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27 posts

street fighting game ideas

ok, this is my first post ever!!! yaaay! anyway, I am making a 3 man fighting game with gameplay similar to the wii U (one person has different advantages/disadvantages) and I would like feedback. the first 2 characters are basically the same, both moving around traditionally (wasd and arrow keys, f/space to attack). the 3rd, however, is different. he is a sniper with a scope that (slowly) follows the mouse. he has more health because he is in a bunker, but he can't move. he also takes more time to reload (3 sec) than the meelee fighters take time to get ready to punch (1 sec). oh, and it will look extremely simple (stick figures!!!), mainly for the purpose that I can't draw.

do a barrel roll
(: )
( ¨ )
( :)
( ..)


set [ this] to [A triumph]
23 posts

street fighting game ideas

Not bad of an idea, but what about people who play by themselves? I think the sniper would also be hard to use to and would get in the way…
MAN I am typing slow today!

I don't care what they think, X is a cool letter.

Ha, signatures are for–

I'd put some witty signature stereotypes here, but nothing I tried would work.

100+ posts

street fighting game ideas

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Last edited by soniku3 (March 17, 2013 19:31:35)

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