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  • » ☼❄☞ ☂ᕼᕮ ᗪᖇᕮᗩᗰ Ꮥᕼ〇ᖘ! ᗪᖇᕮᗩᙢᏕ ᗰᗩↁᕮ IᏁ 48 ᕼ〇ƲᖇᏕ!* ☜❄☼ Ꭹ〇ᑌ ᘉᗩᗰᕮ I☂ - ᙡᕮ ᗰᗩ₭ᕮ I☂! |✨ ᒪᕮᗪ ᏕIǤᑎᏕ!✨ ⌨️☂YᑭᕮᗯᖇI☂ᕮᖇ ǤIƑᏕ⌨️☂ᕮX☂ ᗩᘉIᗰᗩ☂I〇ᘉᏕ [RSS Feed]
31 posts

☼❄☞ ☂ᕼᕮ ᗪᖇᕮᗩᗰ Ꮥᕼ〇ᖘ! ᗪᖇᕮᗩᙢᏕ ᗰᗩↁᕮ IᏁ 48 ᕼ〇ƲᖇᏕ!* ☜❄☼ Ꭹ〇ᑌ ᘉᗩᗰᕮ I☂ - ᙡᕮ ᗰᗩ₭ᕮ I☂! |✨ ᒪᕮᗪ ᏕIǤᑎᏕ!✨ ⌨️☂YᑭᕮᗯᖇI☂ᕮᖇ ǤIƑᏕ⌨️☂ᕮX☂ ᗩᘉIᗰᗩ☂I〇ᘉᏕ

Logo or thumbnail

Usually completed in 1-4 days
Username: Kittensarecute333
Background: A flower blooming
Text: Flowers Are The Plants Of Life
Font: Fancy
Effects?: None
Misc/additional info: None

100+ posts

☼❄☞ ☂ᕼᕮ ᗪᖇᕮᗩᗰ Ꮥᕼ〇ᖘ! ᗪᖇᕮᗩᙢᏕ ᗰᗩↁᕮ IᏁ 48 ᕼ〇ƲᖇᏕ!* ☜❄☼ Ꭹ〇ᑌ ᘉᗩᗰᕮ I☂ - ᙡᕮ ᗰᗩ₭ᕮ I☂! |✨ ᒪᕮᗪ ᏕIǤᑎᏕ!✨ ⌨️☂YᑭᕮᗯᖇI☂ᕮᖇ ǤIƑᏕ⌨️☂ᕮX☂ ᗩᘉIᗰᗩ☂I〇ᘉᏕ

Info: The animation is for this game.
Animation: I need the atom on the opening screen's electrons to revolve around the path that they're on.
No. of costumes: As many as it takes to look good.

Thanks a Million!

“How can mirrors be real if our eyes aren't real?”

-Jaden Smith
New to Scratch
14 posts

☼❄☞ ☂ᕼᕮ ᗪᖇᕮᗩᗰ Ꮥᕼ〇ᖘ! ᗪᖇᕮᗩᙢᏕ ᗰᗩↁᕮ IᏁ 48 ᕼ〇ƲᖇᏕ!* ☜❄☼ Ꭹ〇ᑌ ᘉᗩᗰᕮ I☂ - ᙡᕮ ᗰᗩ₭ᕮ I☂! |✨ ᒪᕮᗪ ᏕIǤᑎᏕ!✨ ⌨️☂YᑭᕮᗯᖇI☂ᕮᖇ ǤIƑᏕ⌨️☂ᕮX☂ ᗩᘉIᗰᗩ☂I〇ᘉᏕ

