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- brownie220
22 posts
Unofficial - Scratch 2.0 Compiled For Mobile - Download Now! (iOS and Android)
This is great! finally for mobile again. but how can i type?
Last edited by brownie220 (Oct. 30, 2017 01:52:47)
- whitelily1196
100+ posts
Unofficial - Scratch 2.0 Compiled For Mobile - Download Now! (iOS and Android)
Purple custom blocks in scratch 3.0:
In scratch 2.0: {define block
when I receive [block v]
broadcast [block v]
- infinitytec
1000+ posts
Unofficial - Scratch 2.0 Compiled For Mobile - Download Now! (iOS and Android)
Purple custom blocks in scratch 3.0:This is off-topic.In scratch 2.0: {define block
when I receive [block v]
broadcast [block v]
- brownie220
22 posts
Unofficial - Scratch 2.0 Compiled For Mobile - Download Now! (iOS and Android)
also I have a link for scratch XBOT https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=air.com.scratchxbot.android.app
- brownie220
22 posts
Unofficial - Scratch 2.0 Compiled For Mobile - Download Now! (iOS and Android)
I found a way how I can scratch in mobile! Its the full version like the computer!!! you need to be in mobile to do these steps.
Step1: download puffin web browser pro or free.
step2: translate into desktop (which means computer version)
step3: search scratch
step4: create!
its like if your on the computer but a little slow and a little hard to drag stuff.
It really works!
and cannot harm any devices!
but it wont be able to be on the home screen though
and you can pinch and zoom!
and last there is Scratch cat sprite and library!
I have a link to puffin web browser for short cut.
Step1: download puffin web browser pro or free.
step2: translate into desktop (which means computer version)
step3: search scratch
step4: create!
its like if your on the computer but a little slow and a little hard to drag stuff.
It really works!

and cannot harm any devices!
but it wont be able to be on the home screen though

and you can pinch and zoom!
and last there is Scratch cat sprite and library!
I have a link to puffin web browser for short cut.

