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1000+ posts

Island of Larise RP/Collaboration

It's the year 3001, in the past 500 years, there was a terrible war, now forgotten. Now there is only one island, in the middle of what is called the Mare Sea (Mare is Latin for sea), with a wall and a desert separating the two sides. The two sides couldn't have been more different. The first side, on the right side of the island, is called Novus. Novus has very advanced technology including things like digital 3D computers, incredibly high power digital swords made of light, computers that can grow and shrink, shrinking/growing devices, laser blasters, disintegrators, high power bombs, teleporters (can’t go over The WALL), materializers, and much more.The second side of the island is called Veteris. Veterisians live in clans. The clans are named after animals. They have no technology, but are skilled at woodscraft, and living in the wilderness. The clan names are Wolf, Badger, Deer, Dolphin, Polar Bear, Lion, and Eagle. Now, the two sides lived in isolation from each other but then something changed. There was an earthquake, (or, as Veteris called it, a great bear roar) and the wall fell down. Now the Novus are preparing for to attack the Veteris for the many wild resources that were lost to them. Will you attack the Veteris or help them?
Now that you read this far, I assume you want to join! Here's some extra information.
  • Most Novis are afraid of the woods
  • All Veteris don't know anything about modern technology
  • There are 5 major cities in Novis and all action will take place there when you're in Novis except going to cities.
  • The cities and there main industries are called
    Stella (Space travel),
    Storm (weather control),
    Summa (Factories),
    Bellum (war weapons),
    Oasis (gems),
So now we've made some things clear, it's time for the fun part, Joining!

Character Creation form wrote:

Name – try to pick an original name! In other words, don't copy it from somewhere else.
Side Novus/Veteris
Backstory – this is one of the most fun parts of creating a character! Essentially, a backstory is the story of your character's past. Go wild with ideas.
Personality – you can choose to use some aspect of your own character, or try to make the character completely different from yourself. However, when you RP, make sure you're following the personality you've stated.
Strengths – a good rule is one weakness per strength. You don't want to make your character OP (over-powered) – that just ruins the fun both for yourself and for others. Listen to the Admins of the RP, if they say it's too OP it's too OP.

Application Form wrote:

How active are you? (1 (Once a month) - 10 (I am always on)) :
How committed are you? (1 (Not really bothered) - 10 (I will not rest until my task is done)) :
How well do you work in a team? (1 (I work alone)-10(WHAT? NO TEAM?):
What are your skills? (Art, Animation, Ideas, Coding etc.):
Will you follow the rules?:
Are you following the thread?:

Ah, yes, the rules. We have to have some of these. Otherwise, it could get out of hand quite quickly and easily. This list will be updated regularly, so keep checking it.

Everyone can die. This means no resurrections and bringing back dead characters. The Admins will have the power to kill off characters, in which case, you can make a new one.

No over-powered characters. The Admins will decide if a character is acceptable.

No unrealistic weapons. The Admins will decide which weapons are allowed, please speak to one if unsure.

Obey the Admins. They decide what happens in the story, and do not argue with them. If you are not an admin, do not decide what happens.

Be respectful. Follow the Community Guidelines, and keep in mind that Scratch in a Community of all ages.

Be active. You must post regularly and contribute well. If you are going away, please tell us, and tell us if you are inactive.

Have fun. The most important rule, always have fun.

STUDIO: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/2091396/

Command wrote:

Programmer1121 (Program)
Admins (Can accept characters):stryer21 (Remember to see if the bio fits the rules and storyline!)
BrightSpirit11 Lego-Lovin-Program
Members (Ordinary Role-Players):Neatherrow
bleachcrazy LachlanDS
Tempest: Male, good with hacking, Novus
Carnelian: Girl, Deer, skilled at archery, Veteris
Feraviel:Male, fast, stealthy Novus
Harper: Male, technology, Neither
Noland: Male, wolf companion, close combat, Veteris
Kellan:Female archery, Veteris
Freya: Female high IQ Novis
DEATHWISH: Male Assassin Veteris
Ellen: Female, Hacker, Novus

Last edited by Programmer1121 (June 12, 2016 18:21:13)

My Artwork!

