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27 posts

Explorer: the untold story of a little boy - who wants to help?

This is a game I have started to work on (see the name up there) that is a top down (not scrolling) open world>ish game.
At a sertain point of the game you will have to learn how to fight monsters. You will need to survive hunger and thirst too.
I am working on a trailer for it that shows the story, so be sure to follow me so you can see when i share it

If you want to help you will need to give me your:

  • Username
    What you think you can help with
    Your experience with scratch /10
    How long you have been on scratch

What would be great if you helped with:

  • Tips for coding
    Landscape ideas
    Music for the gameplay
    Character ideas

Can`t wait to see the replys

Don`t forget to visit @Jefrythecrazy

My friend @explosive-tnt is working on a project too. be sure to view that post too! https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/237936/?page=1

Last edited by Jefrythecrazy (March 21, 2017 19:00:31)

58 posts

Explorer: the untold story of a little boy - who wants to help?

Thirst. What does it mean to be thirsty? It's the feeling to drink something. When you drink from a natural river, lake, or pond, does it not occur that the water could be polluted? So yeah, when you're exploring the world, you can get dehydrated over time, accelerated by active movement, but polluted water can be harmful as well. We can always assume that the boy is always in tip-top condition and have a unbelievable strong immune system since it's just a game, but it would be more realistic to introduce a chance of infection or a way to make polluted water, safe water.

My username is Banzed and my usernickname is Banned.
I can help with the AI of the game.
My experience with Scratch is rated 7 out of 10.
I've been on Scratch for over 7 years.

Last edited by Banzed (March 22, 2017 01:35:28)

27 posts

Explorer: the untold story of a little boy - who wants to help?

Hello banzed thanks for agreeing to help!
That`s a cool idea! So when he drinks the polluted water his health goes down, like it does if you run out of thirst or hunger, and mabe you can buy an item in the game that tells you if the waters okay? Does that sound alright? Please do note though that this game is set in the medevil (soz for spelling) times so there cant be anything futuristic. But thanks for your ideas!

Last edited by Jefrythecrazy (March 22, 2017 07:32:56)

27 posts

Explorer: the untold story of a little boy - who wants to help?

I could really do with some music for the main menu screen.
100+ posts

Explorer: the untold story of a little boy - who wants to help?

Sup i'm vintageAura
Probably help w/ compostions coding and storyline.
i'd rate myself 4/10
Been account-changing on scratch for 2 1/2 yrs.

Choose what you prefer:

Last edited by VintageAura (March 25, 2017 16:02:25)

The Lobster mushroom, Hypomyces lactifluorum, contrary to its common name, is not a mushroom, but rather a parasitic ascomycete fungus that grows on certain species of mushrooms, turning them a reddish orange color that resembles the outer shell of a cooked lobster. H. lactifluorum specifically attacks members of the genera Lactarius and Lactifluus (milk-caps), and Russula (brittlegills), such as Russula brevipes and Lactifluus piperatus in North America. At maturity, H. lactifluorum thoroughly covers its host, rendering it unidentifiable. Lobster mushrooms are widely eaten and enjoyed fresh.They are commercially marketed and sometimes found in grocery stores; they have been made available at markets in Oregon. They have a seafood-like flavor and a firm, dense texture.
27 posts

Explorer: the untold story of a little boy - who wants to help?

Thanks for agreeing to help Vintageaura! The music is great! But it might not fit for the main menu. But I`ll use it for when you walk into any of the shops (in game, not in real life .) Is that okay by you? I might even use both of them, I`ll see, but i`ll definitely use one of them at least.
27 posts

Explorer: the untold story of a little boy - who wants to help?

Hi everyone! I just want to say I have now started the explorer project so I will share it and make it so the only people that can view it are the people that are helping me! Here is the link to the trailer,

Click here :D

and the game itself,

Click here ;)

Hope you like them both!

Last edited by Jefrythecrazy (March 27, 2017 15:37:59)

27 posts

Explorer: the untold story of a little boy - who wants to help?

How do you code the music to stop. I tried this
stop all sounds
but it did not seem to work.
100+ posts

Explorer: the untold story of a little boy - who wants to help?

