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22 posts

Scratch code

How do you do everything with code?Please make it not so diffcult.
500+ posts

Scratch code

new50 wrote:

How do you do everything with code?Please make it not so diffcult.
Please refine your answer. It's too ambiguous.

“There are two different types of people in the world: those who want to know, and those who want to believe.”
Friedrich Nietzsche
22 posts

Scratch code

-Lite- wrote:

new50 wrote:

How do you do everything with code?Please make it not so diffcult.
Please refine your answer. It's too ambiguous.
No sorry.I just find it diffuclt to actully use the code.
1000+ posts

Scratch code

new50 wrote:

-Lite- wrote:

new50 wrote:

How do you do everything with code?Please make it not so diffcult.
Please refine your answer. It's too ambiguous.
No sorry.I just find it diffuclt to actully use the code.
Programming was never meant to be simple, and Scratch actually words it in the least complicated way and even has things that other programming languages don't even have, like the Motion Blocks, such as “change x”.
If you're finding it complicated, use the “Help” (the “?” at the top of the editor) button and click on a block you don't understand.

22 posts

Scratch code

WolfCat67 wrote:

new50 wrote:

-Lite- wrote:

new50 wrote:

How do you do everything with code?Please make it not so diffcult.
Please refine your answer. It's too ambiguous.
No sorry.I just find it diffuclt to actully use the code.
Programming was never meant to be simple, and Scratch actually words it in the least complicated way and even has things that other programming languages don't even have, like the Motion Blocks, such as “change x”.
If you're finding it complicated, use the “Help” (the “?” at the top of the editor) button and click on a block you don't understand.
Just please
500+ posts

Scratch code

new50 wrote:

WolfCat67 wrote:

new50 wrote:

-Lite- wrote:

new50 wrote:

How do you do everything with code?Please make it not so diffcult.
Please refine your answer. It's too ambiguous.
No sorry.I just find it diffuclt to actully use the code.
Programming was never meant to be simple, and Scratch actually words it in the least complicated way and even has things that other programming languages don't even have, like the Motion Blocks, such as “change x”.
If you're finding it complicated, use the “Help” (the “?” at the top of the editor) button and click on a block you don't understand.
Just please
What do you actually need help with? The interface? The blocks?

1000+ posts

Scratch code

new50 wrote:

How do you do everything with code?Please make it not so diffcult.

In many cases the blocks correspond closely to the words. For example, let's suppose you want to move an apple across the screen, but only if a cat touches it. In Scratch blocks this would be the apple's script…

if <touching [cat v] ?> then
move (10) steps

which is almost the same as the words “if this apple is touching a cat then it should move 10 steps”

SHOOT THE SPACE MONSTERS! ….. A game everyone can play! Bright colors, bonky sounds!
THE 12 BALLS OF CRAZY AL ……. New scrolling adventure game!

22 posts

Scratch code

Wich is just…Plz
500+ posts

Scratch code

new50 wrote:

Wich is just…Plz
We don't know what you mean. Try to explain it more.
22 posts

Scratch code

I mean code.It dosent have to be done
1000+ posts

Scratch code

new50 wrote:

How do you do everything with code?Please make it not so diffcult.

Code is not for everybody. You may be someone who can not use it.

Answer this question… What is code?

SHOOT THE SPACE MONSTERS! ….. A game everyone can play! Bright colors, bonky sounds!
THE 12 BALLS OF CRAZY AL ……. New scrolling adventure game!

500+ posts

Scratch code

footsocktoe wrote:

new50 wrote:

How do you do everything with code?Please make it not so diffcult.

Code is not for everybody. You may be someone who can not use it.

Answer this question… What is code?
Ah, I wouldn't say that code is not for everyone or that only certain people can use it. I mean, 4 yr olds are on Scratch, so it can be learnt or at least used from a young age.
But it does require some effort on one's part to learn to use the blocks effectively to actually make programs that are interesting or fun, so I guess in some ways code is not for people who don't have the patience for this.

Again, it would be helpful if you clarified your question a little more. Do you have trouble with moving and connecting the blocks? Do you have trouble understanding what the blocks do? Do you have trouble understanding what the icons do?

22 posts

Scratch code

NonsenceGive me some feed back on it
22 posts

Scratch code

Just my project
500+ posts

Scratch code

new50 wrote:

Just my project
Post the link.

1000+ posts

Scratch code

cul8er wrote:

new50 wrote:

Just my project
Post the link.
By the way, a “link” is the “URL” you can see in the top of your browser bar. For example, when I look at the location bar of this tab:

..I see that "https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/265012/?page=1#reply“ is the URL here.

Typing all of that URL by hand is annoying! That's why there's the ”copy“ and ”paste“ actions on your computer. If you don't already know how to use them – just right-click on the text you want to copy, for example the location bar, and click on ”copy“; then you can right click and select ”paste" to add the text you copied.

So when you want to add a link to your post, just copy the URL you want and paste it in the alert box:


See how the URL began with "https://scratch.mit.edu/…"? If what you copied looks also began with that, you've got a link to somewhere on Scratch.


All that said, you shouldn't post links to your projects where they don't fit. For example, if a bunch of people are talking about Scratch music projects in general, you probably shouldn't randomly post a link to a Scratch game!

Edit: formatting clarification

Last edited by _nix (June 13, 2017 10:15:56)

══ trans autistic lesbian enbydoggirls // 16 17 18 19 20 21, she/they
sparrows one word to the paragraph // <3 // ~(quasar) nebula
1000+ posts

Scratch code

You don't even have to use the coding to be good at Scratch. You can learn how to use the Paint Editor here, and if you don't like it, you can find some good alternative options that you can download to your computer in the “Alternatives” section of the article I just linked you to. If you're good at music, you can even try to learn how to use the sound editor. This article gives a good explanation on the basics of the Sound Editor.

Last edited by nickeljorn (June 13, 2017 14:23:26)

"Just what is the Summer Solstice, besides the day I melt into a puddle of fuzzy puppy fluff?”-Isabelle, Animal Crossing New Leaf

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