Discuss Scratch

1000+ posts

¶ Commenting addition! ¶

OmnipotentPotato wrote:

I don't really get it. It seems pretty confusing, no support.

same here

My 1000th post!
I haven't changed my logo since my 96th post on 2014. Now at 1000 posts, I changed my logo!
100+ posts

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This is a very interesting idea, and very original! However, I see many flaws yet pros to this.

People who don't always read the Notes will have to see the notice
People will be reminded
Keeps the community happy and safe

Unrelated messages may be posted (in every commenting person's way) ex: BAN FNAF!!! IT DOESN'T DESERVE TO BE ON SCRATCH
It is annoying; when I was a New Scratcher and EVERY TIME I commented this ANNOYING blue bubble just STICKS out at me even though I could practically MEMORIZE it
Could be super laggy
People on comments write comments against it ex: CAN YOU JUST REMOVE THAT COMMENT IT IS ANNOYING

In conclusion
I would support this, only if I could add on or tweak this idea.
1. Have the option to “Disable Comment Notes”
2. Remove this function for New Scratchers; this is only for Scratchers or higher

Hi! Bonjour! 你好!
(Kumquat) //This is Kumquat, my kumquat protector... wait what?

^^^ click that to join the competition! Hosted by me and co-hosted by Amazeheartsoflove
100+ posts

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I tested mine, too!!

I'm dead lol
1000+ posts

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100+ posts

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Support! :: operators boolean



1000+ posts

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“Change happens by listening and then starting a dialogue with the people who are doing something you don't believe is right.” -Jane Goodall
100+ posts

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1000+ posts

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Support if you can choose.
1000+ posts

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I definitely support this. You don't know how many people have put their suggestions on my project. It's kind of annoying, as in the Notes and Credits it says that if you have suggestions you go to the discuss page about it. It's annoying for me as people don't get to see the large kind of layout they should use for suggesting as clear as can be, and I need to make assumptions about what they want in the game. This would be so much more helpful, as I could just add:
If you have suggestions, be sure to use the discussion page. You can find a link to it in the Notes and Credits.
SUPPORT, again.
If you read this whole thing, props to you, my friend!

100+ posts

¶ Commenting addition! ¶

Thepuzzlegame wrote:

Neat idea! Support!

v i s i t m y p r o f i l e o r e l s e y o u w i l l b e b a n i s h e d f r o m t h e l a n d o f e x i s t e n c e . f o l l o w t o o .

this is very sad. can we hit 50 likes pls?
100+ posts

¶ Commenting addition! ¶

Thelnvoker wrote:

theonlygusti wrote:

Hmm, I like the concept a lot, but not the messages you suggested.

I think too many people post their scores in the comments, and it is a useful way of presenting challenges to others, who might accept and develop new relationships. I think that the current message is actually perfect (I think it says to be nice because the person might not have much programming experience).

I do like the idea for profiles though, maybe the profile owner can choose a message for it to display to someone.

And the “go away” one just seems to defy all community guidelines, it's just outright mean and disrespectful. I don't think that Scratch would be able to tell when someone was being mean, but I'm sure that if they could they would just stop the user from commenting altogether.

I agree with @theonlygusti. However, there should be limits set on the messages you can give. For instance, you should not be able to be mean, intolerant, or disrespectful, and the project should be reported if there is a mean pop-up.

(s)He can change the message to saying: “Feel free to post your scores!”. That was just an example.

v i s i t m y p r o f i l e o r e l s e y o u w i l l b e b a n i s h e d f r o m t h e l a n d o f e x i s t e n c e . f o l l o w t o o .

this is very sad. can we hit 50 likes pls?
1000+ posts

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This is probably a necropost but…
I support.
I mean, the notes and credits! Most don't read that!
This would be great!

1000+ posts

¶ Commenting addition! ¶

I think this is great! Also,

PkmnQ wrote:

This is probably a necropost
You can't necropost on the suggestions forums as long as the suggested feature isn't implemented yet.
Anyway, this would be a good addition as per reasons above

Last edited by Auroura_Wolf (July 4, 2017 18:11:22)

My alt account, where I upload nothing (much like my main account)
I play video games and sometimes do other things. I don't really make anything on Scratch anymore, but I'm relatively active on the Undertale and Deltarune forums.
Click this. Or don't.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut 
aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa
qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
1000+ posts

¶ Commenting addition! ¶

Auroura_Wolf wrote:

I think this is great! Also,

PkmnQ wrote:

This is probably a necropost
You can't necropost on the forums as long as the suggested feature isn't implemented yet.
Anyway, this would be a good addition as per reasons above
…which with scratch, basically means you can post on any topic no matter how old /s

Last edited by Scratchifier (July 4, 2017 18:01:51)

500+ posts

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Yes, unless the topic is closed.

