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4 posts

a recently seen projects bar on the front page or in your profile

I sometimes see a really cool project ,and then i want to see it a couple days later, but i can't find it.

thats why I want to see a “recently seen projects” bar on the front page or in your profile.
I also think that there should be a “projects I've loved” bar and a “projects I've favorited” bar in your profile

Last edited by dancingmoonperson (June 11, 2013 21:10:04)

Scratch Team
1000+ posts

a recently seen projects bar on the front page or in your profile

dancingmoonperson wrote:

I sometimes see a really cool project ,and then i want to see it a couple days later, but i can't find it.

thats why I want to see a “recently seen projects” bar on the front page or in your profile.
I also think that there should be a “projects I've loved” bar and a “projects I've favorited” bar in your profile
We already have this. Just check out your profile page and look for the channel called “Favorite Projects”. It should be under the channel called “Shared Projects”.

Sadly, my forum signature was eaten by an evil kumquat.
100+ posts

a recently seen projects bar on the front page or in your profile

Like the ‘history’ part in youtube?
I could see that being useful sometimes.

1000+ posts

a recently seen projects bar on the front page or in your profile

Support the “History”, not the “Loved”, and we already have “favorited”
4 posts

a recently seen projects bar on the front page or in your profile

sorry i accidentally clicked report on Foxgirlgamer

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