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juego de respuestas

- como poner tiempo para contestar la pregunta
- como hacer que no se repita una lista
- como hacer que se repitan las preguntas falladas
1000+ posts

juego de respuestas

from google translate
- how to take time to answer the question
- how to avoid repeating a list
- how to repeat the failed questions

I'm guessing you are asking several questions that are stored in a list. If so something like this may work
repeat until <(length of [list v] :: list) = [0]> 
ask (item (1 v) of [list v] :: list) and wait
if <(answer) = [correct]> then
change [score v] by (1)
delete (1 v) of [list v]
where I've put “correct” you would have to put the correct answer, probably from another list (in which case you would have to delete this too)
1000+ posts

juego de respuestas

make sure you add all the questions to the list when the game starts, otherwise the whole script above will work once, then just stop, because all your questions are gone!

when I start as a clone
delete this clone
100+ posts

juego de respuestas

I'd actually recommend a different method

set [Foo v] to [1]
repeat until <(Foo) = (length of [Answers v] :: list)>
ask (item (Foo ) of [Questions v] :: list) and wait
if <(answer) = (item (Foo ) of [Answers v] :: list)> then
change [Foo v] by (1)
Repeatable, you only need to add the question and the answer to their respective lists, and I just find it cleaner, especially for longer lists

Last edited by VintageAura (June 17, 2018 14:37:51)

The Lobster mushroom, Hypomyces lactifluorum, contrary to its common name, is not a mushroom, but rather a parasitic ascomycete fungus that grows on certain species of mushrooms, turning them a reddish orange color that resembles the outer shell of a cooked lobster. H. lactifluorum specifically attacks members of the genera Lactarius and Lactifluus (milk-caps), and Russula (brittlegills), such as Russula brevipes and Lactifluus piperatus in North America. At maturity, H. lactifluorum thoroughly covers its host, rendering it unidentifiable. Lobster mushrooms are widely eaten and enjoyed fresh.They are commercially marketed and sometimes found in grocery stores; they have been made available at markets in Oregon. They have a seafood-like flavor and a firm, dense texture.

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