We never notice all the green around us until the season’s passed.
We never long for the world to slow down until it goes by too fast,
If everything plays a grander part in a fate we’ll never meet,
Is my destiny to fade away, have a goal I’ll never reach?
We never listen for the songs around us the sound is still.
We never see what our life is worth, and perhaps we never will…
If everything plays a grander part in a fate we’ll never meet,
I will not let my days slip away, I will rise up on two feet.
And I’ll be complete.

If I could rewind, change my mind and do it all again
With all the answers ahead of me, and know how it would all end.
Would I make the same choice, like before I knew.
That our destinies were tied, to each other and it was me and you.
One not two

If I could rewind, change my mind and do it all again
With all the answers ahead of me, and know how it would all end.
Would I make the same choice, like before I knew.
That our destinies were tied, to each other and it was me and you.
One not two
1000+ posts

Island of Larise RP/Collaboration


My Artwork!

We never notice all the green around us until the season’s passed.
We never long for the world to slow down until it goes by too fast,
If everything plays a grander part in a fate we’ll never meet,
Is my destiny to fade away, have a goal I’ll never reach?
We never listen for the songs around us the sound is still.
We never see what our life is worth, and perhaps we never will…
If everything plays a grander part in a fate we’ll never meet,
I will not let my days slip away, I will rise up on two feet.
And I’ll be complete.

If I could rewind, change my mind and do it all again
With all the answers ahead of me, and know how it would all end.
Would I make the same choice, like before I knew.
That our destinies were tied, to each other and it was me and you.
One not two

If I could rewind, change my mind and do it all again
With all the answers ahead of me, and know how it would all end.
Would I make the same choice, like before I knew.
That our destinies were tied, to each other and it was me and you.
One not two
1000+ posts

Island of Larise RP/Collaboration

Name: Feraviel
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Side: Novus
Backstory: Unknown
Personality: mysterious, rarely talks
Appearance: Unknown
Talents/Skills: fast, stealthy
Strengths: Unknown
Weaknesses: hates fire and bugs

1000+ posts

Island of Larise RP/Collaboration

stryer21 wrote:

Name: Feraviel
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Side: Novus
Backstory: Unknown
Personality: mysterious, rarely talks
Appearance: Unknown
Talents/Skills: fast, stealthy
Strengths: Unknown
Weaknesses: hates fire and bugs


My Artwork!

We never notice all the green around us until the season’s passed.
We never long for the world to slow down until it goes by too fast,
If everything plays a grander part in a fate we’ll never meet,
Is my destiny to fade away, have a goal I’ll never reach?
We never listen for the songs around us the sound is still.
We never see what our life is worth, and perhaps we never will…
If everything plays a grander part in a fate we’ll never meet,
I will not let my days slip away, I will rise up on two feet.
And I’ll be complete.

If I could rewind, change my mind and do it all again
With all the answers ahead of me, and know how it would all end.
Would I make the same choice, like before I knew.
That our destinies were tied, to each other and it was me and you.
One not two

If I could rewind, change my mind and do it all again
With all the answers ahead of me, and know how it would all end.
Would I make the same choice, like before I knew.
That our destinies were tied, to each other and it was me and you.
One not two
1000+ posts

Island of Larise RP/Collaboration

Programmer1121 wrote:

stryer21 wrote:

Name: Feraviel
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Side: Novus
Backstory: Unknown
Personality: mysterious, rarely talks
Appearance: Unknown
Talents/Skills: fast, stealthy
Strengths: Unknown
Weaknesses: hates fire and bugs


1000+ posts

Island of Larise RP/Collaboration

Don't forget to update the Chain of command

1000+ posts

Island of Larise RP/Collaboration

stryer21 wrote:

Don't forget to update the Chain of command
Yeah, want to RP?

