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7 posts

Help with gifs on a Project

Can someone help me with getting gifs to move on one of my projects? I have a project that's one of those “press space for next slide” things, but the last few are supposed to be gifs and I can't figure out how to make them move. Help is appreciated!
100+ posts

Help with gifs on a Project

Where is your project “press space for next slide”?
Please share the project if it's not shared so we don't have to guess the solution.
100+ posts

Help with gifs on a Project

to play a gif you do

repeat (25)
next costume
wait (.1) secs

You can adjust the wait time to however quickly the gif should run. And the repeat number however many frames are in the gif. Your gif should be multiple costumes of one sprite. If its just 1 image in the costume editor then you didn't download/ upload it correctly.

Try my games.
Scratch Sprite Club VI Soccer
Star Fighter Shooting
Space Marines: Boarding Party Strategy
Lion Runner Running/ Platformer
7 posts

Help with gifs on a Project

Ok thanks! It's my project with Peridot, but I temporarily deleted the gifs until I figured them out. I'll add them back in now, you can check it out in a few minutes!

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