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99 posts

Saving Game Help

Can you share your program so I can help? The code would be slightly different for every project.
1000+ posts

Saving Game Help

HeroicToaster wrote:

Game: APES#editor

I am having tremendous trouble saving my map so I can move from one map and the other will not be affected. Currently the “save” code is in a few custom blocks. If someone could take a look, test it out, and maybe tell me why it's not working I would be VERY thankful.

It may be a bit difficult to decipher:
i (variable) is simply a tracker to tell the program which letter of the save to go to.
test (list) was my attempt to solve the problem - for some reason the variable on it's own only stores 133 characters. I need it to store 1496. “test” was an attempt to store the variable to a list as it went so it would not be cut off.

If you have any other questions about the code let me know. Thank you so much!

EDIT: The save code is currently in the sprite World
Try making all the variables like you've done and then have a upload button sprite (theres one in R2 Droid Maker and every other droid maker.

Then you do:
when this sprite clicked
add [insert join and in the boxes put a variable and another join block in another again and again until you have all variables joined] to [list code]

1000+ posts

Saving Game Help

HeroicToaster wrote:

Can you share your program so I can help? The code would be slightly different for every project.
who are you talking to?

1000+ posts

Saving Game Help

Perhaps some server glitch.
64 posts

Saving Game Help

The_Best_Programmer wrote:

How do you do it in the first place? Trying to make a project where it saves your design and you can put in your code again so you can load your design.
Plz help

say [Please help me] for (2) secs
I am not so go at this myself but I would say to compile all of the data into one long number-based string (as long as all of the data you want to save is a number. If not, find a cloud encoder.) You would just have the user copy and paste the save data.

marigoldkit wrote:

paddle robs banks in his spare time uh.. d-donations yeah
What the heck is DDCC18? https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/300290/
1000+ posts

Saving Game Help

axus- wrote:

The_Best_Programmer wrote:

How do you do it in the first place? Trying to make a project where it saves your design and you can put in your code again so you can load your design.
Plz help

say [Please help me] for (2) secs
I am not so go at this myself but I would say to compile all of the data into one long number-based string (as long as all of the data you want to save is a number. If not, find a cloud encoder.) You would just have the user copy and paste the save data.
If you don't need the list for something else there's certainly no problem just building the string as you go on but that's not the problem at the moment.

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