My Artwork!

We never notice all the green around us until the season’s passed.
We never long for the world to slow down until it goes by too fast,
If everything plays a grander part in a fate we’ll never meet,
Is my destiny to fade away, have a goal I’ll never reach?
We never listen for the songs around us the sound is still.
We never see what our life is worth, and perhaps we never will…
If everything plays a grander part in a fate we’ll never meet,
I will not let my days slip away, I will rise up on two feet.
And I’ll be complete.

If I could rewind, change my mind and do it all again
With all the answers ahead of me, and know how it would all end.
Would I make the same choice, like before I knew.
That our destinies were tied, to each other and it was me and you.
One not two

If I could rewind, change my mind and do it all again
With all the answers ahead of me, and know how it would all end.
Would I make the same choice, like before I knew.
That our destinies were tied, to each other and it was me and you.
One not two
1000+ posts

Island of Larise RP/Collaboration

Programmer1121 wrote:

stryer21 wrote:

Don't forget to update the Chain of command
Yeah, want to RP?

1000+ posts

Island of Larise RP/Collaboration

How active are you? (1 (Once a month) - 10 (I am always on)) : 9
How committed are you? (1 (Not really bothered) - 10 (I will not rest until my task is done)) : 7
How well do you work in a team? (1 (I work alone)-10(WHAT? NO TEAM?): 8
What are your skills? (Art, Animation, Ideas, Coding etc.): Coding and ideas
Will you follow the rules?: Yes
Are you following the thread?: Yes.

Name: Harper
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Side: Neither
Backstory: A child of both a Novus and a Veteris. His parents fell in love when his father, a Novus, used an illegal drone to see over The WALL. When he saw her, he set to finding a way past it. He finally found a way around the wall, and met Harper's mother. They stayed hidden in the woods in the Veteris side of the island. When Harper was born, tensions were high, and his parents had to separate. When he and his father returned, his father was targeted and killed, bringing Harper into the high class of Novus. He was trained in combat and technology, becoming master of all Novus technology, and was raised as a Novus. When The WALL came down, he immediately ran away, and went in search for his mother.
Personality: Kind, adventurous, free-willed, peace-seeking
Appearance: Gray torn jacket, jeans, hololens-type device, dual laser-pistol holdster with pistols, gadget belt with many technology items, and a drone that automatically follows him.
Talents/Skills: Skilled in all types of technology
Strengths: All kinds of technology
Weaknesses: Mostly incapable in any type of Veteris things

Credit to Sigton for the signature, ordered at Sigton's Shop

Click to edit your signature!
100+ posts

Island of Larise RP/Collaboration

Character Creation
Name – Noland
Age 22
Gender Male
Side Veteris
Backstory – Parents died in Earthquake and now blames the Novus
Appearance very muscular, has a majestic beard,
Talents/Skills can throw a spear very far, is skilled in close combat (mostly swords) knows a little about the bow
Strengths – Has a wolf as a companion, almost always finds an escape route or weakness
Weaknesses gets mad easily, never thinks things through, Always falls for traps,

Application Form
How active are you? 10
How committed are you? 10
How well do you work in a team? 5
What are your skills? Coding and i can help with ideas
Will you follow the rules?: Yes
Are you following the thread?: i am now

Nothing to see here….

1000+ posts

Island of Larise RP/Collaboration

Lego-Lovin-Program wrote:

How active are you? (1 (Once a month) - 10 (I am always on)) : 9
How committed are you? (1 (Not really bothered) - 10 (I will not rest until my task is done)) : 7
How well do you work in a team? (1 (I work alone)-10(WHAT? NO TEAM?): 8
What are your skills? (Art, Animation, Ideas, Coding etc.): Coding and ideas
Will you follow the rules?: Yes
Are you following the thread?: Yes.

