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17 posts

Arduino and Raspberry Pi

Hi scratchers! I was wondering if we could add more to the extensions. I know that there is already pico board and some lego thing, but I was wondering if the Arduino and Raspberry Pi would be compatible with scratch. I'm not sure how it would be, because I don't know much about them yet, but I'm getting one soon, and I just wondered.
when green flag clicked
<[Hope_18] = [Confused]>
say [If this is possible.]
17 posts

Arduino and Raspberry Pi

Aw man, my scratch blocks didn't work. Also, where did that end block come from?
1000+ posts

Arduino and Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi is compatible with Scratch. If you have a RPi and use Rasbian Stretch then Scratch 1.4 and Scratch 2 come preinstalled. Then you have access to the GPIO pins on your raspberry pi.

There is an extension for GPIO. I have introduced that to the students at my school using Scratch to programming GPIO pins of the RPi.

Last edited by mstone326 (Feb. 22, 2018 17:31:04)

High School Athletic Director / Middle School Tech Teacher / High School Baseball Coach
Kung Fu by Nintendo 1984 - https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/369994801/
Taco Defense - Speed Typing - https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/316795450/
Halloween Boss Battle - Taking Back our Woods - https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/257155118/
Almost Pong - https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/656276979/
Studio - My Best Projects - https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/4125978/
Forum Help Project Examples - https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/4133335
17 posts

Arduino and Raspberry Pi


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