Discuss Scratch

2 posts

on inappropriate content

does using a recording of your own voice count as inappropriate content? if so, why? nothing in the “scratch community guidelines” suggests that there is anything wrong with doing so, unless you were to say something vulgar - then it would be inappropriate for the same reason as a vulgar comment.

the reason i'm asking is that apparently someone was reported for using a recording of their own voice and the report was considered legitimate. i know that they didn't say anything that other people haven't said before (in comment form) and not gotten reported for. so why was the report considered legitimate?

is it just that using a recording of your own voice is considered inappropriate? what about songs? what if a singer recorded themself singing a song, then posted it to scratch on their own account? would they get in trouble?

honestly i am just really confused, so please somebody reply to this
24 posts

on inappropriate content

I don't know why they would get reported. You are allowed to record yourself, scratch even has a feature that lets you do that. As long as you don't swear, say inappropriate things, etc… you can record, sing, make sound effects, etc…

So yes, of course you can use a recording of your voice
500+ posts

on inappropriate content

Nope, as long as it doesn't break the guidelines. It's fine. People do it all the time.

sobbing about pinof 9
1000+ posts

on inappropriate content

I do that all the time and never got reported for that.

It's okay, unless you're swearing.

2 posts

on inappropriate content

thank you guys for clearing that up!

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