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Crossbreeds v2 RP Rulebook

Okay, so basically, I had a RP called Crossbreeds. It was going nicely. So I decided to expand it. A lot. It went from two studios to….much more. It is much more complicated now. Instead of just a place for bios and a place for RPing….a place for announcements, a place for all the different locations, etc., etc. Basically, there's a lot. So I'll need to explain it all.
ATTENTION: If you aren't going to read at least most of this, don't join this RP. All of this is important to the game play.

First I'll explain the world.
There are 19 different races you can choose from. There are 10 main locations. There are 8 gods they worship. And there are millions of different characters you can create.

Humans look like humans as we know them. There's not much else to say. They worship the goddess Lux, goddess of light and beauty.

Vampires are like humans but much taller and with fangs. They do not have any additional powers. While the sun will not kill them, they prefer to live in the dark. While they could, they are not known to kill humans for their blood. Vampires worship Tenebris, the god of night and darkness

Werewolves are humans who can turn into wolves. In this world the full moon doesn't effect them, they can control their own powers. They are bigger than normal humans, and have fangs and sharp nails in human form too. They worship the god Deserto, god of the wild and free

These elves are not like what you would normally think of. These elves are small and dark and wait in ambush in the branches of trees. They are very territorial. They have long flowing hair and look like humans except for their ivy mark, which could be from bark skin to grass hair to flowers lining their body. They are one with nature and don't like strangers. They worship Hedera, goddess of nature and pureness.

Flat-out, these people are evil. They are human on the top half and some sort of sea creature on the bottom half. Commonly they have fins and a long fish tail, though some may vary. They will prey on anything but especially like the other races. They have terribly sharp teeth and are very scary. They don't worship any gods.

Shape-shifters are evil. Shape-shifters are rare, usually coming from the breeding of two different races, a sort of failed hybrid. Shape-shifters can change their shape into any other living thing, and are known usually to use this power not for good but evil. You want to stay away from shape-shifters, they could be anywhere. Their original form is that of a small deformed human. They worship Insidiis, god of trickery

Dwarves are small and rock dwelling. They are more monkey than human. They have grayish skin and hair and like to hide in the mountains. They are relatively harmless though. They worship Petram, god of the mountains and sky.

Thought a creature of legend, these rare species carry their pelt. When worn, they become seal people. Though their true home is the sea, some stay human. Commonly female. Considered pure. No government, no gods.

Your classic bumbling thief. Your choice of already existing species turned into a filthy sailor. These people are on the sea almost their whole life, plundering and stealing as required.
Led by the most respected Captain.

Half-dragons are only dragons in the sense that they have scales and a tail. They are human shaped other than that. They vary in colors. Some are equipped with a dangerous breath, like fire breath or ice breath. They do not worship any gods.

Demons are your classical demon, evil, scaly, horned, etc. You can add any twists you want really, they're mostly just deformed humanoids. They are heat-resistant. They worship no gods.

Orcs are tall and extremely muscular. They have greenish skin and large fang-like teeth. If they have hair its long black and stringy, usually in a ponytail. They laugh in the face of fear. They're the strength. They worship no gods.

You may think that ogres are just like orcs, but really they aren't. They're big, but they aren't muscular. Really, they're fat. They're very strong and very ugly. While their skin is still greenish, it's much less greenish than the orcs. They're a little more inclined to peace too. They don't worship any gods.

Gnomes aren't exactly as you would normally think of them either. They're not cute in any way. They live underground and they're fierce little creatures. They're small, less than half the size of an average human, and their skin is pale and dusty gray. They have pointy teeth and scary eyes. You really don't want to run into any of them if you're on an adventure. They worship no god

Centaurs, you've probably heard of. Unlike many of the creatures before this, the centaurs are the peacekeepers of this world. They're top half is a human, they're bottom half is a horse. They're graceful and beautiful creatures. They have long usually brown hair and pointy ears, but other than that their top half looks pretty human. They worship the god Pax, god of peace and harmony.

Harpies are the bird-people. They're humanoid, maybe a little shorter than average humans. Their arms have feathers on them, their wings. They usually wear helmets of bird feathers that has a beak and looks remarkably bird-like. They have talons on their hands and feet, and they're vicious creatures. They like to live on the islands, flying out to the mainland to hunt. They worship no gods

Hybrids are not necessarily their own race, but this was a good time to bring this up. These hybrids are called “successful” hybrids, seeing as they did not become shape-shifters or of the like. They can be from any two races, perhaps a vampire and a werewolf, and they have a few traits from both races. Say this vampire-werewolf hybrid dislikes the sun and can now or then turn into a wolf. Maybe its a Harpy-Human hybrid. Well, that's gonna be a Harpy with a little less feathers.