Last edited by brownie220 (Nov. 4, 2017 17:53:08)
- jnpp2017
3 posts
Unofficial - Scratch 2.0 Compiled For Mobile - Download Now! (iOS and Android)
Finally the Scratch development environment (https://scratch.mit.edu) works great without any problems with the excellent Puffin Web Browser which gives you keyboard, mouse pad, drag and drop feature to develop games with Scratch on Android tablets and mobile phones. It works almost like on PC but without the need of installing any further add-ons.
Scratch on Android with Puffin Web Browser
Scratch on Android with Puffin Web Browser
- jnpp2017
3 posts
Unofficial - Scratch 2.0 Compiled For Mobile - Download Now! (iOS and Android)
Picture shows Scratch on Android with the Puffin Web Browser
<a href="https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-Ac0hH8GlaDemRtejh2Zkw0bkE/view?usp=drivesdk">Scratch on Android with the Puffin Web Browser</a>
Scratch on Android with the Puffin Web Browser
<a href="https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-Ac0hH8GlaDemRtejh2Zkw0bkE/view?usp=drivesdk">Scratch on Android with the Puffin Web Browser</a>
Scratch on Android with the Puffin Web Browser
Last edited by jnpp2017 (Nov. 6, 2017 09:04:12)
- jnpp2017
3 posts
Unofficial - Scratch 2.0 Compiled For Mobile - Download Now! (iOS and Android)
- aswell13
1 post
Unofficial - Scratch 2.0 Compiled For Mobile - Download Now! (iOS and Android)
Just joined the group and want to try to play with Scratch on android, which is the best app to use for starting to program? I am quite well versed with programming in general so basic programming tutorials probably not needed.
Many Thanks.
Many Thanks.
- brownie220
22 posts
Unofficial - Scratch 2.0 Compiled For Mobile - Download Now! (iOS and Android)
- pvini07BR
4 posts
Unofficial - Scratch 2.0 Compiled For Mobile - Download Now! (iOS and Android)
Loading projects or saving or loading images dosent work
- brownie220
22 posts
Unofficial - Scratch 2.0 Compiled For Mobile - Download Now! (iOS and Android)
Loading projects or saving or loading images dosent work
witch one? puffin one? or the one that somebody made?
- brownie220
22 posts
Unofficial - Scratch 2.0 Compiled For Mobile - Download Now! (iOS and Android)
I found a way how I can scratch in mobile! Its the full version like the computer!!! you need to be in mobile to do these steps.
Step1: download puffin web browser pro or free.
step2: translate into desktop (which means computer version)
step3: search scratch
step4: create!
its like if your on the computer but a little slow and a little hard to drag stuff.
It really works!
and cannot harm any devices!
but it wont be able to be on the home screen though it can be on the home screen!
and you can pinch and zoom!
and last there is Scratch cat sprite and library!
I have a link to puffin web browser for short cut.
- sschr15
8 posts
Unofficial - Scratch 2.0 Compiled For Mobile - Download Now! (iOS and Android)
This is an interesting project!
Last edited by sschr15 (Nov. 16, 2017 02:18:29)
- CoderDojoBree1
1 post
Unofficial - Scratch 2.0 Compiled For Mobile - Download Now! (iOS and Android)
I would like to know if somebody know how to add to scratch for android in “more blocks” teh extension “lego wedo 2” or “mbot”.
Sorry if somebody have said this information before but I am new and I didnt find.I crashes every time I try to save a project. Please fix this.
Thank you very much
- GamesGuyTV
500+ posts
Unofficial - Scratch 2.0 Compiled For Mobile - Download Now! (iOS and Android)
Put it on the Android and IOS store too
- Undertaleforscratch
4 posts
Unofficial - Scratch 2.0 Compiled For Mobile - Download Now! (iOS and Android)
There is a way to do it without jail breaking first download the IPA then install Cydia impactor http://www.cydiaimpactor.com/ plug your apple device in then drag the IPA onto the GUI of cydia impactor enter your apple id(no this isn't to steal your Id look at the bottom section for more details) then it will ask you to select I device and walla it's done
How it works so when you put in your Apple ID it signs it under your ID so you can use the app but only you can because it is under your ID and it will sign it but it expires in one week so every week you have to delete and redo the process but I guess that's what you do when you cannot jailbreak your device
How it works so when you put in your Apple ID it signs it under your ID so you can use the app but only you can because it is under your ID and it will sign it but it expires in one week so every week you have to delete and redo the process but I guess that's what you do when you cannot jailbreak your device
- Undertaleforscratch
4 posts
Unofficial - Scratch 2.0 Compiled For Mobile - Download Now! (iOS and Android)
There is a way to do it without jail breaking first download the IPA then install Cydia impactor I would like to point out some people won't want to have there iOS “jailbroken” as it makes it vulnerable, so try to make it possible for non-“jailbroken” devices.http://www.cydiaimpactor.com/ plug your apple device in then drag the IPA onto the GUI of cydia impactor enter your apple id(no this isn't to steal your Id look at the bottom section for more details) then it will ask you to select I device and walla it's done
How it works so when you put in your Apple ID it signs it under your ID so you can use the app but only you can because it is under your ID and it will sign it but it expires in one week so every week you have to delete and redo the process but I guess that's what you do when you cannot jailbreak your device
- Bobbyguy1
100+ posts
Unofficial - Scratch 2.0 Compiled For Mobile - Download Now! (iOS and Android)
Same with me.
- Outfit6
2 posts
Unofficial - Scratch 2.0 Compiled For Mobile - Download Now! (iOS and Android)
I use the zoom version and it's awesome,but i can't open my projects. Please fix 

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» Unofficial - Scratch 2.0 Compiled For Mobile - Download Now! (iOS and Android)