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44 posts

Castle defender

I will be posting All Updates on Castle defender on this Forum
44 posts

Castle defender

1.1.7 6/8/16———————-
many different bug fixes
1.1.6 6/7/16———————-
Ammo saves variable bug fixed
1.1.5 6/7/16———————-
if you buy a guy the ammo is maxed out already
Also when you swap out guns the ammo in that gun is saved
1.1.4 6/6/16———————-
button Q swaps gun down and button E swaps gun up
1.1.3 6/5/16———————-
OK i am sry guys i made a typo..
For the machine gun reload speed i put 0.9 but i was supposed to be 0.09
1.1.2 6/1/16———————-
ammo can not be reloaded when you still have ammo
if you do reload while you have ammo then your ammo sill be automatically set to 0
1.1.1 6/1/16———————-
since everything is really good now the skeletons have chance to dodge bullets
1.1.0 5/31/16———————-((Balance update))
machine gun ammo cartridge changed
faster reload speed
all accuracy increased
machine gun deals less damage
bugs fixed
1.0.9 5/30/16———————-
Reload speed increased
1.0.8 5/4/16———————-
Skelton spawn rates balanced/changed
money rates changed
1.0.7 5/4/16———————-
Skeleton still moving after death glitch is fixed
1.0.6 5/1/16———————-
Skeleton money drop glitch is fixed
1.0.5 4/24/16———————-
Secret Machine gun Glitch is Fixed
1.0.4 4/24/16———————-
(((Grenade is for 1.1.0)))
bugs fix
1.0.3 4/22/16———————-
Background work on 1.1.0
1.0.2 4/21/16———————-
Bug fixes
Machine Gun and Shotgun take cash now instead of for free(In a Glitch)
Machine gun for 500 bucks
Shop Changed
Bugs Fix
Code (1234567890victor) Deleted
9.11 4/8/16———————-
Bugs Fixed
bullet now comes from barrel instead of a magical place in the screen
Prep For 1.0.0
If you press (1234567890victor) then you will automatically gain machine gun but u will be in practice mode
9.10 4/8/16———————-
Bugs Fixed
Prep For 1.0.0
Added bullet Speed
Added different reload speed
Balance changes
-reload Speed
-Overeat speed
9.9 4/8/16———————-
Game Over Sign
Bugs Fixed
Prep For 1.0.0
9.8 4/8/16———————-
Names to Items
Background Work for 1.0.0
Shop Changed
balance Change
9.7 4/8/16———————-
Balance Changes
Shotgun Accuracy Decreased
Gun Delay time Decreased
pistol and shotgun Speed Changed
9.6 4/7/16———————-
Skeleton spawn Glitch fixed
Bulled size slightly increased
9.5 4/7/16———————-
Shrunk Bullet
Reload noises Changed
9.4 4/7/16———————-
Before Skeletons could only take 1bullet at a time, Now it's 3
Graphics Changed
9.3 4/7/16———————-
Bullet Graphics changed
9.2 4/7/16———————-
Speed difference Added
9.1 4/7/16———————-
Bugs Fixed
Shotgun Balanced
9.0 4/7/16———————-
Shop is Ready!
8.9 4/7/16———————-
Prep for 9.0
8.8 4/7/16———————-
Bugs Fix
8.7 4/7/16———————-
Skeleton Spawn Changes
8.6 4/7/16———————-
Balance Changes
8.5 4/6/16———————-
Major Graphics Change
8.4 4/6/16———————-
Mass Skeleton Spam Glitch Fixed
8.3 12/7/15———————-
gun shot bug fix
8.2 12/16/15———————-
bugs fix
8.1 12/9/15———————-
interface change
8.1 12/9/15———————-
worked on shop
bugs fixed
8.0 12/4/15———————-
worked on shop
bugs fixed
minor changes
new beta tester admin added
7.9 12/4/15———————-
record time glitch fixed
7.8 12/4/15———————-
record time added
timer added
7.7 12/4/15———————-
bug fixes (I promise I got it this time)
7.6 12/2/15———————-
Got that final nasty bug
7.5 12/2/15———————-
Bugs fix
7.4 12/2/15———————-
Bugs fix
7.3 12/2/15———————-
Bugs fix
7.2 12/2/15———————-
redesigned skeleton again
redesigned shop
7.1 12/2/15———————-
skeleton die glitch fix
redesigned skeloton 7.0 12/2/15———————-the big update
skeleton mob added
small tweaks
shop 30% done
interface change
training dummy improved
updated gun
6.9 12/2/15———————-
new music
6.8 12/1/15———————-
bugs fix
6.7 12/1/15———————-
training mode
6.6 12/1/15———————-
skeleton revised again
6.5 12/1/15———————-
small interface change
6.4 12/1/15———————-
Bug fixes
Major fix where gun wont fire
6.3 12/1/15———————-
Bug fixes
skeleton revised
6.2 12/1/15———————-
Bug fixes
wasd keys added
firing revised
6.1 12/1/15———————-
Bug fixes
6.0 11/30/15———————-
Bug fixes
skeleton mob improved(will be released update7.0)
dummy improved
gun revised
5.9 11/30/15———————-
Bug fixes
5.8 11/30/15———————-
Added a skeleton mob
(All scrips ready just only for testing
Bug fixes
Added reload
Bug fixes
Supporter bonus
Released again!!!