The Fay are also known as the fairies. A fay person is basically what you would think an elf looks like, tall and beautiful. They're utterly beautiful, on the outside at least. They hold great magical power, not always used for good. They can walk with the gods and they can cast their magic in many ways. They have a magical aura, which can differ between different Fay, and each one hold different powers. The Auras also double as the Fay's wings.
Red Aura: These are typically seen around the “evil” Fay. They give them the powers of element. This means that they can control some of the elements, such as fire, water, and air.
Blue Aura: This is known as the aura of the people. This gives the Fay the ability to slightly control how another creatures feels, change a way of their thinking, or persuade them to do something.
Green Aura: This is the aura of the forest, giving them control over plants and non-intelligent animals. While they can't completely control them, they can persuade or manipulate them to some degree.
Purple Aura: This is the most rare of the auras. This aura gives you power of the universe. This allows them to walk through the worlds, so to speak. They can pass through a crowd without being noticed, and they can have days pass behind them in a blink of an eye. This is, however, very rare, and perhaps maybe one person in the entire RP is allowed to have this power.

These goblins are more like they're typical representation. They're small and tough. They have greenish skin and carry their armor and weapons with them wherever they go. They have strength in numbers and the most tactical brains on the planet. These guys will go in swarms, attacking with great power. They have sharp teeth and squinty eyes. They worship no gods

But one more thing. You have to the option to make your character a witch/sorcerer. This means that they were born with some magical power in them. This gives them the power to speak to one god of your choosing and to have limited control over one element of your choice. For example, on could talk to Pax and have limited control over fire. This is, however, rare.
And that's all the races! Now, moving on to the locations.


Insuamus Islands-
Insuamus is a group of large islands, covered in rocks and strange plants. It has some caves and is the home to many Selkies and Harpies.

Aspero Sea-
Aspero Sea is a big sea with little islands scattered across it. It's waves are rough, making it hard to survive there. It's home to the merfolk and pirates.

Lamia City-
Lamia City is the city of the Vampires. It is known as a usually very wealthy place, protected by a large wall surrounding it. It is run by vampires, but some other creatures have made refuge there.

Lupinotuum City-
Lupinotuum City is the city of the Werewolves. It is known to be dark with many houses crowded in. Some non-werewolves might come to seek shelter from hard times.

Vir City-
Vir is the city of the humans. It's smaller than the other two cities, more friendly and safe feeling. It's lit up bright at night, a warm glowing city. Non-humans might come here for the comfort.

Cunabula Peaks-
Cuabula Peaks are in some places populated by dwarves, in some places Orcs, some places Half-Dragons, and some places it's completely deserted. It's treacherous cliffs and rocks could mean death to an unfamiliar traveler, but to some creatures it means home.

Vallis Stretch-
Vallis Stretch is the great plains of this world. Endless fields fill Vallis Stretch, perfect for farming. In addition to the farmers living there, Vallis Stretch is home to many Shape-shifters.

Silva Groves-
Silva Groves is a vast forest, filled with other-worldly plants and animals. Within it's trees dwell elves, The Fay, and centaurs.

Subterria is the underground city that is home to the gnomes and the demons. They are almost invisible to the other creatures there, but it is tough living.

Palus Swamp-
Palus is a muggy swamp, hot and humid. While it can be unforgiving to passing travelers, some creatures such as the Ogres and the Goblins call Palus their home.
*keep in mind that these descriptions and descriptions written on the studios were done by different people, so don't freak if they're different
Character Creation———————————————————————————————————————————————————————–
Now that you've seen some of the options, it's time for you character creation. Please try to make your character be someone mysterious or important or unique in some way. How about a dark backstory, or a strong motivation? Below is the bio sheet I have created for Crossbreeds. It goes a little farther than most RP bios go, but that's because I'm trying to make this a little more like a irl RP system. Answer it as best as you can for your character, and if you have questions about any of them, please ask me them. After you make your bio I'll ask you more questions about your character, ex. what makes him/her angry? What kinds of things does he/she do in their free time? This is so that you and I both know your character a little better, and you know how to RP with the. I'm sorry if I'm really picky about your bios, but I just want to get an understanding of who your character is.
Bio- (Group) (what does this mean)
Name: What does your character want to be called?
Age: How many years has your character been alive?
Gender: Are you a boy, girl, or non-binary?
Sexuality: Who does your character like(in term of gender)
Species/Race: What race did you choose?
Location: What location from above does your character live in?
Home: Where does you character live in, a cave, a house, or something else?
Job(without good reason, must have one): What does your character do for a living?
Looks(be descriptive): What does someone see when they look at you character?
Personality(be descriptive): How does your character act around other people?
Interests/Hobbies: What kinds of things does your character like to do when they're alone at home?
Strengths(must be one weakness for every strength): What kinds of things give your character an advantage?
Weaknesses: What kinds of things might you see as a flaw, or something that puts them at disadvantage?
Crush: Does your character feel romantically for someone?
Lover: Is your character in a mutual relationship with someone?
Spouse/Mate: Is your character married?
Kin: Who is in your character's family?
Other Relationships(have at least one): Is there anyone significant in their lives? Who impacted them?
Motivation(s) (explain why): What drives your character in life? What do they reach for?
Backstory: What happened in your characters past that made them who they are now?
Fears: What is your character afraid of?
Comforts: What puts your character at ease, and helps them relax and concentrate?
Important Likes/Dislikes: Does your character like/dislike something in a way that impacts them and their RPs?
Other: What more is there to add to your character to give them depth?

