Discuss Scratch

25 posts

tutorial studios and projects ip

add tutorial studio or project ip for scratchers to look at and find out stuff to make more advanced projects

when green flag clicked
ask [how do you scroll?] and wait
if <(answer) = [...]> then
say [thank you]


This is the scratch project competition.Every month will be a different competion. In order to sign up please list all team members.

1. 1-5 members per team
2. must FOLLOW the game guidelines (will be givin each month)
3. Game CAN NOT have other peoples work in it besides the teams work
4.For project name please put the month for the competition (Below)
25 posts

tutorial studios and projects ip

http://scratch.mit.edu/studios/300707/ is my scratch tutorial studio with all of mine and my friends tutorials

http://scratch.mit.edu/studios/302763/ is the studio for any project by anyone as long as it is a tutorial

This is the scratch project competition.Every month will be a different competion. In order to sign up please list all team members.

1. 1-5 members per team
2. must FOLLOW the game guidelines (will be givin each month)
3. Game CAN NOT have other peoples work in it besides the teams work
4.For project name please put the month for the competition (Below)

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