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New to Scratch
70 posts


Hello fellow Scratchers! Sound-Nation is an idea I literally just came up with. Basically, although there are many excellent projects out there with awesome graphics, there are less projects with high quality sound - if any sound at all. So, my idea is to make games with simplistic graphics, but high quality audio (Noises, music etc…). There will be “Nations”, which work on different things. For example: “MusicNation”, or “GraphicsNation”.

To sign up, you must fill out a form as such:
Preferred Nation:
Resources For Said Nation:
Best Project Including Relations to Chosen Nation:

Just to mention it, you're almost guaranteed to get in; I need as many people as I can get. Once we have some willing participants, we will discuss things like leadership within Nations. Also, as inspired by Teamlocked, I will possibly include NationPoints (I know: quite a big rip off, but oh well.)

Thanks to Teamlocked for the idea of this whole thing.
NOW! Get signed up today!

PS: I personally am wanting to be in charge of NoiseNation, so, that's kind of taken.

New to Scratch
70 posts



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