LED Sign

Username: -Xenate-
Text: Welcome to -Xenate- 's profile
Size: Medium

Thanks guys for doing this. I love your shop.
500+ posts

☼❄☞ ☂ᕼᕮ ᗪᖇᕮᗩᗰ Ꮥᕼ〇ᖘ! ᗪᖇᕮᗩᙢᏕ ᗰᗩↁᕮ IᏁ 48 ᕼ〇ƲᖇᏕ!* ☜❄☼ Ꭹ〇ᑌ ᘉᗩᗰᕮ I☂ - ᙡᕮ ᗰᗩ₭ᕮ I☂! |✨ ᒪᕮᗪ ᏕIǤᑎᏕ!✨ ⌨️☂YᑭᕮᗯᖇI☂ᕮᖇ ǤIƑᏕ⌨️☂ᕮX☂ ᗩᘉIᗰᗩ☂I〇ᘉᏕ

-Xenate- wrote:

LED Sign

Username: -Xenate-
Text: Welcome to -Xenate- 's profile
Size: Medium

Thanks guys for doing this. I love your shop.

100% BTS and Kpop Trash
500+ posts

☼❄☞ ☂ᕼᕮ ᗪᖇᕮᗩᗰ Ꮥᕼ〇ᖘ! ᗪᖇᕮᗩᙢᏕ ᗰᗩↁᕮ IᏁ 48 ᕼ〇ƲᖇᏕ!* ☜❄☼ Ꭹ〇ᑌ ᘉᗩᗰᕮ I☂ - ᙡᕮ ᗰᗩ₭ᕮ I☂! |✨ ᒪᕮᗪ ᏕIǤᑎᏕ!✨ ⌨️☂YᑭᕮᗯᖇI☂ᕮᖇ ǤIƑᏕ⌨️☂ᕮX☂ ᗩᘉIᗰᗩ☂I〇ᘉᏕ

Blossy813 wrote:

-Xenate- wrote:

LED Sign

Username: -Xenate-
Text: Welcome to -Xenate- 's profile
Size: Medium

Thanks guys for doing this. I love your shop.


100% BTS and Kpop Trash
1000+ posts

☼❄☞ ☂ᕼᕮ ᗪᖇᕮᗩᗰ Ꮥᕼ〇ᖘ! ᗪᖇᕮᗩᙢᏕ ᗰᗩↁᕮ IᏁ 48 ᕼ〇ƲᖇᏕ!* ☜❄☼ Ꭹ〇ᑌ ᘉᗩᗰᕮ I☂ - ᙡᕮ ᗰᗩ₭ᕮ I☂! |✨ ᒪᕮᗪ ᏕIǤᑎᏕ!✨ ⌨️☂YᑭᕮᗯᖇI☂ᕮᖇ ǤIƑᏕ⌨️☂ᕮX☂ ᗩᘉIᗰᗩ☂I〇ᘉᏕ

IgDegOo wrote:

note: you don't have to wait 2 hours for an led just make one here lol

I expected this message to take down the entire shop in an hour
Oh well
1000+ posts

☼❄☞ ☂ᕼᕮ ᗪᖇᕮᗩᗰ Ꮥᕼ〇ᖘ! ᗪᖇᕮᗩᙢᏕ ᗰᗩↁᕮ IᏁ 48 ᕼ〇ƲᖇᏕ!* ☜❄☼ Ꭹ〇ᑌ ᘉᗩᗰᕮ I☂ - ᙡᕮ ᗰᗩ₭ᕮ I☂! |✨ ᒪᕮᗪ ᏕIǤᑎᏕ!✨ ⌨️☂YᑭᕮᗯᖇI☂ᕮᖇ ǤIƑᏕ⌨️☂ᕮX☂ ᗩᘉIᗰᗩ☂I〇ᘉᏕ

IgDegOo wrote:

I expected this message to take down the entire shop in an hour
Oh well

inactive :​)
1000+ posts

☼❄☞ ☂ᕼᕮ ᗪᖇᕮᗩᗰ Ꮥᕼ〇ᖘ! ᗪᖇᕮᗩᙢᏕ ᗰᗩↁᕮ IᏁ 48 ᕼ〇ƲᖇᏕ!* ☜❄☼ Ꭹ〇ᑌ ᘉᗩᗰᕮ I☂ - ᙡᕮ ᗰᗩ₭ᕮ I☂! |✨ ᒪᕮᗪ ᏕIǤᑎᏕ!✨ ⌨️☂YᑭᕮᗯᖇI☂ᕮᖇ ǤIƑᏕ⌨️☂ᕮX☂ ᗩᘉIᗰᗩ☂I〇ᘉᏕ

Employees will need to do a bit more work in the coming weeks. I'm wrapping up the school year currently.