Broadcasts reset so you can do something like
when I receive [toggleMusic v]
if <(music?) = [true]> then
set [music? v] to [false]
play sound [music v] until done
set [music? v] to [true]
i didn't test this.

The Lobster mushroom, Hypomyces lactifluorum, contrary to its common name, is not a mushroom, but rather a parasitic ascomycete fungus that grows on certain species of mushrooms, turning them a reddish orange color that resembles the outer shell of a cooked lobster. H. lactifluorum specifically attacks members of the genera Lactarius and Lactifluus (milk-caps), and Russula (brittlegills), such as Russula brevipes and Lactifluus piperatus in North America. At maturity, H. lactifluorum thoroughly covers its host, rendering it unidentifiable. Lobster mushrooms are widely eaten and enjoyed fresh.They are commercially marketed and sometimes found in grocery stores; they have been made available at markets in Oregon. They have a seafood-like flavor and a firm, dense texture.
27 posts

Explorer: the untold story of a little boy - who wants to help?

58 posts

Explorer: the untold story of a little boy - who wants to help?

I took a close look at the trailer and I liked how the story was presented along with the video / animation created using vector mode (you brought out a lot of what make art with vectors great for animating and positioning things) in Scratch. This also includes the title screen / main menu. If you need help with artificial intelligence (AI) for anything like homing projectiles for example, let me know.

Last edited by Banzed (March 26, 2017 22:06:35)

27 posts

Explorer: the untold story of a little boy - who wants to help?

Thanks so much!
11 posts

Explorer: the untold story of a little boy - who wants to help?

I'm in.

Username: explosive-tnt or explosive-tnt_test
What I would like to help with: Possible AI, or some other things like missiles
Experience: 7-8/10
How long have I been on scratch: 1 year, 1 month and 2 days or 2 months and 1 day

Hey guys! Check out my proper Profile to see my projects! This account contains: tests, earlier versions, and epic projects that won't be big enough for my proper profile.

Some things on this account…

1 line challenges Cloud leaderboards slither.io
27 posts

Explorer: the untold story of a little boy - who wants to help?

Thanks for agreeing to help *wink* . But I don`t think there will missiles in the game ex-t it is set in the medevil times
24 posts

Explorer: the untold story of a little boy - who wants to help?

I can help with a “Jefrythecrazy presents…” Animation at the start if you like
27 posts

Explorer: the untold story of a little boy - who wants to help?

Thanks but you need to put in what I said to at the original post. What do you mean by the “jefrythecrazy presents” animation? Do you mean where it says that in the trailer?
27 posts

Explorer: the untold story of a little boy - who wants to help?

I need more help with code. It`s the wall mechanism I need help with. I tried this…

if <touching color [grey] ?
turn cw (180) degrees
move (3) steps
turn cw (180) degrees then

But that glitches.

Last edited by Jefrythecrazy (March 28, 2017 16:24:01)

58 posts

Explorer: the untold story of a little boy - who wants to help?

Move it back the same speed and reverse the direction it's moving in once it touches the color grey OR if right arrow key is pressed, change X by 3, if touching the color grey, change X by -3 and if left arrow key is pressed, change X by -3, if touching the color grey, change X by 3.
11 posts

Explorer: the untold story of a little boy - who wants to help?

Jefrythecrazy wrote:

I need more help with code. It`s the wall mechanism I need help with. I tried this…

if <touching color [grey] ?
turn cw (180) degrees
move (3) steps
turn cw (180) degrees then

But that glitches.
That is not correct, if it is a scroller. If it is a scroller, try this

when green flag clicked
set x to (0)
set y to (0)
if <key [left arrow v]pressed?> then
change x by (-5)
if <touching color [#000000] ?> then
change x by (5) //and the same for right arrow, but reversed. And the same for y, likewise

change [scroll x v] by (x position)
change [scroll y v] by (y position)
... // do whatever else

Hey guys! Check out my proper Profile to see my projects! This account contains: tests, earlier versions, and epic projects that won't be big enough for my proper profile.

Some things on this account…

1 line challenges Cloud leaderboards slither.io
27 posts

Explorer: the untold story of a little boy - who wants to help?

It`s not a scroller for the last time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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