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the impossible quiz

I am remaking the flash game ‘the impossible quiz’ as close to the original as I can, and would like someone to make an advert project, is this a contest? it could well be!! all advertising projects made for me, will be remixed onto my page, and I WILL comment the link on your project before the game comes out.
Here is why you should:
1: POPULARITY: all projects used will get an honorable mention in the description, and within the game in the credits section, as well as a link to your profile in the description.
2: HELP: if you need help with scripts, I will prioritize your projects, and not only add the scripts needed to help you and/or fix your projects, but also explain why it was broken and what I will have done to fix it.
3: IDEAS FOR PROJECTS: I have a huge list of projects that I do not have time to make, i'll share with you lots of (great) ideas to keep you having fun making easy to make, fun to play games.
4: I WILL FOLLOW YOU!! if your project is used for advertising, i will follow you, and check out your projects and leave great feedback, including some ideas for you to improve your project!!


please check out my projects, be sure to love and favorite them, and please follow me for lots of great projects

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