Now that you've made your bio, you're almost ready. Now you just need to know the rules.
1. Each studio is separated into it's own thing, so please only put what it asks for there. If it's the bio studio, please only put bios. This goes for all of the Crossbreeds studios
2. Please do not reply to this discussion with a bio, only reply with questions and suggestions. And please do ask any questions you have and please do give me any suggestions you have.
3. All normal scratch and RP rules apply, please be nice and respectful, please do not RP before your bio has been accepted, and ask people before you do something big involving their character, etc. Romance is allowed, but keep it PG13
4. You can make as many characters as you want as long as they follow the rules. No perfect people.
5. There is something called the announcements studio. The rules of the studio and how it works are in the studio description, but I'll put it here too.
This is the Crossbreeds Global Announcements, where we will post announcements of important things that have happened in the Crossbreeds world. This will include character announcements, meaning funerals, marriages, moves, and births. There will also be Global announcements or location announcements, meaning things like earthquakes, big storms, etc. The last are Diplomatic Announcements, meaning when peace treaties are made or broken, or when wars or fights have been started.
Everyday I will post one comment saying Day (whatever day it is) - (global announcements). Everyone will have to respond to this comment. If your character is a leader of an area(the King, the tribe leader, etc.) you will have to respond with the Location Announcements of your location. If you are a non-leader character you will have to respond with your Character Announcements, or saying nothing important happened to you. Do not make new comments, only respond to my comments. If you do not respond before I post the next day, I will contact you and ask you to. If you do not comment after I tell you to, you get a strike. You get three strikes before I'm gonna demote you or punish you in some way. If you're going on a vacation or something, tell me, and you won't get strikes.
Only announcements can go in this studio. Normal Crossbreeds rules apply.
6.There is a bank in this world, and you have to have money to survive. There is a new money system. It has 5 different coins.
Copper is the cheapest, while Platinum is the best. They come in coins. They are as wide as a golden dollar. They are as thick as CD. They have a hole in the middle the size of a dime. Around the hole are designs, representing the species and locations.
10 copper is 1 bronze. 10 bronze is 1 silver. 10 silver is 1 gold. 10 gold is 1 Platinum. When you choose a job, I'll tell you if your job would be considered Bottom Class, Middle Class, or Top Class, and depending on that you'll get more money weekly.
7. When you're RPing, I want your RPs to be good. By that I mean, sometimes when you RP you'll start to just get bored and have your person sit there. It's happened to me a lot, and I know it's really annoying. This isn't necessarily a rule, as much as a suggestion. But, I mean, why RP when you're not doing anything that's going to affect either of the characters involved? Something needs to happen, and adventure needs to be had. Just, try to make it fun. And when you start an RP, know that your character probably hasn't been introduced to the other character. Let the other character know what they see when they look at your character. “They see a man leaning against a lamppost, frowning at the world,” would be acceptable. It lets you know what kind of person he looks like on the outside.
8. If you see that a lot of people are being one type of thing, like one race or one job, please try to be something else. I don't want too many people in one thing and not enough people in another, I want it to be even.
9. I would like everyone to be a curator once I invite you, and if you're really helpful with Crossbreeds then I'll promote you to manager. If you're a manager you have more responsibility, and you'll probably end up helping me accept characters and run studios. If you're a manager, the first thing I want you to do is invite everyone you know. I want lots of people playing this.
10. If this is too big for you, you don't have to RP here. Please don't make a fuss about it though. If you disagree with these things, please don't be rude about it. If you're not going to RP here, you don't need to tell me that. I'll try to be as polite as I can as well. One more thing. There's a code word now too. I didn't put it in the bio because I didn't want people to know unless they read through the rules. Thank you for reading all the rules. I know it probably took a while, and you're probably confused or excited, but I hope it's worth it. The code word is Hope. Please find a way to put it somewhere in your bio.
Well, that took a while. Thank you if you read all the way through. I know, I can be boring. But if you read all of it, I think it'll be fun.

