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1000+ posts

What is the most frustrating part of a video game you played?

lille457 wrote:

Tymewalk wrote:

For example, have you ever had to use the Wii Remote to type stuff with the Wii's keyboard? Imagine that, except how well and quickly you can type affects how well you can play the game, and you can't just plug in a USB keyboard when you're tired of waving your arm around at the screen.

The Wii Keyboard is the reason why I hate texting on my phone.
At least on a phone you can touch it with your thumbs in a small area, and don't have to reach out and carefully press the A button about 90 times to make a simple message.

At least, I hope you're not using a Wii Remote to text on your phone. :þ

bold thing - italic thing - underlined thing - strikethrough thing
1000+ posts

What is the most frustrating part of a video game you played?

Ultra Necrozma.
Whenever I tried to use Malicious Moonsault it uses Power Gem on my Incineroar, and the only reason i beat it was because of a Level 100 Darkrai.
1000+ posts

What is the most frustrating part of a video game you played?

Tymewalk wrote:

lille457 wrote:

Tymewalk wrote:

For example, have you ever had to use the Wii Remote to type stuff with the Wii's keyboard? Imagine that, except how well and quickly you can type affects how well you can play the game, and you can't just plug in a USB keyboard when you're tired of waving your arm around at the screen.

The Wii Keyboard is the reason why I hate texting on my phone.
At least on a phone you can touch it with your thumbs in a small area, and don't have to reach out and carefully press the A button about 90 times to make a simple message.

At least, I hope you're not using a Wii Remote to text on your phone. :þ
I always found typing on the Wii sorta easy (after sending quite a few letters to my sister in City Folk)

Just a baseball nerd with an absurdist sense of humor.

creator of more than 7 posts, each one stupider than the one before

1000+ posts

What is the most frustrating part of a video game you played?

The temple levels in Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze.
New Scratcher
1 post

What is the most frustrating part of a video game you played?

Bumping on a cheater when playing multiplayer is by far the most frustrating thing. I also hate when a friend spoils how to finish a level. That happened only once

games center

Last edited by big_scratch_boy (July 24, 2018 16:56:01)

100+ posts

What is the most frustrating part of a video game you played?

Team_of_Memes wrote:

ive always hated that one part in every video game where the fanbase of said game comes in and ruins everything

im sure you can relate

I'm in the sonic fandom so…yep

hey I'm becca! scratch's resident old witch
when I receive [Falco]
broadcast [Up Tilt]
1000+ posts

What is the most frustrating part of a video game you played?

Tymewalk wrote:

lille457 wrote:

Tymewalk wrote:

For example, have you ever had to use the Wii Remote to type stuff with the Wii's keyboard? Imagine that, except how well and quickly you can type affects how well you can play the game, and you can't just plug in a USB keyboard when you're tired of waving your arm around at the screen.

The Wii Keyboard is the reason why I hate texting on my phone.
At least on a phone you can touch it with your thumbs in a small area, and don't have to reach out and carefully press the A button about 90 times to make a simple message.

At least, I hope you're not using a Wii Remote to text on your phone. :þ
The thing is, I text with my index finger. Texting with my thumbs hurts.

2 posts

What is the most frustrating part of a video game you played?

When Miraak steals your hard earned dragon soul in Skyrim…

Mischief Managed
16 posts

What is the most frustrating part of a video game you played?

The true arena in kirby super star ultra.

Last edited by arandomgmr (April 8, 2019 07:47:48)

my signature has been sent to a safe place away from the evil kumquats
4 posts

What is the most frustrating part of a video game you played?

Well, according to my sister, Lego Batman is frustrating. And she plays Fallout.

I would have a signature, but I can't think of one.
1000+ posts

What is the most frustrating part of a video game you played?

stupid speedrun comet medal for the boss rush galaxy in super mario galaxy 2

that's the last one I need to get until I can do the green stars too…

Just a baseball nerd with an absurdist sense of humor.

creator of more than 7 posts, each one stupider than the one before

1000+ posts

What is the most frustrating part of a video game you played?

Kanbei's Error advance campaign

And all the world over, each nation's the same,
They've simply no notion of playing the game.
They argue with umpires, they cheer when they've won,
And they practice beforehand, which ruins the fun!
New Scratcher
100+ posts

What is the most frustrating part of a video game you played?

The whole entire game of Fate/Grand Order was frustrating, infuriating, and overall just boring. I ended up quitting because I could never pull event characters, never pull 5 Star characters, never get good drops, and yet I was still smashing the campaign levels why? Because of friend support, and all my friends on F/GO are whales. I will write a critical review on the videogame review thread on how bad this game is and how absolutely garbage of a developer DelightWorks is. It will be a rant, so It will probably be really, really long because I am a really good ranter.


1000+ posts

What is the most frustrating part of a video game you played?

The Plasm Waith from Pikmin 3.

Once I got the hang of it, the chase sequence wasn't too bad, but the actual fight was another story. He moves way too fast and lacks any kind of patters to memorize (could be wrong with the second part).
1000+ posts

What is the most frustrating part of a video game you played?

I still struggle in the second part of the Sonic Forces final boss, especially at that part when the robot starts shooting through the platform.

(I completed most of Sonic Forces in a week.)

1000+ posts

What is the most frustrating part of a video game you played?

When I was younger, I got a game called ‘Pony Beauty Pagent’ for the DS. I never got very far in the game because of this one pony, I had to clean this very grumpy pony and I gave up there. I tried it again a few years later, it's still impossible.

1000+ posts

What is the most frustrating part of a video game you played?

When you die in Minecraft and had a bunch of good items on you and have to go out in the middle of the night ill or unequipped if you didn't have a bed or chest with backup items to get them back. Best case scenario: it was close to your base and/or you set up landmarks. Worst case scenario: You get lost again because your items are in some mountains that all look the same.

No, I'm not obsessed with Minecraft and I'm nowhere close to fitting the stereotype of someone who plays Minecraft.

Last edited by Spycapt54 (Sept. 10, 2018 03:11:59)

39 posts

What is the most frustrating part of a video game you played?


MERP ALERT!!!!!!!!!
39 posts

What is the most frustrating part of a video game you played?

when you play pubg and your teammates suck!!!!!!!!

MERP ALERT!!!!!!!!!
New Scratcher
100+ posts

What is the most frustrating part of a video game you played?

thereallyfunnyguy wrote:

when you play pubg and your teammates suck!!!!!!!!
Well, in retrospect, if your teammates “suck” and you are unable to carry them, then you yourself “suck”. You can't call other people trash until you have proven yourself. And in actuality, squad is 4 times easier than solo, so until you've mastered solo, don't say that others “suck”.

The most frustrating part of CoD WWII is when you run out of ammo because you haven't died a single time… and you are forced to use your sidearm… until you run out of ammo… then you proceed to purposely die. Extended mag is really helpful.


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