Discuss Scratch

2 posts

A welcome to new scratchers

For new scratchers, so you might be new if your seeing this or your a pro at scratch but we got credit even tho we got a self credit thing for when you remix a project if someone asks you do give credit do something like this: Credit to: (whoever remixed the project ) | I would be glad to answer questions, help find the reason that makes scratch a amazing place and help do art but… I would be happy and glad if you joined my online school for coding animating and of course art

- from your scratch loving friend isaponygirl (who is trying to only make scratch a better place)

Last edited by IsaPonyGirl (Sept. 18, 2017 21:12:11)

1000+ posts

A welcome to new scratchers

Hi there! Thank you for making this. But the forums work best when Scratchers post on their own separate topic. That way, they get the most visibility on the forum section since people can see their individual topic and are likely to get more views on their topic/thread. It also helps keep the conversation well organized, with only one subject per topic.
But if you'd like to welcome new scratchers, just do so on their existing posts.

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