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20 posts

Voice Auditions -'Freedom'

Scene fades into a woodland area. The children are sitting in a circle. Some are sitting in a tree, some are sitting on the banks of a creek. Mae stands at center with her hands on her hips.
Mae: I have called you here today to discuss the state of our home island speaks bossily
Juniper: Mae…
Clark: Don’t you understand?
Esperanto: We are just kids…
Joey: slightly exasperatedly We feel sad too. But there is not anything we can do.
Mae: sadly But don’t you want freedom?!
Cleo enters the scene, teardrops run down her face
Cleo: Help! The worst has occured! chokes back more tears
Clark: Cleo, calm down. Everything will be alright!
Cleo: But it won’t! My mother could not pay of the rent for our shack this season, so the King has sent a letter declaring that if she cannot pay twice the price by next season, they will come and gulp take me away to work as a servant at the palace to pay of the debt.
the children look at each other wide eyed, Cleo sighs and starts to cry again
May: This is exactly what I am talking about. They’ve taken away everything.
Esperanto: So we have to give back everything. For us, for our people.
Joey: But we are just kids!
Clark: Exactly. They won’t expect us.
The scene fades out slowly as the children discuss with hand motions and emotion

Shoot for the moon, even if you miss you'll land amongst the stars.
20 posts

Voice Auditions -'Freedom'

I have added to the script! Check it out above!

Shoot for the moon, even if you miss you'll land amongst the stars.
39 posts

Voice Auditions -'Freedom'

ebailey19 wrote:

Scene fades into a woodland area. The children are sitting in a circle. Some are sitting in a tree, some are sitting on the banks of a creek. Mae stands at center with her hands on her hips.
Mae: I have called you here today to discuss the state of our home island speaks bossily
Juniper: Mae…
Clark: Don’t you understand?
Esperanto: We are just kids…
Joey: slightly exasperatedly We feel sad too. But there is not anything we can do.
Mae: sadly But don’t you want freedom?!
Cleo enters the scene, teardrops run down her face
Cleo: Help! The worst has occured! chokes back more tears
Clark: Cleo, calm down. Everything will be alright!
Cleo: But it won’t! My mother could not pay of the rent for our shack this season, so the King has sent a letter declaring that if she cannot pay twice the price by next season, they will come and gulp take me away to work as a servant at the palace to pay of the debt.
the children look at each other wide eyed, Cleo sighs and starts to cry again
May: This is exactly what I am talking about. They’ve taken away everything.
Esperanto: So we have to give back everything. For us, for our people.
Joey: But we are just kids!
Clark: Exactly. They won’t expect us.
The scene fades out slowly as the children discuss with hand motions and emotion
wow! great!
20 posts

Voice Auditions -'Freedom'

JulzM wrote:

ebailey19 wrote:

Scene fades into a woodland area. The children are sitting in a circle. Some are sitting in a tree, some are sitting on the banks of a creek. Mae stands at center with her hands on her hips.
Mae: I have called you here today to discuss the state of our home island speaks bossily
Juniper: Mae…
Clark: Don’t you understand?
Esperanto: We are just kids…
Joey: slightly exasperatedly We feel sad too. But there is not anything we can do.
Mae: sadly But don’t you want freedom?!
Cleo enters the scene, teardrops run down her face
Cleo: Help! The worst has occured! chokes back more tears
Clark: Cleo, calm down. Everything will be alright!
Cleo: But it won’t! My mother could not pay of the rent for our shack this season, so the King has sent a letter declaring that if she cannot pay twice the price by next season, they will come and gulp take me away to work as a servant at the palace to pay of the debt.
the children look at each other wide eyed, Cleo sighs and starts to cry again
May: This is exactly what I am talking about. They’ve taken away everything.
Esperanto: So we have to give back everything. For us, for our people.
Joey: But we are just kids!
Clark: Exactly. They won’t expect us.
The scene fades out slowly as the children discuss with hand motions and emotion
wow! great!
Who do you play?

Shoot for the moon, even if you miss you'll land amongst the stars.
500+ posts

Voice Auditions -'Freedom'

ebailey19 wrote:

Scene fades into a woodland area. The children are sitting in a circle. Some are sitting in a tree, some are sitting on the banks of a creek. Mae stands at center with her hands on her hips.
Mae: I have called you here today to discuss the state of our home island speaks bossily
Juniper: Mae…
Clark: Don’t you understand?
Esperanto: We are just kids…
Joey: Slightly exasperatedly We feel sad too. But there is not anything we can do.
Mae: Sadly But don’t you want freedom?!
Cleo enters the scene, teardrops run down her face
Cleo: Help! The worst has occured! chokes back more tears
Clark: Cleo, calm down. Everything will be allright!
Cleo: But it won’t! My mother could not pay of the rent for our shack this season, so the King has sent a letter declaring that if she cannot pay twice the price by next season, they will come and gulp take me away to work as a servant at the palace to pay of the debt.
The children look at each other wide eyed, Cleo sighs and starts to cry again
Mae: This is exactly what I am talking about. They’ve taken away everything.
Esperanto: So we have to give back everything. For us, for our people.
Joey: But we are just kids!
Clark: Exactly. They won’t expect us.
The scene fades out slowly as the children discuss with hand motions and emotion
Adding to script one. But because i made some slight edits, i will give smaller credit to me.

20 posts

Voice Auditions -'Freedom'

Script for Part 2

Mae and Clark are walking down the road together during the afternoon

Mae: So. What do you think?

Clark: About what? Your plan?

Mae: Of coarse?! What did you think I was going to say?

Clark: Nothing. shakes his head slightly and frowns momentarily

Mae: I am serious! What do you think?

Clark: I think its… He is interrupted quickly by Cleo who runs up behind the two

Cleo: Hello Clark… oh and Mae.

