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I'm currently doing a course and up until now I've been pretty comfortable with programming but I'm really stuck here it's a project where i have to use data from a list and plot it onto a graph. Here's the details:

Now modify the unfinished script belonging to the SteamPen sprite so that it accurately charts the changing pressure of the steam generator sensor.

Your script will need to:

i.Draw a line chart from the left-hand side of the Stage to the right-hand side, plotting the changing pressures in the steam generator.
ii.The horizontal axis of the chart represents time. The axis is 400 steps long and begins at -200, 0 on the Stage.
iii.Your chart will plot a maximum of 100 records.
iv.The vertical axis of the chart will represent pressure. You should use an adequate vertical scale to make changes in pressure clear.
v.Plotting will begin at 100 units (y = 100). Lower pressures should be plotted below this level; higher pressures should be plotted above this level. Pressure readings will range from 0 to 120 units.
vi.The change in pressure values will come from the list holding values from the steam generator.
vii.The Stage should be cleared before each chart is drawn.
viii.Only one sensor plot needs to be shown at a time.

Any help and advice will be greatly appreciated.
1000+ posts

Heeeeelp Me!!

Seems pretty straightforward if you've used lists and the pen before. Which bit is confusing you?

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ScratchVaders or Galaga?
Maybe Eliza can help you decide?
1000+ posts

Heeeeelp Me!!

Try posting what you've done so far, and explaining which part you're stuck on.

tosh · slowly becoming a grown-up adult and very confused about it
New to Scratch
1 post

Heeeeelp Me!!

I have the same problem I am stuck on what is meant by “ You should use an adequate vertical scale to make changes in pressure clear ” ? how do I use an adequate vertical scale ?????
andyscratch…..new to scratch/sense
1000+ posts

Heeeeelp Me!!

andyscratch110 wrote:

I have the same problem I am stuck on what is meant by “ You should use an adequate vertical scale to make changes in pressure clear ” ? how do I use an adequate vertical scale ?????
andyscratch…..new to scratch/sense

Well it says pressure is from 0-120 and for 0 then y=0 and for 100 then y=100 so you know the graph is from y=0 to y=120. You then want a sensible scale, so how about a tick mark every 10 or grid?

Last edited by drmcw (Sept. 7, 2013 13:01:58)

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ScratchVaders or Galaga?
Maybe Eliza can help you decide?

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