I just want to say that I'm really nervous about how this will go. I know I'm going to get some negative responses to me doing this, but I hope that people like it. I know that bigger RPs aren't some peoples “things”, but I was up for trying something new, and hopefully you are too. I want to thank all of the people who have helped make this possible. Special thanks to:
All of these people helped me out with ideas, emotional support, actually putting it together, and more. Thank you so so much.
I hope you like it!

Trying to get recognition! I'd love if you checked out some of my original memes and my PMV Forest Fire.
Here's a studio with some of my best projects: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/5230559/
I have a topic where you can ask for help with anything you need: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/306188/
24 posts

Crossbreeds v2 RP Rulebook

Great job on this!!! I read all the rules and may have time to work on the studios a bit!!! I can copy and paste some discriptions if needed.
100+ posts

Crossbreeds v2 RP Rulebook

Dumbledore409 wrote:

Great job on this!!! I read all the rules and may have time to work on the studios a bit!!! I can copy and paste some discriptions if needed.
I got the studios. I stopped doing ones for different races. It's really a waste of time looking at what I wrote here. I'm not putting much else in the descriptions of the studios other than this is the place you RP if you live in _____
So, yeah.
I think I'm good

Trying to get recognition! I'd love if you checked out some of my original memes and my PMV Forest Fire.
Here's a studio with some of my best projects: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/5230559/
I have a topic where you can ask for help with anything you need: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/306188/
24 posts

Crossbreeds v2 RP Rulebook

Lion1278 wrote:

Dumbledore409 wrote:

Great job on this!!! I read all the rules and may have time to work on the studios a bit!!! I can copy and paste some discriptions if needed.
I got the studios. I stopped doing ones for different races. It's really a waste of time looking at what I wrote here. I'm not putting much else in the descriptions of the studios other than this is the place you RP if you live in _____
So, yeah.
I think I'm good
Okay. I was just saying for the locations one. I can also help with the few you have not put links for. But cool!
100+ posts

Crossbreeds v2 RP Rulebook

Dumbledore409 wrote:

Lion1278 wrote:

Dumbledore409 wrote:

Great job on this!!! I read all the rules and may have time to work on the studios a bit!!! I can copy and paste some discriptions if needed.
I got the studios. I stopped doing ones for different races. It's really a waste of time looking at what I wrote here. I'm not putting much else in the descriptions of the studios other than this is the place you RP if you live in _____
So, yeah.
I think I'm good
Okay. I was just saying for the locations one. I can also help with the few you have not put links for. But cool!
I'm done now. I'm going to notify everyone

Trying to get recognition! I'd love if you checked out some of my original memes and my PMV Forest Fire.
Here's a studio with some of my best projects: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/5230559/
I have a topic where you can ask for help with anything you need: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/306188/
24 posts

Crossbreeds v2 RP Rulebook

Lion1278 wrote:

Dumbledore409 wrote:

Lion1278 wrote:

Dumbledore409 wrote:

Great job on this!!! I read all the rules and may have time to work on the studios a bit!!! I can copy and paste some discriptions if needed.
I got the studios. I stopped doing ones for different races. It's really a waste of time looking at what I wrote here. I'm not putting much else in the descriptions of the studios other than this is the place you RP if you live in _____
So, yeah.
I think I'm good
Okay. I was just saying for the locations one. I can also help with the few you have not put links for. But cool!
I'm done now. I'm going to notify everyone
100+ posts

Crossbreeds v2 RP Rulebook

Dumbledore409 wrote:

Lion1278 wrote:

Dumbledore409 wrote:

Lion1278 wrote:

Dumbledore409 wrote:

Great job on this!!! I read all the rules and may have time to work on the studios a bit!!! I can copy and paste some discriptions if needed.
I got the studios. I stopped doing ones for different races. It's really a waste of time looking at what I wrote here. I'm not putting much else in the descriptions of the studios other than this is the place you RP if you live in _____
So, yeah.
I think I'm good
Okay. I was just saying for the locations one. I can also help with the few you have not put links for. But cool!
I'm done now. I'm going to notify everyone
Did it

Trying to get recognition! I'd love if you checked out some of my original memes and my PMV Forest Fire.
Here's a studio with some of my best projects: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/5230559/
I have a topic where you can ask for help with anything you need: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/306188/
18 posts

Crossbreeds v2 RP Rulebook

Do I do my bio here?

