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Code Generator by crazykidz

A very complex code generator, that prints out an alpha, numeric or alpha-numeric code.
- Press the green flag.
- Select the type of code you want.
- Put the amount of characters you want for your code, for example 10. It must be a whole number!
- Press ‘Generate’ to process the code. Might take a while, depending on how long is the code.
- Copy the code, or write it down.
- To start over, press the green flag again.

Version 0.2beta
Made the process of generating, faster, and more efficient.

Version 0.2
The ability to now process three types of randomly generated code Alpha-numeric code: characters of the alphabet and numbers
Alpha code: characters of the alphabet only
Numeric code: numbers only
Three sprites added, used for the code types buttons.

Version: 0.1
The ability to randomly generate an alpha-numeric code.

I used a custom block from this website, if I didn't use it, it would of taking me a long time. It's pretty interesting: http://wiki.scratch.mit.edu/wiki/Inserting_a_Character_into_a_String

I suggest you look into the code, especially when you are interested in making this. it might not be too complex but it's pretty interesting, for example how I made a workaround for knowing when the button is clicked, globally.

Love, favourite, and share to other scratchers in the world!
Hope you enjoy.

Last edited by crazykidz (Nov. 27, 2013 02:54:56)

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