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6 posts

Wings of Fire

I was looking for ways to advertise your projects, and one was: Put it in Show and Tell! Well, that's what I'm doing. First up is the series of games I'm making. It's called “Wings of Fire Dragon Maker Series” (very original, I know). So far, I have NightWings, RainWings, and SkyWings. It's really about the art, which I practiced for a while. I thought about making animations, but decided on a game series instead. I am also available for creating and maybe animating dragons for a series, short video, or something else like that. Just comment if you have any questions.
If you want to check out my game series, here are the links:
RainWing: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/141271833/
NightWing: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/143208265
SkyWing: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/145893005/

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