Last edited by snowywolf101 (Jan. 7, 2018 01:59:44)

16 posts

Crossbreeds v2 RP Rulebook

snowywolf101 wrote:

Do I do my bio here?
No there is a studio for that, here is the link
Any more questions?
18 posts

Crossbreeds v2 RP Rulebook

snowywolf101 wrote:

Do I do my bio here?
18 posts

Crossbreeds v2 RP Rulebook

wookiewarrior12125 wrote:

snowywolf101 wrote:

Do I do my bio here?
No there is a studio for that, here is the link
Any more questions?
OK! Thanks for the help. I was just confused. I didn't think I would get the answer so fast. Thanks again!
16 posts

Crossbreeds v2 RP Rulebook

snowywolf101 wrote:

wookiewarrior12125 wrote:

snowywolf101 wrote:

Do I do my bio here?
No there is a studio for that, here is the link
Any more questions?
OK! Thanks for the help. I was just confused. I didn't think I would get the answer so fast. Thanks again!
No problem, I'm working on my bio right now so I'm just on in general.
16 posts

Crossbreeds v2 RP Rulebook

Can a shape-shifter act good (basically have better control over their mischievous and evil nature) even though most people in their race acts bad? This character would still be mischievous sometimes but it wouldn't be as much as bad shape-shifters.
24 posts

Crossbreeds v2 RP Rulebook

krestelwing wrote:

Can a shape-shifter act good (basically have better control over their mischievous and evil nature) even though most people in their race acts bad? This character would still be mischievous sometimes but it wouldn't be as much as bad shape-shifters.
Yes. Every person is different. But you have to act like your race so if they are not trustworthy you can still have good intentions. So I would say that what you want for your character is okay!
16 posts

Crossbreeds v2 RP Rulebook

Dumbledore409 wrote:

krestelwing wrote:

Can a shape-shifter act good (basically have better control over their mischievous and evil nature) even though most people in their race acts bad? This character would still be mischievous sometimes but it wouldn't be as much as bad shape-shifters.
Yes. Every person is different. But you have to act like your race so if they are not trustworthy you can still have good intentions. So I would say that what you want for your character is okay!
Ok! Thanks for the help!
24 posts

Crossbreeds v2 RP Rulebook

krestelwing wrote:

Dumbledore409 wrote:

krestelwing wrote:

Can a shape-shifter act good (basically have better control over their mischievous and evil nature) even though most people in their race acts bad? This character would still be mischievous sometimes but it wouldn't be as much as bad shape-shifters.
Yes. Every person is different. But you have to act like your race so if they are not trustworthy you can still have good intentions. So I would say that what you want for your character is okay!
Ok! Thanks for the help!
1 post

Crossbreeds v2 RP Rulebook

Soooo like, what kinds of jobs would be in Silva Grove?
16 posts

Crossbreeds v2 RP Rulebook

LittleFluff45 wrote:

Soooo like, what kinds of jobs would be in Silva Grove?
I recommend just picking a couple jobs, rank em best to worst, and go through the list. There are a lot of things, like a gardner, a cook, a maid. I think it's all about what's realistic. It doesn't even need to be a job with a steady income like the one's I just listed, you could just help people and charge a fee for providing potions or books or something.
2 posts

Crossbreeds v2 RP Rulebook

Lion1278 wrote:

Okay, so basically, I had a RP called Crossbreeds. It was going nicely. So I decided to expand it. A lot. It went from two studios to….much more. It is much more complicated now. Instead of just a place for bios and a place for RPing….a place for announcements, a place for all the different locations, etc., etc. Basically, there's a lot. So I'll need to explain it all.
ATTENTION: If you aren't going to read at least most of this, don't join this RP. All of this is important to the game play.

First I'll explain the world.
There are 19 different races you can choose from. There are 10 main locations. There are 8 gods they worship. And there are millions of different characters you can create.

Humans look like humans as we know them. There's not much else to say. They worship the goddess Lux, goddess of light and beauty.

Vampires are like humans but much taller and with fangs. They do not have any additional powers. While the sun will not kill them, they prefer to live in the dark. While they could, they are not known to kill humans for their blood. Vampires worship Tenebris, the god of night and darkness

Werewolves are humans who can turn into wolves. In this world the full moon doesn't effect them, they can control their own powers. They are bigger than normal humans, and have fangs and sharp nails in human form too. They worship the god Deserto, god of the wild and free

These elves are not like what you would normally think of. These elves are small and dark and wait in ambush in the branches of trees. They are very territorial. They have long flowing hair and look like humans except for their ivy mark, which could be from bark skin to grass hair to flowers lining their body. They are one with nature and don't like strangers. They worship Hedera, goddess of nature and pureness.

Flat-out, these people are evil. They are human on the top half and some sort of sea creature on the bottom half. Commonly they have fins and a long fish tail, though some may vary. They will prey on anything but especially like the other races. They have terribly sharp teeth and are very scary. They don't worship any gods.