Name: Harper
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Side: Neither
Backstory: A child of both a Novus and a Veteris. His parents fell in love when his father, a Novus, used an illegal drone to see over The WALL. When he saw her, he set to finding a way past it. He finally found a way around the wall, and met Harper's mother. They stayed hidden in the woods in the Veteris side of the island. When Harper was born, tensions were high, and his parents had to separate. When he and his father returned, his father was targeted and killed, bringing Harper into the high class of Novus. He was trained in combat and technology, becoming master of all Novus technology, and was raised as a Novus. When The WALL came down, he immediately ran away, and went in search for his mother.
Personality: Kind, adventurous, free-willed, peace-seeking
Appearance: Gray torn jacket, jeans, hololens-type device, dual laser-pistol holdster with pistols, gadget belt with many technology items, and a drone that automatically follows him.
Talents/Skills: Skilled in all types of technology
Strengths: All kinds of technology
Weaknesses: Mostly incapable in any type of Veteris things

My Artwork!

We never notice all the green around us until the season’s passed.
We never long for the world to slow down until it goes by too fast,
If everything plays a grander part in a fate we’ll never meet,
Is my destiny to fade away, have a goal I’ll never reach?
We never listen for the songs around us the sound is still.
We never see what our life is worth, and perhaps we never will…
If everything plays a grander part in a fate we’ll never meet,
I will not let my days slip away, I will rise up on two feet.
And I’ll be complete.

If I could rewind, change my mind and do it all again
With all the answers ahead of me, and know how it would all end.
Would I make the same choice, like before I knew.
That our destinies were tied, to each other and it was me and you.
One not two

If I could rewind, change my mind and do it all again
With all the answers ahead of me, and know how it would all end.
Would I make the same choice, like before I knew.
That our destinies were tied, to each other and it was me and you.
One not two
1000+ posts

Island of Larise RP/Collaboration

Neatherrow wrote:

Character Creation
Name – Noland
Age 22
Gender Male
Side Veteris
Backstory – Parents died in Earthquake and now blames the Novus
Appearance very muscular, has a majestic beard,
Talents/Skills can throw a spear very far, is skilled in close combat (mostly swords) knows a little about the bow
Strengths – Has a wolf as a companion, almost always finds an escape route or weakness
Weaknesses gets mad easily, never thinks things through, Always falls for traps,

Application Form
How active are you? 10
How committed are you? 10
How well do you work in a team? 5
What are your skills? Coding and i can help with ideas
Will you follow the rules?: Yes
Are you following the thread?: i am now

Last edited by Programmer1121 (May 30, 2016 22:09:10)

My Artwork!

We never notice all the green around us until the season’s passed.
We never long for the world to slow down until it goes by too fast,
If everything plays a grander part in a fate we’ll never meet,
Is my destiny to fade away, have a goal I’ll never reach?
We never listen for the songs around us the sound is still.
We never see what our life is worth, and perhaps we never will…
If everything plays a grander part in a fate we’ll never meet,
I will not let my days slip away, I will rise up on two feet.
And I’ll be complete.

If I could rewind, change my mind and do it all again
With all the answers ahead of me, and know how it would all end.
Would I make the same choice, like before I knew.
That our destinies were tied, to each other and it was me and you.
One not two

If I could rewind, change my mind and do it all again
With all the answers ahead of me, and know how it would all end.
Would I make the same choice, like before I knew.
That our destinies were tied, to each other and it was me and you.
One not two
100+ posts

Island of Larise RP/Collaboration

Programmer1121 wrote:

Neatherrow wrote:

Character Creation
Name – Noland
Age 22
Gender Male
Side Veteris
Backstory – Parents died in Earthquake and now blames the Novus
Appearance very muscular, has a majestic beard,
Talents/Skills can throw a spear very far, is skilled in close combat (mostly swords) knows a little about the bow
Strengths – Has a wolf as a companion, almost always finds an escape route or weakness
Weaknesses gets mad easily, never thinks things through, Always falls for traps,

Application Form
How active are you? 10
How committed are you? 10
How well do you work in a team? 5
What are your skills? Coding and i can help with ideas
Will you follow the rules?: Yes
Are you following the thread?: i am now

Nothing to see here….