___build 1_________________________
version 2.1
rewritingr all scripts
version 2.0
whole graphic change
version 1.9
bugs fixed
version 1.8
bugs fixed
laser gun
version 1.7
bugs fixed
master gun!
version 1.6
bugs fixed
Gatling gun!
version 1.5
giant bug fixed
cobblestone changed
version 1.4
machine gun
bug fixed
version 1.3

target scope
sniper rifle made
rifle made
bombing run better
3 MORE monsters
sniper rifle
bomb purchasing
bug fixes
sniper aim
changed bomb
version 1.2
air bomb
rifle upgrade
Bug fixes
shot gun now has 3 bullets
shotgun fixed
another monster
Version 1.1
background changed
Name changed
tons of Bug fixes
easier to control
Shotgun added
Castle made
another monster
another monster
version 1.0
game developed

Last edited by Victorlikesscratch (June 10, 2016 23:42:55)

44 posts

Castle defender

Last edited by Victorlikesscratch (April 7, 2016 22:54:44)

100+ posts

Castle defender

Victorlikesscratch wrote:

Seriously, are you out of your mind???

Mamma Mia! You're too slow! Poyo! Kamehameha! I can't draw World 4 with just a bag of sand, so bring that back when you're done, okay? Now you're thinking with shifting :P Hold on, my little Smurfs! I'll…strangle-angle you!!! Vee vill vipe out all of the childrrrren vith vun strrrroke! I like trains. We don't HAVE to capture Leafy, do we? No! It is all wrong. My plan was PERFECT! Excuse me sir…may I enquire how an armless figure such as myself would be able to climb up the top of that pole? Katsuma is our only hope! If you can capture the Toppat Clan…you'll be a free man. Scratch on! Tac Nayn a loser! You can't buy happiness…unless sushi makes you happy. Hey Apple! Apple! Hey Apple! Hey! Guess what? Knife! Just load Unreal Tournament already! My ROFLcopter goes SOI SOI SOI SOI I'm filled with DETERMINATION. You ended my friends. Now I will end you. If I want to protect my home, I'm going to have to do it myself. The bigger the crime, the better the time…! You should not have done this. Help me…I don't want to die…I'm scared Wow. Great job. ……Please try and do worse though I need to ######
44 posts

Castle defender

I didn't know i put that much, ill delete some(meaning 90%)

Last edited by Victorlikesscratch (April 7, 2016 22:55:52)

44 posts

Castle defender

SNAPSHOTS OF VERSION 1.0.0 HERE : https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/104565810/
13 posts

Castle defender

New bug to report. I started with just the pistol and did not get the shotgun. I then got the machine gun right away, but the ammo came at 0. I hit “r” and the noise was made, but there were not even that many zombies and I died before the gun reloaded, I think the is a glitch keeping it from reloading, as it was a long time that I waited for it. Also, can a button be added to switch back to a the pistol?
if <key [1] pressed?> then

set [Weapon] to [1 ]
etc. IDK how it works, but being able to change weapon via the number keys would be nice, which gives me another idea, a melee weapon!

Please consider trying Protocol-1's Flagship game The Odyssey Trail or my W.I.P. adventure game BørkSåtî_Demo!
(Thanks for reading this far!)
44 posts

Castle defender

pcoolguy wrote:

New bug to report. I started with just the pistol and did not get the shotgun. I then got the machine gun right away, but the ammo came at 0. I hit “r” and the noise was made, but there were not even that many zombies and I died before the gun reloaded, I think the is a glitch keeping it from reloading, as it was a long time that I waited for it. Also, can a button be added to switch back to a the pistol?
if <key [1] pressed?> then

set [Weapon] to [1 ]
etc. IDK how it works, but being able to change weapon via the number keys would be nice, which gives me another idea, a melee weapon!
OK great ill try to fix that thanks for your help

Last edited by Victorlikesscratch (June 9, 2016 06:00:13)

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