Shape-shifters are evil. Shape-shifters are rare, usually coming from the breeding of two different races, a sort of failed hybrid. Shape-shifters can change their shape into any other living thing, and are known usually to use this power not for good but evil. You want to stay away from shape-shifters, they could be anywhere. Their original form is that of a small deformed human. They worship Insidiis, god of trickery

Dwarves are small and rock dwelling. They are more monkey than human. They have grayish skin and hair and like to hide in the mountains. They are relatively harmless though. They worship Petram, god of the mountains and sky.

Thought a creature of legend, these rare species carry their pelt. When worn, they become seal people. Though their true home is the sea, some stay human. Commonly female. Considered pure. No government, no gods.

Your classic bumbling thief. Your choice of already existing species turned into a filthy sailor. These people are on the sea almost their whole life, plundering and stealing as required.
Led by the most respected Captain.

Half-dragons are only dragons in the sense that they have scales and a tail. They are human shaped other than that. They vary in colors. Some are equipped with a dangerous breath, like fire breath or ice breath. They do not worship any gods.

Demons are your classical demon, evil, scaly, horned, etc. You can add any twists you want really, they're mostly just deformed humanoids. They are heat-resistant. They worship no gods.

Orcs are tall and extremely muscular. They have greenish skin and large fang-like teeth. If they have hair its long black and stringy, usually in a ponytail. They laugh in the face of fear. They're the strength. They worship no gods.

You may think that ogres are just like orcs, but really they aren't. They're big, but they aren't muscular. Really, they're fat. They're very strong and very ugly. While their skin is still greenish, it's much less greenish than the orcs. They're a little more inclined to peace too. They don't worship any gods.

Gnomes aren't exactly as you would normally think of them either. They're not cute in any way. They live underground and they're fierce little creatures. They're small, less than half the size of an average human, and their skin is pale and dusty gray. They have pointy teeth and scary eyes. You really don't want to run into any of them if you're on an adventure. They worship no god

Centaurs, you've probably heard of. Unlike many of the creatures before this, the centaurs are the peacekeepers of this world. They're top half is a human, they're bottom half is a horse. They're graceful and beautiful creatures. They have long usually brown hair and pointy ears, but other than that their top half looks pretty human. They worship the god Pax, god of peace and harmony.

Harpies are the bird-people. They're humanoid, maybe a little shorter than average humans. Their arms have feathers on them, their wings. They usually wear helmets of bird feathers that has a beak and looks remarkably bird-like. They have talons on their hands and feet, and they're vicious creatures. They like to live on the islands, flying out to the mainland to hunt. They worship no gods

Hybrids are not necessarily their own race, but this was a good time to bring this up. These hybrids are called “successful” hybrids, seeing as they did not become shape-shifters or of the like. They can be from any two races, perhaps a vampire and a werewolf, and they have a few traits from both races. Say this vampire-werewolf hybrid dislikes the sun and can now or then turn into a wolf. Maybe its a Harpy-Human hybrid. Well, that's gonna be a Harpy with a little less feathers.

The Fay are also known as the fairies. A fay person is basically what you would think an elf looks like, tall and beautiful. They're utterly beautiful, on the outside at least. They hold great magical power, not always used for good. They can walk with the gods and they can cast their magic in many ways. They have a magical aura, which can differ between different Fay, and each one hold different powers. The Auras also double as the Fay's wings.
Red Aura: These are typically seen around the “evil” Fay. They give them the powers of element. This means that they can control some of the elements, such as fire, water, and air.
Blue Aura: This is known as the aura of the people. This gives the Fay the ability to slightly control how another creatures feels, change a way of their thinking, or persuade them to do something.
Green Aura: This is the aura of the forest, giving them control over plants and non-intelligent animals. While they can't completely control them, they can persuade or manipulate them to some degree.
Purple Aura: This is the most rare of the auras. This aura gives you power of the universe. This allows them to walk through the worlds, so to speak. They can pass through a crowd without being noticed, and they can have days pass behind them in a blink of an eye. This is, however, very rare, and perhaps maybe one person in the entire RP is allowed to have this power.

These goblins are more like they're typical representation. They're small and tough. They have greenish skin and carry their armor and weapons with them wherever they go. They have strength in numbers and the most tactical brains on the planet. These guys will go in swarms, attacking with great power. They have sharp teeth and squinty eyes. They worship no gods

But one more thing. You have to the option to make your character a witch/sorcerer. This means that they were born with some magical power in them. This gives them the power to speak to one god of your choosing and to have limited control over one element of your choice. For example, on could talk to Pax and have limited control over fire. This is, however, rare.
And that's all the races! Now, moving on to the locations.


