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What *exact* url in the API sets cloud data

I am aware that this is a duplicate, but please, can you just respond here?

So I am writing some python code to retrieve Cloud Data from my project: e-Coin

This was easy enough using the built-in libraries urllib, json and codecs

My code can already parse the number from the cloud list into a string. Anyway, I would like to now set some output to another project owned by me. If I manage to log in and extract my CSRF token, what exact link (and which HTTP Method) would set Cloud Data?
1000+ posts

What *exact* url in the API sets cloud data

It can't be done with http requests alone as far as I know. But since you're using python you should be able to use Dylan's ScratchAPI

Last edited by NickyNouse (June 2, 2016 15:39:30)

1000+ posts

What *exact* url in the API sets cloud data

That looks like some kind of request via port 531 to cloud.scratch.mit.edu? Perhaps Dyan can help?
100+ posts

What *exact* url in the API sets cloud data

jokebookservice1 wrote:

That looks like some kind of request via port 531 to cloud.scratch.mit.edu? Perhaps Dyan can help?
It's a simple tcp stream on port 531. You can look the source of his api. Talking about how it works is not allowed so I will only explain the the most important part. The sending of the data:
"token": A secret token. Is easy to get. See dylan's code
"token2": An out of date hash algo of token (The fact that it's out of date doesn't matter),
"project_id": Id of the project,
"method": "set",
"user": Your username,

For anyone trying to actually do something like this, check out wireshark.

Last edited by robinp (June 2, 2016 16:11:10)

System Administrator | Portfolio | My Blog | Web Developer
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What *exact* url in the API sets cloud data

Ok. But isn't security through obscurity no security at all?
1000+ posts

What *exact* url in the API sets cloud data

Wait, could you give me a line number if it isn't too hard?
100+ posts

What *exact* url in the API sets cloud data

jokebookservice1 wrote:

Ok. But isn't security through obscurity no security at all?
There is as much security in there as can be. Only through recompilation of scratch could we figure out how to send the values.
You're better off learning how the entire library works. Me giving you a line number won't help as the code to send the data is segmented into several pieces.

System Administrator | Portfolio | My Blog | Web Developer
1000+ posts

What *exact* url in the API sets cloud data

robinp wrote:

jokebookservice1 wrote:

Ok. But isn't security through obscurity no security at all?
There is as much security in there as can be. Only through recompilation of scratch could we figure out how to send the values.
You're better off learning how the entire library works. Me giving you a line number won't help as the code to send the data is segmented into several pieces.
So if I decompile the swf of the on-line version of the Scratch editor…
1000+ posts

What *exact* url in the API sets cloud data

jokebookservice1 wrote:

What exact link (and which HTTP Method) would set Cloud Data?
POST https://scratch.mit.edu/varserver

Last edited by MegaApuTurkUltra (June 2, 2016 19:24:02)

$(".box-head")[0].textContent = "committing AT crimes since $whenever"
1000+ posts

What *exact* url in the API sets cloud data

And what would be in the POST, as in what do I have to send to set a value?
1000+ posts

What *exact* url in the API sets cloud data

jokebookservice1 wrote:

And what would be in the POST, as in what do I have to send to set a value?
I believe projectId, name, value, cloudToken, username. I forget if it's JSON or HTTP name/value format
Also you need projectId, scratchcsrftoken, and scratchsessionsid cookies
(Make sure to include the X-CSRF-Token header too)

$(".box-head")[0].textContent = "committing AT crimes since $whenever"
1000+ posts

What *exact* url in the API sets cloud data

MegaApuTurkUltra wrote:

jokebookservice1 wrote:

And what would be in the POST, as in what do I have to send to set a value?
I believe projectId, name, value, cloudToken, username. I forget if it's JSON or HTTP name/value format
Also you need projectId, scratchcsrftoken, and scratchsessionsid cookies
(Make sure to include the X-CSRF-Token header too)
1000+ posts

What *exact* url in the API sets cloud data

What is the CloudToken?
1000+ posts

What *exact* url in the API sets cloud data

jokebookservice1 wrote:

What is the CloudToken?
It is found in https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/:id/cloud-data.js

at the bottom, you will see
$(window).unload( function () {
createCookie('projectId', :id);
type: 'POST',
url: "/projects/purge-cloud-data/",
data: {token: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"}, <----- this is the token
success: function (data) {},

Why don't you want to use my API?

Last edited by Dylan5797 (June 3, 2016 01:42:14)

1000+ posts

What *exact* url in the API sets cloud data

Dylan5797 wrote:

jokebookservice1 wrote:

What is the CloudToken?
It is found in https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/:id/cloud-data.js

at the bottom, you will see
$(window).unload( function () {
createCookie('projectId', :id);
type: 'POST',
url: "/projects/purge-cloud-data/",
data: {token: "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"}, <----- this is the token
success: function (data) {},

Why don't you want to use my API?
Wai not?
1000+ posts

What *exact* url in the API sets cloud data

Dylan5797 wrote:

Why don't you want to use my API?
Because learning!

$(".box-head")[0].textContent = "committing AT crimes since $whenever"
1000+ posts

What *exact* url in the API sets cloud data

MegaApuTurkUltra wrote:

Dylan5797 wrote:

Why don't you want to use my API?
Because learning!
Yeah, that. It isn't anything personal or anything
1000+ posts

What *exact* url in the API sets cloud data

So, I make a POST request to /varserver with the following data?

projectId - The number in the URL when visiting the target project
name - The name of the cloud variable, including the ‘☁ ’ bit
value - The new value of the cloud variable
cloudToken - as found in the cloud-data.js within the directory of the project
username - “jokebookservice1”

Session cookies:

projectId - doesn't this make it redundant…?
All the cookies you have when you are logged in except for ones beginning with _'s


X-CSRF-Token as found in any logged in page's sourcre code

Did I miss anything? I'll try and do that now
1000+ posts

What *exact* url in the API sets cloud data

jokebookservice1 wrote:

projectId - doesn't this make it redundant…?
It is redundant but necessary. Without the projectId cookie, Scratch will reject your request.

$(".box-head")[0].textContent = "committing AT crimes since $whenever"
1000+ posts

What *exact* url in the API sets cloud data

MegaApuTurkUltra wrote:

jokebookservice1 wrote:

projectId - doesn't this make it redundant…?
It is redundant but necessary. Without the projectId cookie, Scratch will reject your request.

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