Discuss Scratch

15 posts

Platformer Collab

I am hoping to get some people to help me with a pixelated platformer game. I will need some artists, a bit of programming help (I'll try my best to do it myself), some testers (Let me know if you have a Mac), music, maybe some voice actors, and some other extras who can just pitch in when they feel help is needed.

Here's what it's going to be about:

You are a Knight in the Middle Ages who has just won a jousting match. You go to rescue the Princess, but she isn't there!
You are forced to search for the Princess, going through deep forests, over mountains, into caves, and eventually fighting a dragon to reach her.
There will be enemies along the way, such as spiders, witches, and others.

I'm hoping for a team, because I don't have one right now…

And also, just use my profile page to talk to me.

What I'm looking for:

Active Scratchers
Scratchers with a good sense of humor (Yes, I want the game to be funny)
Experienced Scratchers
Interested Scratchers

Please post a x/10 score for each of the criteria if you wish to join the collab.

I hope you guys want to join!

Last edited by mefromsomewhere (Sept. 1, 2013 22:31:49)

I'm having trouble getting views on projects like this one.

Also, I'm gonna start working on a project and I need your help! —> here's the link.
15 posts

Platformer Collab


I'm having trouble getting views on projects like this one.

Also, I'm gonna start working on a project and I need your help! —> here's the link.
15 posts

Platformer Collab

Bumpity bump bump bump.

I'm having trouble getting views on projects like this one.

Also, I'm gonna start working on a project and I need your help! —> here's the link.
45 posts

Platformer Collab

when green flag clicked
say [HI] for (2) secs
play sound [ v]

27 posts

Platformer Collab

mefromsomewhere wrote:

I am hoping to get some people to help me with a pixelated platformer game. I will need some artists, a bit of programming help (I'll try my best to do it myself), some testers (Let me know if you have a Mac), music, maybe some voice actors, and some other extras who can just pitch in when they feel help is needed.

Here's what it's going to be about:

You are a Knight in the Middle Ages who has just won a jousting match. You go to rescue the Princess, but she isn't there!
You are forced to search for the Princess, going through deep forests, over mountains, into caves, and eventually fighting a dragon to reach her.
There will be enemies along the way, such as spiders, witches, and others.

I'm hoping for a team, because I don't have one right now…

And also, just use my profile page to talk to me.

What I'm looking for:

Active Scratchers
Scratchers with a good sense of humor (Yes, I want the game to be funny)
Experienced Scratchers
Interested Scratchers

Please post a x/10 score for each of the criteria if you wish to join the collab.

I hope you guys want to join!

you put this script in all of the land. And then you put +1 in the second, +2 in the third, and so on

when green flag clicked

set x to (((ScrollX) * (480)) + (0))

Last edited by Gamenzo (Jan. 8, 2015 16:04:53)

1000+ posts

Platformer Collab

Is this even still active?

1 post

Platformer Collab

I can do Pixel Art and Programming!
100+ posts

Platformer Collab

Brancor_Test_Account wrote:

I can do Pixel Art and Programming!
WHOOPS! I forgot that was my test account. Sorry, I can do Pixel Art and Programming

Join my awesome Undertale MAP!
Make sure you check out my cool new card game Wrathblade!
A super-easy way to get something in one of my games!

Oh no! The Kumquats are coming!

There is nothing wrong. Nothing at all.

1000+ posts

Platformer Collab

Brancor wrote:

Brancor_Test_Account wrote:

I can do Pixel Art and Programming!
WHOOPS! I forgot that was my test account. Sorry, I can do Pixel Art and Programming
Little late to the party there. This thread was made back in November '13 and the creator already left Scratch.

New Scratcher
1 post

Platformer Collab

I cant seem to make a new slide but I NEED TOOO! It would be much easier to do so! That way I could finish my prize slideshow…
1000+ posts

Platformer Collab

timelordgirl098123 wrote:

I cant seem to make a new slide but I NEED TOOO! It would be much easier to do so! That way I could finish my prize slideshow…
That's a shame, but could you please direct your complaints towards a relevant thread instead of necroposting?

1000+ posts

Platformer Collab

i have an AWESOME sense of humor! let me contribute!

“that's life, goofball, sometimes you lose people. sometimes you lose people you care about. and you never see them again. and the worst part is, you never even get a chance to apologize to them for letting them down.”

give me an internet so I can feel better about myself

5 posts

Platformer Collab

How do you make a slider??!!
when green flag clicked
think [HOW DO YOU MAKE SLIDERS!!??] for (2) secs
1 post

Platformer Collab

Just right click on the variable on the project page and choose SLIDER

100+ posts

Platformer Collab

I can do coding!

- Joined around Sep 28, 2015.
- 100th post
- 30 Projects
- Wiki
100+ posts

Platformer Collab

can i join
11 posts

Platformer Collab

I have a Mac

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