Insuamus Islands-
Insuamus is a group of large islands, covered in rocks and strange plants. It has some caves and is the home to many Selkies and Harpies.

Aspero Sea-
Aspero Sea is a big sea with little islands scattered across it. It's waves are rough, making it hard to survive there. It's home to the merfolk and pirates.

Lamia City-
Lamia City is the city of the Vampires. It is known as a usually very wealthy place, protected by a large wall surrounding it. It is run by vampires, but some other creatures have made refuge there.

Lupinotuum City-
Lupinotuum City is the city of the Werewolves. It is known to be dark with many houses crowded in. Some non-werewolves might come to seek shelter from hard times.

Vir City-
Vir is the city of the humans. It's smaller than the other two cities, more friendly and safe feeling. It's lit up bright at night, a warm glowing city. Non-humans might come here for the comfort.

Cunabula Peaks-
Cuabula Peaks are in some places populated by dwarves, in some places Orcs, some places Half-Dragons, and some places it's completely deserted. It's treacherous cliffs and rocks could mean death to an unfamiliar traveler, but to some creatures it means home.

Vallis Stretch-
Vallis Stretch is the great plains of this world. Endless fields fill Vallis Stretch, perfect for farming. In addition to the farmers living there, Vallis Stretch is home to many Shape-shifters.

Silva Groves-
Silva Groves is a vast forest, filled with other-worldly plants and animals. Within it's trees dwell elves, The Fay, and centaurs.

Subterria is the underground city that is home to the gnomes and the demons. They are almost invisible to the other creatures there, but it is tough living.

Palus Swamp-
Palus is a muggy swamp, hot and humid. While it can be unforgiving to passing travelers, some creatures such as the Ogres and the Goblins call Palus their home.
*keep in mind that these descriptions and descriptions written on the studios were done by different people, so don't freak if they're different
Character Creation———————————————————————————————————————————————————————–
Now that you've seen some of the options, it's time for you character creation. Please try to make your character be someone mysterious or important or unique in some way. How about a dark backstory, or a strong motivation? Below is the bio sheet I have created for Crossbreeds. It goes a little farther than most RP bios go, but that's because I'm trying to make this a little more like a irl RP system. Answer it as best as you can for your character, and if you have questions about any of them, please ask me them. After you make your bio I'll ask you more questions about your character, ex. what makes him/her angry? What kinds of things does he/she do in their free time? This is so that you and I both know your character a little better, and you know how to RP with the. I'm sorry if I'm really picky about your bios, but I just want to get an understanding of who your character is.
Bio- (Group) (what does this mean)
Name: What does your character want to be called?
Age: How many years has your character been alive?
Gender: Are you a boy, girl, or non-binary?
Sexuality: Who does your character like(in term of gender)
Species/Race: What race did you choose?
Location: What location from above does your character live in?
Home: Where does you character live in, a cave, a house, or something else?
Job(without good reason, must have one): What does your character do for a living?
Looks(be descriptive): What does someone see when they look at you character?
Personality(be descriptive): How does your character act around other people?
Interests/Hobbies: What kinds of things does your character like to do when they're alone at home?
Strengths(must be one weakness for every strength): What kinds of things give your character an advantage?
Weaknesses: What kinds of things might you see as a flaw, or something that puts them at disadvantage?
Crush: Does your character feel romantically for someone?
Lover: Is your character in a mutual relationship with someone?
Spouse/Mate: Is your character married?
Kin: Who is in your character's family?
Other Relationships(have at least one): Is there anyone significant in their lives? Who impacted them?
Motivation(s) (explain why): What drives your character in life? What do they reach for?
Backstory: What happened in your characters past that made them who they are now?
Fears: What is your character afraid of?
Comforts: What puts your character at ease, and helps them relax and concentrate?
Important Likes/Dislikes: Does your character like/dislike something in a way that impacts them and their RPs?
Other: What more is there to add to your character to give them depth?

