Discuss Scratch

100+ posts

Vector Images

OKOKOK, I'm kinda losing the plot here so I'll just ask.
How do you make a vector picture symmetrical? Because I don't want to have to do it all over again.

Mamma Mia! You're too slow! Poyo! Kamehameha! I can't draw World 4 with just a bag of sand, so bring that back when you're done, okay? Now you're thinking with shifting :P Hold on, my little Smurfs! I'll…strangle-angle you!!! Vee vill vipe out all of the childrrrren vith vun strrrroke! I like trains. We don't HAVE to capture Leafy, do we? No! It is all wrong. My plan was PERFECT! Excuse me sir…may I enquire how an armless figure such as myself would be able to climb up the top of that pole? Katsuma is our only hope! If you can capture the Toppat Clan…you'll be a free man. Scratch on! Tac Nayn a loser! You can't buy happiness…unless sushi makes you happy. Hey Apple! Apple! Hey Apple! Hey! Guess what? Knife! Just load Unreal Tournament already! My ROFLcopter goes SOI SOI SOI SOI I'm filled with DETERMINATION. You ended my friends. Now I will end you. If I want to protect my home, I'm going to have to do it myself. The bigger the crime, the better the time…! You should not have done this. Help me…I don't want to die…I'm scared Wow. Great job. ……Please try and do worse though I need to ######
1000+ posts

Vector Images

Duplicate the costume, select the copy and use some of those buttons at top of editor for vertical or horizontal flip.
You can insert the content of a costume(it is better if you group all objects in the costume) by drag&drop one of those thumbnails to the other costume you have currently in the editor workspace.

Last edited by asivi (Dec. 18, 2017 09:14:40)

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