Discuss Scratch

100+ posts

What Instruments Do You Play?

I play piano, clarinet, and sort of organ.

click here for a “broken” link

100+ posts

What Instruments Do You Play?

I've played guitar for a long time, 5 years I believe. I play rhythm for a rock / punk rock band!
500+ posts

What Instruments Do You Play?

Used to play piano, sax, recorder, bit of harmonica, bit of guitar.

I've stopped all of them, although I still sometimes play piano and play sax in school orchestra.

; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;You thought I'd get away from you, didn't you?!
1000+ posts

What Instruments Do You Play?

I play a bit of guitar, I finished the first grade of violin and I'm currently learning drums.

“Yipee, I did it!” the man said with glee,
“I've solved that darned riddle, I've solved it, you see!”
The sphinx simply smiled and shook her strange head,
“I'm afraid you're wrong, and therefore you're dead.”
1000+ posts

What Instruments Do You Play?

Guitar and Piano

I've been listening to…
Ogre Battle // Queen // Queen II // Heavy Metal, Hard Rock, Progressive Metal
Orion // Metallica // Master of Puppets // Heavy Metal, Thrash Metal, Instrumental
Damage Inc. // Metallica// Master of Puppets // Thrash Metal, Heavy Metal
Snow (Hey Oh) // Red Hot Chilli Peppers // Snow (Hey Oh) // Soft Rock, Acoustic
Who Wants To Live Forever // Queen // A Kind of Magic // Power Ballad, Soft Rock
I suggest you listen to…
For a influential playlist: Damage Inc and Orion. Both of these songs are part of the album that revolutionized heavy and thrash metal forever.
New Scratcher
100+ posts

What Instruments Do You Play?

I play guitar and I'm starting to play piano.

Scratch profile (no projects yet, but there will be soon!)
1000+ posts

What Instruments Do You Play?

I used to play piano ^^

100+ posts

What Instruments Do You Play?

I play flute and piano, and I also sing.

I play chimes in school as well.

100+ posts

What Instruments Do You Play?

PlasticToad wrote:

I play the flute, and also have a keyboard which I like to compose my own little ditties with.
High five! Flute buddies!

Last edited by Agg725 (Oct. 14, 2013 13:14:02)

1000+ posts

What Instruments Do You Play?

I've played Trumpet for 3 1/4 years now, and will most likely play it for one more year.

My browser / operating system: MacOS Macintosh X 10.8.5, Chrome 29.0.1547.76, Flash 11.8 (release 800)
500+ posts

What Instruments Do You Play?

The keyboard…
as in the computer keyboard.

i miss the old days
1000+ posts

What Instruments Do You Play?

stevetheipad wrote:

The keyboard…
as in the computer keyboard.
Lol. That makes me remember when my Piano Teacher says that I could use a keyboard for practicing when I (was) have no idea what she means and I instead muttered. “I could not use a computer keyboard for practising piano, Ma'am! ”

Last edited by Rumanti (Oct. 15, 2013 04:35:26)

100+ posts

What Instruments Do You Play?

stevetheipad wrote:

The keyboard…
as in the computer keyboard.
Ironically enough, GarageBand actually does have an option to where you can use your keyboard (as in the type that I'm typing with) as… a keyboard (the kind you play music with).
100+ posts

What Instruments Do You Play?


There are synthesizers for every instrument that you can run on a standard MIDI keyboard (with modification), so technically if you play the piano (which I do) you're capable of playing everything

New Scratcher
100+ posts

What Instruments Do You Play?

Gravitation wrote:


There are synthesizers for every instrument that you can run on a standard MIDI keyboard (with modification), so technically if you play the piano (which I do) you're capable of playing everything
But some instruments only operate with certain microtonal scales, so you'd have to learn to play a different way with the different notes to play those instruments.

Scratch profile (no projects yet, but there will be soon!)
New Scratcher
100+ posts

What Instruments Do You Play?

glue-gun wrote:

Gravitation wrote:


There are synthesizers for every instrument that you can run on a standard MIDI keyboard (with modification), so technically if you play the piano (which I do) you're capable of playing everything
But some instruments only operate with certain microtonal scales, so you'd have to learn to play a different way with the different notes to play those instruments.
(plus I believe this thread refers to different instruments, not instruments sounds)

Scratch profile (no projects yet, but there will be soon!)
20 posts

What Instruments Do You Play?

I play clarinet, and have fun doing it

Memorable Quotes:

“I would have written a shorter letter, but I did not have the time.” - Blaise Pascal

“Inconceivable!” - Vizzini

“You cannot pass. I am a servant of the Secret Fire, wielder of the flame of Anor. You cannot pass.
The dark fire will not avail you, flame of Udun. Go back to the the Shadow! You cannot pass.” - Gandalf the Grey

“Come Free People And Butter Jelly For Frank Before Sundown.” - Zorro113
1000+ posts

What Instruments Do You Play?

I'm learning how to play the subtractive synth well ^^
maybe I'll learn how to play w/ Ableton; I've been wanting to try beatcutting for a while now and kept running out of cue points in mixxx

I am a Lava Expert
100+ posts

What Instruments Do You Play?

I play guitar, and my sister is literally attempting to play ukelele.

pls not the bees guys no bees or else i will scream
98 posts

What Instruments Do You Play?


“There was once a man walking on the beach, throwing the starfish washed up on the shore back into the water. He knew they would dry up and die if they stayed there too long. Someone said to him ”There are millions of starfish on this beach, it won't make a difference to throw a couple back in.“ The man threw another back in. ”It made a difference to that one.“ He said”–Straydog by Kathe Koja
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