████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ 64%

If you can read this, my signature cubeupload has been eaten by an evil kumquat!

100+ posts

☼❄☞ ☂ᕼᕮ ᗪᖇᕮᗩᗰ Ꮥᕼ〇ᖘ! ᗪᖇᕮᗩᙢᏕ ᗰᗩↁᕮ IᏁ 48 ᕼ〇ƲᖇᏕ!* ☜❄☼ Ꭹ〇ᑌ ᘉᗩᗰᕮ I☂ - ᙡᕮ ᗰᗩ₭ᕮ I☂! |✨ ᒪᕮᗪ ᏕIǤᑎᏕ!✨ ⌨️☂YᑭᕮᗯᖇI☂ᕮᖇ ǤIƑᏕ⌨️☂ᕮX☂ ᗩᘉIᗰᗩ☂I〇ᘉᏕ


1000+ posts

☼❄☞ ☂ᕼᕮ ᗪᖇᕮᗩᗰ Ꮥᕼ〇ᖘ! ᗪᖇᕮᗩᙢᏕ ᗰᗩↁᕮ IᏁ 48 ᕼ〇ƲᖇᏕ!* ☜❄☼ Ꭹ〇ᑌ ᘉᗩᗰᕮ I☂ - ᙡᕮ ᗰᗩ₭ᕮ I☂! |✨ ᒪᕮᗪ ᏕIǤᑎᏕ!✨ ⌨️☂YᑭᕮᗯᖇI☂ᕮᖇ ǤIƑᏕ⌨️☂ᕮX☂ ᗩᘉIᗰᗩ☂I〇ᘉᏕ

kcc-013 wrote:

design a rocket capable of taking men to Mars within 2 months
31 posts

☼❄☞ ☂ᕼᕮ ᗪᖇᕮᗩᗰ Ꮥᕼ〇ᖘ! ᗪᖇᕮᗩᙢᏕ ᗰᗩↁᕮ IᏁ 48 ᕼ〇ƲᖇᏕ!* ☜❄☼ Ꭹ〇ᑌ ᘉᗩᗰᕮ I☂ - ᙡᕮ ᗰᗩ₭ᕮ I☂! |✨ ᒪᕮᗪ ᏕIǤᑎᏕ!✨ ⌨️☂YᑭᕮᗯᖇI☂ᕮᖇ ǤIƑᏕ⌨️☂ᕮX☂ ᗩᘉIᗰᗩ☂I〇ᘉᏕ

kcc-013 wrote:


Okay, I will give you an order
1000+ posts

☼❄☞ ☂ᕼᕮ ᗪᖇᕮᗩᗰ Ꮥᕼ〇ᖘ! ᗪᖇᕮᗩᙢᏕ ᗰᗩↁᕮ IᏁ 48 ᕼ〇ƲᖇᏕ!* ☜❄☼ Ꭹ〇ᑌ ᘉᗩᗰᕮ I☂ - ᙡᕮ ᗰᗩ₭ᕮ I☂! |✨ ᒪᕮᗪ ᏕIǤᑎᏕ!✨ ⌨️☂YᑭᕮᗯᖇI☂ᕮᖇ ǤIƑᏕ⌨️☂ᕮX☂ ᗩᘉIᗰᗩ☂I〇ᘉᏕ

IgDegOo wrote:

IgDegOo wrote:

note: you don't have to wait 2 hours for an led just make one here lol

I expected this message to take down the entire shop in an hour
Oh well
Why do you “strongly dislike” this shop so much?