1000+ posts

Island of Larise RP/Collaboration

How active are you? (1 (Once a month) - 10 (I am always on)) : 10
How committed are you? (1 (Not really bothered) - 10 (I will not rest until my task is done)) : 8
How well do you work in a team? (1 (I work alone)-10(WHAT? NO TEAM?): 10
What are your skills? (Art, Animation, Ideas, Coding etc.): coding, ideas, writing
Will you follow the rules?: yes
Are you following the thread?: yes

I forgot this

1000+ posts

Island of Larise RP/Collaboration

stryer21 wrote:

How active are you? (1 (Once a month) - 10 (I am always on)) : 10
How committed are you? (1 (Not really bothered) - 10 (I will not rest until my task is done)) : 8
How well do you work in a team? (1 (I work alone)-10(WHAT? NO TEAM?): 10
What are your skills? (Art, Animation, Ideas, Coding etc.): coding, ideas, writing
Will you follow the rules?: yes
Are you following the thread?: yes

I forgot this
Yeah, I forgot to see that… Accepted!

My Artwork!

We never notice all the green around us until the season’s passed.
We never long for the world to slow down until it goes by too fast,
If everything plays a grander part in a fate we’ll never meet,
Is my destiny to fade away, have a goal I’ll never reach?
We never listen for the songs around us the sound is still.
We never see what our life is worth, and perhaps we never will…
If everything plays a grander part in a fate we’ll never meet,
I will not let my days slip away, I will rise up on two feet.
And I’ll be complete.

If I could rewind, change my mind and do it all again
With all the answers ahead of me, and know how it would all end.
Would I make the same choice, like before I knew.
That our destinies were tied, to each other and it was me and you.
One not two

If I could rewind, change my mind and do it all again
With all the answers ahead of me, and know how it would all end.
Would I make the same choice, like before I knew.
That our destinies were tied, to each other and it was me and you.
One not two
100+ posts

Island of Larise RP/Collaboration

Name: Kellan
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Side: Veteris
Backstory: Born in Novus, but somehow wound up in Veterus with no memory of ever being there. Brought up in the Wolf clan. She has incredible aim and learned to care for animals from her foster parents.
Appearance: Short and skinny, tan, light brown hair roughly hacked off with a knife at chin length, icy blue-gray eyes
Talents/Skills: Taking care of animals
Strengths: Extrordinarily good aim with bow and arrow
Weaknesses: Does not plan anything, ever, for any reason

Activity: 7
Commitment: 7
Teamwork: 7
Skills: Art/Animation
Following Rules?: Yes
Following Thread?: Yes

Moe, Larry, the cheese!
Looking to do an art trade/request? Visit AnimalsFun's Art Shop today!
1000+ posts

Island of Larise RP/Collaboration

BrightSpirit11 wrote:

Name: Kellan
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Side: Veteris
Backstory: Born in Novus, but somehow wound up in Veteris with no memory of ever being there. Brought up in the Wolf clan. She has incredible aim and learned to care for animals from her foster parents.
Appearance: Short and skinny, tan, light brown hair roughly hacked off with a knife at chin length, icy blue-gray eyes
Talents/Skills: Taking care of animals
Strengths: Extraordinarily good aim with bow and arrow
Weaknesses: Does not plan anything, ever, for any reason

Activity: 7
Commitment: 7
Teamwork: 7
Skills: Art/Animation
Following Rules?: Yes
Following Thread?: Yes

My Artwork!

We never notice all the green around us until the season’s passed.
We never long for the world to slow down until it goes by too fast,
If everything plays a grander part in a fate we’ll never meet,
Is my destiny to fade away, have a goal I’ll never reach?
We never listen for the songs around us the sound is still.
We never see what our life is worth, and perhaps we never will…
If everything plays a grander part in a fate we’ll never meet,
I will not let my days slip away, I will rise up on two feet.
And I’ll be complete.

