Discuss Scratch

44 posts


So i want to make a rock paper scissors game but i want the computer to change rock paper or scissors every time and get the human to pick stuff how do i do it
7 posts


Make a button that says rock, paper and scissors (a button for each). Then make that set PlayerChoice variable to 1 for rock, 2 for paper, 3 for scissors. Make a variable called BotChoice and when you click a player choice it randomizes it from 1 to 3. Now make 1 beat 3, 3 beat 2, 2 beat 1, and 1 ties 1, 2 ties 2, 3 ties scissors. Done! To make it beat eachother, just do IF PlayerChoice=1 and BotChoice=3 say You Win!, etc.
7 posts


So make a sprite with 1 costume of rock then another costume (NOT SPRITE) with sissors and another costume with paper. So do wehn flag clicked wait (however many seconds) switch costume to pick random rock to paper to sissors. I hope I helped. This might be a fail .
when green flag clicked
wait (2) secs
switch costume to [ (pick random () to (10))v]

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