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Does anybody have scratch from March 16th 2004?

Seam49 wrote:

PrincessFlowerTV wrote:

I woke up wrote:

допоможіть коментарій напшіть!:mad
Hi there! Welcome to the forums.
Please post your question in either your own topic or “Help with Scripts”. Thanks!
They were not called I woke up
It's what their username says if you translate it to English.

“that's life, goofball, sometimes you lose people. sometimes you lose people you care about. and you never see them again. and the worst part is, you never even get a chance to apologize to them for letting them down.”

give me an internet so I can feel better about myself

New Scratcher
11 posts

Does anybody have scratch from March 16th 2004?

We are kinda straying away from the initial question here. Could we please try to get back on-topic?
100+ posts

Does anybody have scratch from March 16th 2004?

Nukley wrote:

We are kinda straying away from the initial question here. Could we please try to get back on-topic?
I think the point is; no, nobody has the version from 2004.

My username says “ScratchMarioMan64” but you can call me Aris.
1000+ posts

Does anybody have scratch from March 16th 2004?

ScratchMarioMan64 wrote:

Nukley wrote:

We are kinda straying away from the initial question here. Could we please try to get back on-topic?
I think the point is; no, nobody has the version from 2004.
Nobody has had a version from 2006 and you can't even download the the version from 2008 and before. The 2009 Scratch 1.4 as the closet you can get.

500+ posts

Does anybody have scratch from March 16th 2004?

TheAdriCoolManDude wrote:

ScratchMarioMan64 wrote:

Nukley wrote:

We are kinda straying away from the initial question here. Could we please try to get back on-topic?
I think the point is; no, nobody has the version from 2004.
Nobody has had a version from 2006 and you can't even download the the version from 2008 and before. The 2009 Scratch 1.4 as the closet you can get.
I beg to differ. I personally have versions from 2004-2007.
100+ posts

Does anybody have scratch from March 16th 2004?

badatprogrammingibe wrote:

TheAdriCoolManDude wrote:

ScratchMarioMan64 wrote:

Nukley wrote:

We are kinda straying away from the initial question here. Could we please try to get back on-topic?
I think the point is; no, nobody has the version from 2004.
Nobody has had a version from 2006 and you can't even download the the version from 2008 and before. The 2009 Scratch 1.4 as the closet you can get.
I beg to differ. I personally have versions from 2004-2007.
uh… okay (HOW?!?!?!)

My username says “ScratchMarioMan64” but you can call me Aris.
500+ posts

Does anybody have scratch from March 16th 2004?

ScratchMarioMan64 wrote:

badatprogrammingibe wrote:

TheAdriCoolManDude wrote:

ScratchMarioMan64 wrote:

Nukley wrote:

We are kinda straying away from the initial question here. Could we please try to get back on-topic?
I think the point is; no, nobody has the version from 2004.
Nobody has had a version from 2006 and you can't even download the the version from 2008 and before. The 2009 Scratch 1.4 as the closet you can get.
I beg to differ. I personally have versions from 2004-2007.
uh… okay (HOW?!?!?!)
Try different versions online here: http://archive.glitch.pizza/
Otherwise, here are some image downloads: https://en.scratch-wiki.info/wiki/Development_of_Scratch_1.0#IMAGE_Builds.2FDownloads
New Scratcher
11 posts

Does anybody have scratch from March 16th 2004?

We are still missing quite a few versions…
100+ posts

Does anybody have scratch from March 16th 2004?

I think we're done here. Someone close it please

My username says “ScratchMarioMan64” but you can call me Aris.
3 posts

Does anybody have scratch from March 16th 2004?

Scratch Archive on Wayback machine

I think i found scratcharchive.cf for real

<insert signature here>


EDIT: It's broken:(

Last edited by DALEK_77 (May 5, 2019 19:21:42)

45 posts

Does anybody have scratch from March 16th 2004?

nope, there are only screenshots of it http://web.archive.org/web/20111018004138im_/http://llk.media.mit.edu/projects/scratch/photo-whirls.gif http://web.archive.org/web/20111018004201im_/http://llk.media.mit.edu/projects/scratch/pacfish.png http://web.archive.org/web/20111018004137im_/http://llk.media.mit.edu/projects/scratch/maze.gif

You won't regret scrolling down.

Generation 8: First time you see this? Copy and paste it on top of your signature in the forums and increase generation by 1.

Check out Gitran!

Funny stuff from forums (no hate intended):


Paddle2See wrote:

Would you recommend a confirmation dialog box on that action?
| Really send missiles? (Y)es (N)o |

Please forgive my crude mock-up.

By the way - this is rejected for safety reasons.


LEXXIRO wrote:

they see fast food…


oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh looks deliciouas!1!1!

blablablahello wrote:

In no scenario would the sprites specifically make them want to eat fast food : P

medians wrote:

Does anyone actually think like this?
Support, fast food is bad for kids, and instead it should be replaced with vegetables. Club Penguin's Pizza Parlor is bad because it encourages people eat pizza. It should have been a vegetable shop instead.
Also, kids aren't just going to eat 100 pizza slices just because they see a pizza sprite on the screen.

Crispydogs101 wrote:

I saw the bird sprite and now I want to play duck life irl
(the entire thing is a masterpiece)


An0therRand0mC0der wrote:


Cool stuff from other users:

https://emma144.github.io/scratchmail/ - ScratchMail | News about Scratch
1000+ posts

Does anybody have scratch from March 16th 2004?

guifernandes wrote:

nope, there are only screenshots of it http://web.archive.org/web/20111018004138im_/http://llk.media.mit.edu/projects/scratch/photo-whirls.gif http://web.archive.org/web/20111018004201im_/http://llk.media.mit.edu/projects/scratch/pacfish.png http://web.archive.org/web/20111018004137im_/http://llk.media.mit.edu/projects/scratch/maze.gif
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