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Qt Creator or not...

TheMonsterOfTheDeep wrote:

Blaze349 wrote:

But if I make a commercial app doesn't that mean I have to let everyone see the source code (not saying that is a bad thing)?
If you share it under the GPL, then yes, and you also have to allow anybody to redistribute your app or modified versions (This is, as it were, the main reason I sort of think the GPL is not necessarily suitable for commercial applications, but that's just my personal opinion).

However, Qt is licensed under the LGPL, which does not require your app to also be licensed under the LGPL.
It does require the part originally licensed under the LGPL to be re-licensed under the LGPL, however.


thisandagain pls explain
1000+ posts

Qt Creator or not...

__init__ wrote:

It does require the part originally licensed under the LGPL to be re-licensed under the LGPL, however.

So as long as you don't modify the Qt toolkit (or publish the modifications under the LGPL if you do), and use dynamic linking, you can put whatever restrictions you like on your binaries.

Not yet a Knight of the Mu Calculus.

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