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1 post

Lame Jokes

I Read this joke
Q. What's the difference between a duck?
A. One of Its legs is both the same.

My sports teacher would love it. He likes lame jokes like these.

A fish swam into a wall. *!

A man walked into a bar. Ouch!

and the Worlds lamest joke

Q. What's brown and sticky?
A. A stick

If you have a lame joke be so kind and inconsiderate to mention it.
100+ posts

Lame Jokes

WhY WoNt YoU AnSwEr Me,

BeCaUsE YoU HaVe AbNoRmAl EaRDrUmS aNd AdHd

Last edited by fetchydog567 (March 26, 2014 13:16:18)

100+ posts

Lame Jokes

Can you not even?
I can knot evenly.


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