Clark smiles goofily for a moment, but turns back to Mae

Mae: Hi Cleo! Has your job at the palace started yet?

Cleo: a sad look comes over Cleo No, but I'm dreading every day up until it.

Mae: Well I was thinking, If you're going to be in the palace, you could be our spy. quiets her voiceYou know, pick up secret information and stuff.

Cleo: Yes! I would love to help. Anything to end this awful rule.

ZaharaMar, please edit this when you get the chance

Last edited by ebailey19 (March 1, 2014 21:11:56)

Shoot for the moon, even if you miss you'll land amongst the stars.
1000+ posts

Voice Auditions -'Freedom'

I'm not joining, but I have a tip to clean up your home page. First, use www.cooltext.com for images on your homepage. Text for finding things is helpful, e.g. “Want to join? Fill this out.”
Then use the…
bbcode to make it look good too. Quoting stuff is helpful too! e.g.
Just a few things that I would do to clean up the collab home page.
Hope that helps! k9lego.

- Let's Eat  Grandma! This is a hidden advertisement for the Collab Hyper Cloud Inc. :)
- Let's Eat, Grandma!
Commas Save Lives!

Nothing Much here…

If you want to reply to me, please comment with the link to the topic “On my profile page”. thanks. k9lego
21 posts

Voice Auditions -'Freedom'

Can you send me the link to the Let It Go Karaoke please?
18 posts

Voice Auditions -'Freedom'

I'm going to record meh lines now

- Advanced voice actress
- Trained singer
- Boss dancer
- Plays 6 instruments
- AMAZING person
- Friends to all
- etc., etc., etc.
I <3 MUSIC!!!!!!!!!!!
when green flag clicked
play sound [[scratchblocks]
v] until done[/scratchblocks]

500+ posts

Voice Auditions -'Freedom'

pepperpuppy wrote:

Can you send me the link to the Let It Go Karaoke please?
We arent singing let it go anymore, you were pretty late. :-/

11 posts

Voice Auditions -'Freedom'

point towards [ hi]
20 posts

Voice Auditions -'Freedom'

Yay! Everybody is recording! THIS WILL BE SO AMAZING!

Shoot for the moon, even if you miss you'll land amongst the stars.
500+ posts

Voice Auditions -'Freedom'

Hello everyon! Sorry for the big delay!

100+ posts

Voice Auditions -'Freedom'

Is there any chance of getting a part because I would love to audition. Here is my information:

Nickname: LittlePony
Voice acting experience: I have auditioned and successfully gotten parts on Scratch for two Warrior Cat series that haven't been animated, sadly. Also, I am in a theater group in real life, so I act basically every week. xD
Project Link: Will add once I know if there are still parts…
Will you take any character offered? Absolutely!

Nickname: LittlePony
Voice singing experience: In my theater group I previously mentioned, I play Scar from the Lion King and I will be singing “Be Prepared” Other than that, I usually sing around the house…Also I am in a chorus group…
Project Link: If I audition, what should I sing?
How strong is your voice? 1 2 3 (very soft) 4 5(Just guessing ;/) 6 7(average) 8 9 10 (very strong)
Your voice is: soprano, mezzo-soprano, contralto, tenor, baritone, bass. ( cross out the necessary )
I'm not exactly sure, but I can't hit really high or extremely low notes…
Will you take any character offered? Absolutely!
39 posts

Voice Auditions -'Freedom'

ebailey19 wrote:

JulzM wrote:

ebailey19 wrote:

Scene fades into a woodland area. The children are sitting in a circle. Some are sitting in a tree, some are sitting on the banks of a creek. Mae stands at center with her hands on her hips.
Mae: I have called you here today to discuss the state of our home island speaks bossily
Juniper: Mae…
Clark: Don’t you understand?
Esperanto: We are just kids…
Joey: slightly exasperatedly We feel sad too. But there is not anything we can do.
Mae: sadly But don’t you want freedom?!
Cleo enters the scene, teardrops run down her face
Cleo: Help! The worst has occured! chokes back more tears
Clark: Cleo, calm down. Everything will be alright!
Cleo: But it won’t! My mother could not pay of the rent for our shack this season, so the King has sent a letter declaring that if she cannot pay twice the price by next season, they will come and gulp take me away to work as a servant at the palace to pay of the debt.
the children look at each other wide eyed, Cleo sighs and starts to cry again
May: This is exactly what I am talking about. They’ve taken away everything.
Esperanto: So we have to give back everything. For us, for our people.
Joey: But we are just kids!
Clark: Exactly. They won’t expect us.
The scene fades out slowly as the children discuss with hand motions and emotion
wow! great!
Who do you play?
I'm Juniper!
33 posts

Voice Auditions -'Freedom'

Ok. I will try to record ASAP. Im Clark, right? … Yeah, I think so.
500+ posts

Voice Auditions -'Freedom'

puck1608 wrote:

Ok. I will try to record ASAP. Im Clark, right? … Yeah, I think so.
Yes. You are clark. :-/

100+ posts

Voice Auditions -'Freedom'

IS this still open? Are the auditions still open?

Sometimes, I see comments that say “I hate this” or “Bad project”. These make the creator feel sad. They probably worked really hard on a project. Be nice to others and help them have a good day. It will make you and the person you are being nice to feel good and then you'll have a good day and so will the other person. So be nice.
Stop bullying and be nice.
Check out my page and projects.

- tigergirlG
500+ posts

Voice Auditions -'Freedom'

tigergirlG wrote:

IS this still open? Are the auditions still open?
No, sorry!

20 posts

Voice Auditions -'Freedom'

Yay! So much progress!

Shoot for the moon, even if you miss you'll land amongst the stars.

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