This is my signature. It's really not that good. I don't even know why you are reading it. It is pointless reading this, and yet, here you are, reading every single word of it. Just stop reading my signature and go on with your life. You are just wasting your time here. Why haven't you gone yet? I have repeatedly told you to leave. You must not be able to read. But wait, you are reading this, so you can read. That must mean you are ignoring me. I don't like being ignored, but if you are good at ignoring things, why is it so hard for you to ignore this signature. I'm getting tired of writing words to fill this signature, so you should just give me a break and stop reading.
1000+ posts

¶ Commenting addition! ¶

Sorry I phrased that wrong. You can't necropost on the suggestions forum if it isn't implemented. You can necropost on the other forums

My alt account, where I upload nothing (much like my main account)
I play video games and sometimes do other things. I don't really make anything on Scratch anymore, but I'm relatively active on the Undertale and Deltarune forums.
Click this. Or don't.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut 
aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa
qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
500+ posts

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Support, I think this would help. I hope the ST finds it. I'm sorry, but I really don't have anything else to say…
500+ posts

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That feeling when the first line of your project says “DO NOT POST YOUR SCORE IN THE COMMENTS” and you see a comment like…
my scor is 2

Also, this has been necro'd multiple times. This suggestion is 3 years old…

Last edited by Galleigo (July 5, 2017 08:58:17)

((╯°□°)–︻╦╤─ – – – :: sensing) :: pen cap
Blocky, a young guard block, guards my signature from kumquats. Still trying to teach him how to shoot the kumquat instead of my signature. By the way, all these coloured URLs still work. Cool, huh? (Sorry for the insane bolding, italicising and underlining. :P)
CYBERSPHERE. They keep coming. It never ends. Can't stop. Won't stop.
My shop is here. Go check it out!
BEAT. How fast are your reflexes?
Space Debris.Tiny floating colourful particles. Nothing much.
Do YOU want to rule? Let's discuss the Rules for Rulers.
Interested in space? Check out The Solar System - Our Home in Space. I was too lazy to colour that one.
ORBIT. Dodge everything to survive!
1000+ posts

¶ Commenting addition! ¶

Scratchifier wrote:

I had an idea. It's based off of the new Scratcher comment popup that reminds you to be friendly and respectful while commenting. Here's a picture:

The comment addition would be an editable, optional, text popup that appears right next to the comment box while you type your comment. By editable, I mean that the owner of the profile, project, or studio that it is enabled on can type different messages into it whenever they feel like changing the message. They can also get rid of it at any time by just leaving it blank, and it won't show at all.

The first addition is an example of a comment addition on a project.

The “Feel free to request” one is an example of a comment addition on a profile.

And the “Go away” one is an example of what would happen if you reported the project owner's commenting addition for being mean. It would sent a text file of the current comment addition to a moderator. (Mod note: If implemented, make sure that it's not inspect element hackable! Considering that I made all of these with inspect element, I don't want false alerts from trolls reporting an inspect elemented mean addition. )

Anyway, hope you like!
I agree, but maybe it shouldn't say “Go away” isn't that kind of rude? It should say something like, “It looks like you have been posting disrespectful comments on my stuff, I won't let you comment on my projects or profile because of this issue.” Sorry if am getting the whole point of this wrong.

Hello! I'mYubNubEwok!
YubNubEwok | Star Wars Nerd | Marvel Fan | Hunger Games Fan | #1 Wisconsin cheese Fan | Female | Christian | Webkinz user/collector | 2000+ posts | Philippians 4:13, Colossians 3:23 |
-Stuff to check out-
Ⓒⓡⓔⓐⓣⓘⓥⓔ Bᴜᴍᴘs
Right now I challenge you to: go to my profile, follow me, and check out my featured project (it's important!)

500+ posts

¶ Commenting addition! ¶

YubNubEwok wrote:

Scratchifier wrote:

I agree, but maybe it shouldn't say “Go away” isn't that kind of rude? It should say something like, “It looks like you have been posting disrespectful comments on my stuff, I won't let you comment on my projects or profile because of this issue.” Sorry if am getting the whole point of this wrong.
That's showing how you can report one of those comments.

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