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73 posts

A Guide on nearly every block on scratch! Add all your desriptions of blocks here! (or just look through to figure out what a block does)

Alright, this is basically a guide to loads of different blocks. Hopefully its useful to everyone who's new! (I'll try to update it with more blocks as much as I can)

Motion Blocks:
move (10) steps
Alright, this is one of the most basic blocks on scratch.
Basically, you can use this block to cause for your sprite to move any number of spaces, which you can change by simply clicking on the text space and putting in any number you want! (by default it goes to 10) later on you can use this block for the basis of all movement control in your project!

go to [mouse-pointer v]
This is a VERY useful block. Basically what this block does is that it will cause for a sprite to immediately go straight to the exact same position as the mouse pointer. If your mouse pointer is out of the project page, it will usually just go to the nearest location to the mouse pointer.

go to x: (20) y: (20)
This, like the previous block, is another VERY useful block. So, when you place this into whatever script, it will cause your sprite to go to a specific location. Now, you may be wondering what the “X” position and “Y” position is. Well, if you look in the bottom right corner in the editor for your project, it will give a X position and a Y position, which will change to whatever position your mouse pointer is at. You can set your sprite to go to a specific set of coordinates using this block.

Looks Blocks:

say [This is very useful!] for (2) secs
As the block says, this is a very useful block. This will cause for your background OR a sprite to say a specific thing within the project. you can change what it is by clicking on the first white space and can then type in whatever you want the background or sprite to say, and then in the second space you can type in how LONG you want for the sprite or background to say the specific sentence or paragraph.

think [Another very useful block!] for (2) secs
This has the same format as the “say” block, and does the same thing, but instead it will come up as a thought bubble instead of a speech bubble.

next costume
Within your sprites, you'll have your costumes. This block will allow for you to switch through your list of costumes you have.

 switch costume to [ v]
This is a more customizable version of “Next Block”. instead of switching directly to the next costume within your list of them, it will switch to the specified costume!

Last edited by bozman (Dec. 7, 2013 16:14:37)

100+ posts

A Guide on nearly every block on scratch! Add all your desriptions of blocks here! (or just look through to figure out what a block does)

Hey, maybe we can all work on different parts of this?
As an suggestion, I think you should make the descriptions short and sweet. New users won't like to slug though walls of text.

Control Blocks:
wait () secs
Tells the sprite to wait the set amount of seconds before continuing the script.

repeat ()
Tells the sprite to repeat the script inside the enclosed area for a set amount of times.

Tells the sprite to repeat the script inside the enclosed area indefinitely.

if <> then
The classic if statement: executes the enclosed script based on a true/false (boolean) argument.

wait until <>
Tells the sprite to halt the script until the argument given is satisfied.

repeat until <>
Tells the sprite to repeat what is enclosed until the given argument becomes true.

when I start as a clone
A hat block that is used for scripting with clones. It is needed on top to show that the script is what happens after a clone is created.

create clone of [myself v]
A block that creates a clone of the sprite. The clone follows what is under the “when I start as clone” script.

delete this clone
Deletes the clone in question. This block exists because there is a 300 clone limit; this way, the unused clones can be deleted.

Last edited by bob6 (Dec. 7, 2013 01:52:07)

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73 posts

A Guide on nearly every block on scratch! Add all your desriptions of blocks here! (or just look through to figure out what a block does)

bob6 wrote:

Hey, maybe we can all work on different parts of this?
As an suggestion, I think you should make the descriptions short and sweet. New users won't like to slug though walls of text.

Control Blocks:
wait () secs
Tells the sprite to wait the set amount of seconds before continuing the script.

repeat ()
Tells the sprite to repeat the script inside the enclosed area for a set amount of times.

Tells the sprite to repeat the script inside the enclosed area indefinitely.

if <> then
The classic if statement: executes the enclosed script based on a true/false (boolean) argument.

wait until <>
Tells the sprite to halt the script until the argument given is satisfied.

repeat until <>
Tells the sprite to repeat what is enclosed until the given argument becomes true.

when I start as a clone
A hat block that is used for scripting with clones. It is needed on top to show that the script is what happens after a clone is created.

create clone of [myself v]
A block that creates a clone of the sprite. The clone follows what is under the “when I start as clone” script.

delete this clone
Deletes the clone in question. This block exists because there is a 300 clone limit; this way, the unused clones can be deleted.

I think that's a great idea! make it something for new users to be able to look through to see different descriptions instead of simply one.
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  • » A Guide on nearly every block on scratch! Add all your desriptions of blocks here! (or just look through to figure out what a block does) [RSS Feed]

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