Discuss Scratch

55 posts

I'm not exactly new, but I may as well be, so... Hi?

Thanks for clicking on this thread.
I have been on this site, according to my profile, for 3 and a half years. That's a lot. However, the site began to get boring, and nobody was looking at what I made, so I stopped making projects, and eventually cancelled everything.
Over 1 year later, I am now back on the site. I know nobody knows who I am. All my followers have forgotten me. So that's why I'm posting in the New Scratchers forum. Because I essentially am a New Scratcher, to everyone concerned.
If you wanna say hello, pop onto my profile. You can also find me on Steam and B.net, if you would like.
Hi! It actually feels good to be back!
71 posts

I'm not exactly new, but I may as well be, so... Hi?

Why hello there!

I mean I try to help with scripts but everyone else keeps answering them first

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