Discuss Scratch

43 posts

*The Dream Team*

Hello Scratch! It is I, TigerMIner927! I am looking for teammates for The Dream Team. We make Undertale Battles and other random things with extremely high quality! We care about our players and viewers and appreciate the fact that you dudes are always there us! But of course, I can't stay off topic forever! At the dream team, we have the following Scratchers:

- TigerMIner927
That's me! I'm a relatively experienced Scratcher who loves to give new Scratchers chances. You might know me from my UnderSwap Music Player!

- CloydZ_
He's a Scratcher who does a lot of Undertale battles. You might know him from his numerous Undertale AU battles.

He's a Scratcher who puts a LOT of effort into his games. He cares about his team SO MUCH!

He's awfully creative, and is the BACKBONE of the team, he loves being a part of the team, and welcomes new teamates!

An excellent coder, you might know him for his Determination fan game recreation.

I guess you could say he has a BURNING passion for Scratch?

an amazing scratcher, he makes high quality rip- uh I mean games

an overall good game maker, he makes amazing projects!

If you want to join, please: a) State the job which you want to do, b) state how active you will be, and c) Tell us how good you are at your job.

Last edited by TigerMIner927 (Jan. 15, 2017 03:38:05)

8 posts

*The Dream Team*

Wow ! Srsly ! You think so ?!?
Wow … Just wow … I am really too Amazing x)
You really cool too TigerMiner ! Thx to everybody in the team
say [THANKS]
43 posts

*The Dream Team*

I was that guy who wanted to join as Groundmaker, since I like to make tilesets? Yep, that was me.

when i receive [go v]
if <about to glitch> then

define don't
repeat until <not <about to glitch>>
stop [doing that v]

certified kirby guy. currently only semi-active on scratch
1 post

*The Dream Team*

Hi there, ive been wondering if i am able to join the Dream Team, i'm a sprite maker that makes Undertale like sprites, chances are i wont be posting often but that may change, and i think im pretty good at making sprites.

Here is a example of my work, if your curious https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/156495665/
4 posts

*The Dream Team*

Heya. I wanted to apply to join the *The Dream Team* I make animated sprites and what i consider “high quality undertale battles” I use a completely custom engine, of which i plan on remaking over the coming weeks. I am online scratch everyday*.

Here are some examples of my work:



Owner of the Fallen Kingdom Undertale AU
when green flag clicked
broadcast [Make Lit Projects v]
wait (2629743.83) secs

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