Discuss Scratch

55 posts

I kinda wanna make a game but i have no ideas.

Here's what I want to do…
when green flag clicked
make a random game:: #000000 cap

when I receive [pizza v]
eat the [pizza v]:: looks

please help me:: #000000

maxdadigital's achievements:
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55 posts

I kinda wanna make a game but i have no ideas.

help me with my game:: #173511

Last edited by maxdadigital (Oct. 9, 2018 22:41:54)

maxdadigital's achievements:
- 3 years
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100+ posts

I kinda wanna make a game but i have no ideas.

Here is a list of some games you could make:
1. Robot wrestling game
2. Joke book
3. A 100% Pen Spiral drawer
4. Simulator
5. Calculator
6. Contest
8. A game where you can use parts of your body to move things on screen
9. Drone flyer
10. A tutorial
I hope this was helpful.
55 posts

I kinda wanna make a game but i have no ideas.

Oh, it was. I did make a Sound Shapes Scratch, though. I will get you a link for the one I make from your ideas. Here's the link for Sound Shapes Scratch, though (kinda): https://scratch.mit.edu/users/maxdadigital/

Last edited by maxdadigital (Oct. 22, 2018 16:02:55)

maxdadigital's achievements:
- 3 years
- 500+ projects
- Email verified
- Created Pix's Adventure

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