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31 posts

how do you be come a good scratchr?

it is a big question I would like you to comment your answer.
100+ posts

how do you be come a good scratchr?

This is not the place to ask questions about Scratch. You can do so in the Questions about Scratch forum. Also, you can find out how to build up a good reputation here.

100 posts achieved 3:48 PM on the 17th of May in 2017
100+ posts

how do you be come a good scratchr?

Work hard, and keep trying. Take apart other's work and see how they did it. Be friendly. That's some of the advice I have!
100+ posts

how do you be come a good scratchr?

Pylar wrote:

Work hard, and keep trying. Take apart other's work and see how they did it. Be friendly. That's some of the advice I have!
I agree with all of this so overall be friendly share projects and keep scratching

hey come join the infinite collaborations club! I would love it if you, a awesome scratcher , would join and all you have to do is fill out this very short application form. here is link the infinite collaborations club
also I proudly run the the project libary
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