Now that you've made your bio, you're almost ready. Now you just need to know the rules.
1. Each studio is separated into it's own thing, so please only put what it asks for there. If it's the bio studio, please only put bios. This goes for all of the Crossbreeds studios
2. Please do not reply to this discussion with a bio, only reply with questions and suggestions. And please do ask any questions you have and please do give me any suggestions you have.
3. All normal scratch and RP rules apply, please be nice and respectful, please do not RP before your bio has been accepted, and ask people before you do something big involving their character, etc. Romance is allowed, but keep it PG13
4. You can make as many characters as you want as long as they follow the rules. No perfect people.
5. There is something called the announcements studio. The rules of the studio and how it works are in the studio description, but I'll put it here too.
This is the Crossbreeds Global Announcements, where we will post announcements of important things that have happened in the Crossbreeds world. This will include character announcements, meaning funerals, marriages, moves, and births. There will also be Global announcements or location announcements, meaning things like earthquakes, big storms, etc. The last are Diplomatic Announcements, meaning when peace treaties are made or broken, or when wars or fights have been started.
Everyday I will post one comment saying Day (whatever day it is) - (global announcements). Everyone will have to respond to this comment. If your character is a leader of an area(the King, the tribe leader, etc.) you will have to respond with the Location Announcements of your location. If you are a non-leader character you will have to respond with your Character Announcements, or saying nothing important happened to you. Do not make new comments, only respond to my comments. If you do not respond before I post the next day, I will contact you and ask you to. If you do not comment after I tell you to, you get a strike. You get three strikes before I'm gonna demote you or punish you in some way. If you're going on a vacation or something, tell me, and you won't get strikes.
Only announcements can go in this studio. Normal Crossbreeds rules apply.
6.There is a bank in this world, and you have to have money to survive. There is a new money system. It has 5 different coins.
Copper is the cheapest, while Platinum is the best. They come in coins. They are as wide as a golden dollar. They are as thick as CD. They have a hole in the middle the size of a dime. Around the hole are designs, representing the species and locations.
10 copper is 1 bronze. 10 bronze is 1 silver. 10 silver is 1 gold. 10 gold is 1 Platinum. When you choose a job, I'll tell you if your job would be considered Bottom Class, Middle Class, or Top Class, and depending on that you'll get more money weekly.
7. When you're RPing, I want your RPs to be good. By that I mean, sometimes when you RP you'll start to just get bored and have your person sit there. It's happened to me a lot, and I know it's really annoying. This isn't necessarily a rule, as much as a suggestion. But, I mean, why RP when you're not doing anything that's going to affect either of the characters involved? Something needs to happen, and adventure needs to be had. Just, try to make it fun. And when you start an RP, know that your character probably hasn't been introduced to the other character. Let the other character know what they see when they look at your character. “They see a man leaning against a lamppost, frowning at the world,” would be acceptable. It lets you know what kind of person he looks like on the outside.
8. If you see that a lot of people are being one type of thing, like one race or one job, please try to be something else. I don't want too many people in one thing and not enough people in another, I want it to be even.
9. I would like everyone to be a curator once I invite you, and if you're really helpful with Crossbreeds then I'll promote you to manager. If you're a manager you have more responsibility, and you'll probably end up helping me accept characters and run studios. If you're a manager, the first thing I want you to do is invite everyone you know. I want lots of people playing this.
10. If this is too big for you, you don't have to RP here. Please don't make a fuss about it though. If you disagree with these things, please don't be rude about it. If you're not going to RP here, you don't need to tell me that. I'll try to be as polite as I can as well. One more thing. There's a code word now too. I didn't put it in the bio because I didn't want people to know unless they read through the rules. Thank you for reading all the rules. I know it probably took a while, and you're probably confused or excited, but I hope it's worth it. The code word is Hope. Please find a way to put it somewhere in your bio.
Well, that took a while. Thank you if you read all the way through. I know, I can be boring. But if you read all of it, I think it'll be fun.

I just want to say that I'm really nervous about how this will go. I know I'm going to get some negative responses to me doing this, but I hope that people like it. I know that bigger RPs aren't some peoples “things”, but I was up for trying something new, and hopefully you are too. I want to thank all of the people who have helped make this possible. Special thanks to:
All of these people helped me out with ideas, emotional support, actually putting it together, and more. Thank you so so much.
I hope you like it!
Hi, I have some questions, I was invited to “Cross breeds Rp- Directory” and I really want to be in it, but I'm not sure I can reply to the comment on the announcements studio because I am not very active (My mom only gives me an hour a week, but I'm still on it every now and then in the week) and can there also be witches? I hate witches but I might make one in my story/backstory for my character. Also what is the Silva Groves like? Is it a quiet, peaceful forest or a dark, mysterious forest? I If its peaceful and quiet, can there be another forest dark and mysterious? I don't know, I just like my character to live in a forest like that. Whatever…..You don't have to listen to me. Anyway…… HOW DID YOU MAKE THIS IT IS AWSOME! XD
21 posts

Crossbreeds v2 RP Rulebook

So, regarding the comment in the announcements studio…
I’m not always on every day, although I try to be, and I often take 3-4 days off without notifying anyone.
So this is pretty much me saying: If I’m not on every day, then I’m probably away (or the WiFi is dead)
Thanks, Ciider~

P.S. I’ll try to notify a manager if I intend to take more than 4 days off, but sometimes random technology
bans are placed in my family, therefore I may not be able not be active for 5+ days.

When life shuts a door,
open it again.
It's a door.
That's how they work.

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