying.
3. Graphics got a major downgrade - I can hardly freaking see the blocks.
4. You can't edit sounds anymore… umm…
5. Recording now takes freaking ages with the ‘new buttons’.
6. The Join + Unjoin buttons have been renamed to Group + Ungroup, which is annoying.
7. Plus, the backdrop and costume editor has been flipped on its head and shuffled to no end, too.
8. The bitmap editor still feels like bitmap, but the vector editor feels unfinished.
9. Scratch 3.0 won't run on Internet Explorer 11 anymore! What!? That's my main browser! I had to switch to Firefox!

Someone else must have ran into these problems too, right? I can't just be the only one, right?
So… I say… 2.0 is the best! Even good old 1.4, which is also really good, is better than… the major downgrade and unuseable mess that is 3.0.
I think… unless 3.0 is severely changed or scrapped entirely, I'll stick with the 2.0 offline editor, thanks!

1. Easy to get used to, took me 10 whole entire minutes.
2. They warned you!
3. Graphics are fine to me.*
4. You can.
5. Recording hardly even worked in 2.0 for me, taking longer > not working at all.
6. Groups are easier to understand.
7. External editor
8. External editor
9. Internet Explorer!? In 2019? HAHAHAHHAHAHA!!! Oh, why? Firefox has always been better than IE. Since Netscape, actually, everything has been better than IE.
* may you rest in peace, pixel perfect bitmap. godspeed.
1000+ posts

Scratch 3.0 is going in the wrong direction

Freddy3000 wrote:

9. Scratch 3.0 won't run on Internet Explorer 11 anymore! What!? That's my main browser! I had to switch to Firefox!

don't use internet explorer, kids

$(".box-head")[0].textContent = "committing AT crimes since $whenever"
1000+ posts

Scratch 3.0 is going in the wrong direction

MegaApuTurkUltra wrote:

Freddy3000 wrote:

9. Scratch 3.0 won't run on Internet Explorer 11 anymore! What!? That's my main browser! I had to switch to Firefox!

don't use internet explorer, kids
Seriously… it's 2019. Don't use IE.
Same goes for 2009.

Not here much, but sometimes I lurk.
God has a plan. He has a plan for everything, and everyone.
84 posts

Scratch 3.0 is going in the wrong direction

Quite a long time to save in the editor, and descriptions won't save until you share the project or something. This means I have to either keep a tab open for each of my stories or write it all down in one go.

oh boy i sure do love earthboudn
500+ posts

Scratch 3.0 is going in the wrong direction

I miss 2.0 i really can't find the duplicate button and you can't duplicate sprites idk

1000+ posts

Scratch 3.0 is going in the wrong direction

Pancakes2018 wrote:

I miss 2.0 i really can't find the duplicate button and you can't duplicate sprites idk
Ctrl-C and ctrl-V

Last edited by infinitytec (Jan. 4, 2019 21:10:13)

Not here much, but sometimes I lurk.
God has a plan. He has a plan for everything, and everyone.
34 posts

Scratch 3.0 is going in the wrong direction

__init__ wrote:

Note: I don't want to discredit any of the amazing work the ST has done - the project looks like it's going great so far, I just want to voice my opinion.

Scratch is currently undergoing a massive rewrite, in the whole new trendy cool-kids stack. HTML5, CSS, JS, some giant JS framework (in this case React) etc. The plus side is that Scratch will no longer run on Adobe Flash - a long outdated platform by now - but the elephant in the room is that this whole system is slow and super resource intensive.

I've seen people complaining about the performance of Scratch since I first joined the site. I haven't seen it getting any better. It's actually mostly gotten worse. I feel like this is a huge problem - you can't expect Scratchers to have top-notch computer hardware in order to program. Scratch is aimed at kids, many of whom will have computers with lower-end hardware. Which is why I find it pretty unreasonable that my CPU fan spins up like it's under a stress test when I open the Scratch 3.0 preview.

I mean, just look at this maybe-not-super-scientific comparison between a browser with only Scratch 2 open and a browser with only Scratch 3 open:

I have the exact same project loaded in both editors, with a couple sprites, scripts and sounds. Also, I don't normally use Chrome. I'm using it here because it's popular and many Scratchers are using it. This of course means that there are no extensions or anything interfering with the data. As a single webpage, that's a lot of memory usage.

This is pretty ridiculous. I mean, I know this is a beta product and there will probably be some performance improvements down the road, but you can only go so far with this kind of stack. It's a commonly accepted fact that React is slow and webapps eat a ton of RAM.

I think this is the wrong direction for Scratch to go in. Scratch should be an accessible platform for Scratchers in all situations, including those using lower-end hardware. Scratch should focus on optimization and running better on lower-end hardware, rather than the opposite.

Here are a few suggestions on how to improve performance:
  • Ditch React. It's regarded as slow across the board. Netflix UI engineers saw a 50% performance improvement when they got rid of it. I've never used React, so I don't know how hard this would be, but it seems like a thing that needs to be done.
  • Create a lightweight alternative desktop app. This could totally be a community project - I'm not sure if Whiskers is still a thing, but that was really cool. Anyone want to try their hand at this?
  • Make the Scratch 2.0 editor still available in case anyone wants to keep using it. Will the S2 and S3 file formats be compatible?
  • Test on lower-end hardware and make an effort to improve performance. I think performance, more than anything else, should be focused on in Scratch 3.

Any thoughts on this matter?

Absolutely it's bad!

"It's gonna be a good bad day to read Warriors Cats!
WingsofWARRIORSCAT45 is on the loose!!!
CAT IMMA KITTY CAT. #blicket #badships
I'm a proud Christian.

1000+ posts

Scratch 3.0 is going in the wrong direction

Freddy3000 wrote:

6. The Join + Unjoin buttons have been renamed to Group + Ungroup, which is annoying.
they're called group and ungroup in almost every program. this change is great for consistency

thisandagain pls explain
1000+ posts

Scratch 3.0 is going in the wrong direction

__init__ wrote:

Freddy3000 wrote:

6. The Join + Unjoin buttons have been renamed to Group + Ungroup, which is annoying.
they're called group and ungroup in almost every program. this change is great for consistency
Which is good.

Not here much, but sometimes I lurk.
God has a plan. He has a plan for everything, and everyone.
5 posts

Scratch 3.0 is going in the wrong direction

__init__ wrote:

Any thoughts on this matter?
I agree. I don't use scratch forums very much but this is important. Not only is Scratch 3 slower than Scratch 2, but it also has messed up many projects and even some of mine. Also, when you delete the variable it also deletes all uses of it. Scratch 2 should be able to be used online.

also, @__init__ did you get your name idea from python?
New Scratcher
1 post

Scratch 3.0 is going in the wrong direction

tbh i am having issues where i am trying to make a project all that happens is that it crashes the project but not my browser how????

this is my downside aboujt 3.0 gimmi tips to stop it?

1000+ posts

Scratch 3.0 is going in the wrong direction

TCD37 wrote:

tbh i am having issues where i am trying to make a project all that happens is that it crashes the project but not my browser how????

this is my downside aboujt 3.0 gimmi tips to stop it?

What browser/OS?

Not here much, but sometimes I lurk.
God has a plan. He has a plan for everything, and everyone.
3 posts

Scratch 3.0 is going in the wrong direction

I hate scratch 3.0 ):

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