1000+ posts

☼❄☞ ☂ᕼᕮ ᗪᖇᕮᗩᗰ Ꮥᕼ〇ᖘ! ᗪᖇᕮᗩᙢᏕ ᗰᗩↁᕮ IᏁ 48 ᕼ〇ƲᖇᏕ!* ☜❄☼ Ꭹ〇ᑌ ᘉᗩᗰᕮ I☂ - ᙡᕮ ᗰᗩ₭ᕮ I☂! |✨ ᒪᕮᗪ ᏕIǤᑎᏕ!✨ ⌨️☂YᑭᕮᗯᖇI☂ᕮᖇ ǤIƑᏕ⌨️☂ᕮX☂ ᗩᘉIᗰᗩ☂I〇ᘉᏕ

-AwesomeAdvanced- wrote:

IgDegOo wrote:

IgDegOo wrote:

note: you don't have to wait 2 hours for an led just make one here lol

I expected this message to take down the entire shop in an hour
Oh well
Why do you “strongly dislike” this shop so much?
I don't
I'm just showing that you don't have to wait 2 hours for an led just make one here lol
1000+ posts

☼❄☞ ☂ᕼᕮ ᗪᖇᕮᗩᗰ Ꮥᕼ〇ᖘ! ᗪᖇᕮᗩᙢᏕ ᗰᗩↁᕮ IᏁ 48 ᕼ〇ƲᖇᏕ!* ☜❄☼ Ꭹ〇ᑌ ᘉᗩᗰᕮ I☂ - ᙡᕮ ᗰᗩ₭ᕮ I☂! |✨ ᒪᕮᗪ ᏕIǤᑎᏕ!✨ ⌨️☂YᑭᕮᗯᖇI☂ᕮᖇ ǤIƑᏕ⌨️☂ᕮX☂ ᗩᘉIᗰᗩ☂I〇ᘉᏕ

-AwesomeAdvanced- wrote:

Why do you “strongly dislike” this shop so much?

inactive :​)
100+ posts

☼❄☞ ☂ᕼᕮ ᗪᖇᕮᗩᗰ Ꮥᕼ〇ᖘ! ᗪᖇᕮᗩᙢᏕ ᗰᗩↁᕮ IᏁ 48 ᕼ〇ƲᖇᏕ!* ☜❄☼ Ꭹ〇ᑌ ᘉᗩᗰᕮ I☂ - ᙡᕮ ᗰᗩ₭ᕮ I☂! |✨ ᒪᕮᗪ ᏕIǤᑎᏕ!✨ ⌨️☂YᑭᕮᗯᖇI☂ᕮᖇ ǤIƑᏕ⌨️☂ᕮX☂ ᗩᘉIᗰᗩ☂I〇ᘉᏕ

Username: VIMAYE01
Animation:Make It with the heart star and follow icon rotating left and right with this sprite in it: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/221273522/
Music:Fnaf 4 I Got No Time By The Living Tombstone. https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/99521374/
Effects: rotation
Misc/additional info: make the sprite waving


1000+ posts

☼❄☞ ☂ᕼᕮ ᗪᖇᕮᗩᗰ Ꮥᕼ〇ᖘ! ᗪᖇᕮᗩᙢᏕ ᗰᗩↁᕮ IᏁ 48 ᕼ〇ƲᖇᏕ!* ☜❄☼ Ꭹ〇ᑌ ᘉᗩᗰᕮ I☂ - ᙡᕮ ᗰᗩ₭ᕮ I☂! |✨ ᒪᕮᗪ ᏕIǤᑎᏕ!✨ ⌨️☂YᑭᕮᗯᖇI☂ᕮᖇ ǤIƑᏕ⌨️☂ᕮX☂ ᗩᘉIᗰᗩ☂I〇ᘉᏕ

kcc-013 wrote:


VIMAYE01 wrote:

Username: VIMAYE01
Animation:Make It with the heart star and follow icon rotating left and right with this sprite in it: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/221273522/
Music:Fnaf 4 I Got No Time By The Living Tombstone. https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/99521374/
Effects: rotation
Misc/additional info: make the sprite waving

ideapad-320 wrote:

Username ideapad-320
Average time on scratch each day:1 hr 30 min
Examples of work:scrolling led signes
How long it took you to create each example:2 min
Time on scratch: 3 months, 1 week ago
Have you had any experience with using external art programs: Microsoft paint
Be sure to follow the thread!

