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Fate of Scratch as Flash becomes obsolete and unsupported?

Personally, I'd rather they keep the Scratch 2.0 running and not worry so much about moderating it, maybe move it to a less noticeable location, but still easy enough to get to if you are searching for it. Maybe they could just get a few responsible scratchers to moderate it so they don't need to spend time on it unless something breaks.

And then make an all new Scratch 3.0 without any impediments or worries about porting over all the old stuff. People will create plenty of new content on Scratch 3.0 anyway soon enough I'm sure.

Then with all their focus on Scratch 3.0 they could code it in whatever they deem best for it for speed, reliability, and updateability and not be encumbered at all with worries of backwards compatibility.

Just simply leave that which is there intact and allow scratchers to keep on scratching where they wish (be it 2.0 or 3.0).
And think forward, move ahead, and onward and upward into new possibilities.

SideNote: I hope they don't bother with porting over the old library of sprites. It would be better to have a smaller library of animated characters with all the useful frames such as walking animations, idle animations like waving hi or giving thumbs up or tapping foot impatiently, talking animations that make the character look somewhat like it is saying something, jumping and falling animations, getting knocked down, getting up from laying down / having been knocked down, running, skipping, etc. for the main cast of Scratch characters like Scratch Cat, Gobo, and all the rest that I can't remember and maybe even add some new ones. I guarantee you'd see way more actual games being created with the cast of Scratch characters since people wouldn't have to make all their animations theirselves to do so. People think “If I have to animate it myself, I'm gonna make my own thing.” Or more often what happens is they go and grab some sprites off the internet for something from popular culture like Batman. Whereas had some decent animations already been available to use, they likely would be thinking “hmm, this isn't bad, I'll just use this.”
1 post

Fate of Scratch as Flash becomes obsolete and unsupported?

In response to @thisandagain is this ‘Scratch 3.0’ not open-source?
Forum Moderator
500+ posts

Fate of Scratch as Flash becomes obsolete and unsupported?

lexOS wrote:

In response to @thisandagain is this ‘Scratch 3.0’ not open-source?

3.0 is completely open source. Please see:
21 posts

Fate of Scratch as Flash becomes obsolete and unsupported?

I think It'd be best for scratch to eventually switch to C++ or something similar, you'd have to have it downloaded again, but I think C++ could enable a much more powerful scratch, and allow for much bigger projects to be created. I don't post very many projects online simply because I keep overloading scratch with overly complicated projects :3 the downloaded program could have kind of an integrated web browser to access the scratch website, and be able to execute the programs (kinda like Roblox…?) also that might enable it to more easily support stuff like game controllers (Dinput and Xinput) and I believe that the Minecraft Pocket edition uses C++, so it'd be possible to run on phones, (at least android, as you can install apps without them being okayed by the app store) I think it'd be a worthy upgrade.
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