If I could rewind, change my mind and do it all again
With all the answers ahead of me, and know how it would all end.
Would I make the same choice, like before I knew.
That our destinies were tied, to each other and it was me and you.
One not two

If I could rewind, change my mind and do it all again
With all the answers ahead of me, and know how it would all end.
Would I make the same choice, like before I knew.
That our destinies were tied, to each other and it was me and you.
One not two
1000+ posts

Island of Larise RP/Collaboration

Programmer1121 wrote:

BrightSpirit11 wrote:

Name: Kellan
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Side: Veteris
Backstory: Born in Novus, but somehow wound up in Veteris with no memory of ever being there. Brought up in the Wolf clan. She has incredible aim and learned to care for animals from her foster parents.
Appearance: Short and skinny, tan, light brown hair roughly hacked off with a knife at chin length, icy blue-gray eyes
Talents/Skills: Taking care of animals
Strengths: Extraordinarily good aim with bow and arrow
Weaknesses: Does not plan anything, ever, for any reason

Activity: 7
Commitment: 7
Teamwork: 7
Skills: Art/Animation
Following Rules?: Yes
Following Thread?: Yes
You have to invite everyone to the studio

100+ posts

Island of Larise RP/Collaboration

Programmer1121 wrote:

BrightSpirit11 wrote:

Name: Kellan
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Side: Veteris
Backstory: Born in Novus, but somehow wound up in Veteris with no memory of ever being there. Brought up in the Wolf clan. She has incredible aim and learned to care for animals from her foster parents.
Appearance: Short and skinny, tan, light brown hair roughly hacked off with a knife at chin length, icy blue-gray eyes
Talents/Skills: Taking care of animals
Strengths: Extraordinarily good aim with bow and arrow
Weaknesses: Does not plan anything, ever, for any reason

Activity: 7
Commitment: 7
Teamwork: 7
Skills: Art/Animation
Following Rules?: Yes
Following Thread?: Yes
Thanks! Can you start drawing scenery for the World of the Wolves Game, or are you busy?

Moe, Larry, the cheese!
Looking to do an art trade/request? Visit AnimalsFun's Art Shop today!
1000+ posts

Island of Larise RP/Collaboration

Character Creation form wrote:

Name: Ellen Alare
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Side: Novus
Ellen was raised as a powerful Novus warrior as the daughter of one of its leaders. Trained in combat, tactics, technology, hacking and the like, Ellen became one of the top fighters. When the Wall fell, she was one of the first to invade, along with her childhood best friend and comrade. However, that friend turned out to be a Veteris spy, and when she unknowingly lent the spy her equipment for a scouting patrol, she was captured by an unknown clan (for sake of RP ease). Who knows what will happen next…
Personality – Determined, charismatic, loyal, patriotic, intelligent, disciplined, sarcastic, arrogant, good at hiding emotions
Appearance – Kinda short, brunette hair, green eyes, black combat suit (equipped with medicines and painkillers)
Talents/Skills: Sword/spear/knife combat, marksmanship with guns and bows, negotiation/manipulation, hacking
Strengths – Very charismatic, strong at combat in general, familiar with tactics, good at getting people to listen to her, reasonable hacking skills, equipped with suit that heals minor wounds (everything else she gave to her ‘friend’)
Weaknesses – Overly trusting, can be naive, overthinks things, physically lacking in strength, relies too much on technology, unfamiliar with woods/wildlife, scared of animals

Application Form wrote:

How active are you? (1 (Once a month) - 10 (I am always on)) : 8.5
How committed are you? (1 (Not really bothered) - 10 (I will not rest until my task is done)) : 7 (stop copying of SHRP)
How well do you work in a team? (1 (I work alone)-10(WHAT? NO TEAM?): 9
What are your skills? (Art, Animation, Ideas, Coding etc.): Programming and writing
Will you follow the rules?: Yes
Are you following the thread?: Now I am

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