Fyre_Ninja wrote:

I completed a few orders! Sorry for my inactivity, I sent them to the people that ordered but now I'm starting fresh!!! So im now (as a customer this time, not a worker) ordering a thumbnail:
Username: Fyre_Ninja
Art: Thumbnail
Style: Gaming/ Game Dev
Text: Game Dev Simulator
Quality: Really good
Completion: Around 3-5 days (try 3 please).
Links?: https://web.roblox.com/games/XXXXXXXXXX/WRENCH-SHOP-Game-Dev- or if it doesn't work:
1. Go to Roblox
2. Search up ‘Game Developer Simulator’

PS. I'm not leaving, just making an order

ideapad-320 wrote:

Misc/additional info:I am getting a new logo. the contest closes on may 10. comment you link to the project at https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/5043564/comments/

doodthedoodthedood wrote:

Logo or thumbnail
Usually completed in 1-4 days
Username: doodthedoodthedood
Background: Black and Green
Text: dudethedudethedude
Font: comic sans
Effects?: Blur out background
Misc/additional info: In forground could there be a cube

UnderwaterUnicorn12 wrote:

Usually completed in 1-4 days
Username: @UnderwaterUnicorn12
Background: Swirls in pink, purple and blue
Text: The Arty Party
Font: anything cursive
Misc/additional info: Love your work!

kittensarecute333 wrote:

Logo or thumbnail

Usually completed in 1-4 days
Username: Kittensarecute333
Background: A flower blooming
Text: Flowers Are The Plants Of Life
Font: Fancy
Effects?: None
Misc/additional info: None

Bobyrman123 wrote:

Info: The animation is for this game.
Animation: I need the atom on the opening screen's electrons to revolve around the path that they're on.
No. of costumes: As many as it takes to look good.

Thanks a Million!
Any of these you can do?

Last edited by jromagnoli (May 8, 2018 20:56:32)

████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ 64%

If you can read this, my signature cubeupload has been eaten by an evil kumquat!

1000+ posts

☼❄☞ ☂ᕼᕮ ᗪᖇᕮᗩᗰ Ꮥᕼ〇ᖘ! ᗪᖇᕮᗩᙢᏕ ᗰᗩↁᕮ IᏁ 48 ᕼ〇ƲᖇᏕ!* ☜❄☼ Ꭹ〇ᑌ ᘉᗩᗰᕮ I☂ - ᙡᕮ ᗰᗩ₭ᕮ I☂! |✨ ᒪᕮᗪ ᏕIǤᑎᏕ!✨ ⌨️☂YᑭᕮᗯᖇI☂ᕮᖇ ǤIƑᏕ⌨️☂ᕮX☂ ᗩᘉIᗰᗩ☂I〇ᘉᏕ

jromagnoli wrote:

UnderwaterUnicorn12 wrote:

Usually completed in 1-4 days
Username: @UnderwaterUnicorn12
Background: Swirls in pink, purple and blue
Text: The Arty Party
Font: anything cursive
Misc/additional info: Love your work!

kittensarecute333 wrote:

Logo or thumbnail

Usually completed in 1-4 days
Username: Kittensarecute333
Background: A flower blooming
Text: Flowers Are The Plants Of Life
Font: Fancy
Effects?: None
Misc/additional info: None

Any of these you can do?


this is an application form

ideapad-320 wrote:

Username ideapad-320
Average time on scratch each day:1 hr 30 min
Examples of work:scrolling led signes
How long it took you to create each example:2 min
Time on scratch: 3 months, 1 week ago
Have you had any experience with using external art programs: Microsoft paint
Be sure to follow the thread!

Last edited by Lotosprincess (May 9, 2018 11:35:48)

Check this shop out motto: is 24 hours is all I need

100+ posts

☼❄☞ ☂ᕼᕮ ᗪᖇᕮᗩᗰ Ꮥᕼ〇ᖘ! ᗪᖇᕮᗩᙢᏕ ᗰᗩↁᕮ IᏁ 48 ᕼ〇ƲᖇᏕ!* ☜❄☼ Ꭹ〇ᑌ ᘉᗩᗰᕮ I☂ - ᙡᕮ ᗰᗩ₭ᕮ I☂! |✨ ᒪᕮᗪ ᏕIǤᑎᏕ!✨ ⌨️☂YᑭᕮᗯᖇI☂ᕮᖇ ǤIƑᏕ⌨️☂ᕮX☂ ᗩᘉIᗰᗩ☂I〇ᘉᏕ

Username: AndrewCat29
Link to project: Could you possibly do an overall review of all my (13) projects? If yes, click here (this is the link)
How harsh: Harsh, but not too harsh
Misc/additional info: Could you possibly do an overall review of all my (13) projects?

Come check out my projects! Also, come check out:

I work for the Emerald Shop 3.0 - Check them out! They can do almost anything you want!

(John, my official kumqua- Chomp! Munch!)
John has been defeated by a evil kumquat! R.I.P. John! You were the best (and only) kumquat guard I've ever had!
100+ posts

☼❄☞ ☂ᕼᕮ ᗪᖇᕮᗩᗰ Ꮥᕼ〇ᖘ! ᗪᖇᕮᗩᙢᏕ ᗰᗩↁᕮ IᏁ 48 ᕼ〇ƲᖇᏕ!* ☜❄☼ Ꭹ〇ᑌ ᘉᗩᗰᕮ I☂ - ᙡᕮ ᗰᗩ₭ᕮ I☂! |✨ ᒪᕮᗪ ᏕIǤᑎᏕ!✨ ⌨️☂YᑭᕮᗯᖇI☂ᕮᖇ ǤIƑᏕ⌨️☂ᕮX☂ ᗩᘉIᗰᗩ☂I〇ᘉᏕ

VIMAYE01 wrote:

Username: VIMAYE01
Animation:Make It with the heart star and follow icon rotating left and right with this sprite in it: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/221273522/
Music:Fnaf 4 I Got No Time By The Living Tombstone. https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/99521374/
Effects: rotation
Misc/additional info: make the sprite waving

Cancel This Order. I looks like your to busy.

Last edited by VIMAYE01 (May 9, 2018 17:06:58)


1000+ posts

☼❄☞ ☂ᕼᕮ ᗪᖇᕮᗩᗰ Ꮥᕼ〇ᖘ! ᗪᖇᕮᗩᙢᏕ ᗰᗩↁᕮ IᏁ 48 ᕼ〇ƲᖇᏕ!* ☜❄☼ Ꭹ〇ᑌ ᘉᗩᗰᕮ I☂ - ᙡᕮ ᗰᗩ₭ᕮ I☂! |✨ ᒪᕮᗪ ᏕIǤᑎᏕ!✨ ⌨️☂YᑭᕮᗯᖇI☂ᕮᖇ ǤIƑᏕ⌨️☂ᕮX☂ ᗩᘉIᗰᗩ☂I〇ᘉᏕ

-AwesomeAdvanced- wrote:

IgDegOo wrote:

IgDegOo wrote:

note: you don't have to wait 2 hours for an led just make one here lol

I expected this message to take down the entire shop in an hour
Oh well
Why do you “strongly dislike” this shop so much?
“I expected this message to take down the entire shop in an hour”


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