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Closed topics don't show as closed in search

If I search something and a topic that matches my query is closed, it is blue like all of the other topics rather than gray like the closed topics.

Professional web developer and lead engineer on the Scratch Wiki
Maybe the Scratch Team isn't so badWhy the April Fools' Day forum didn't work last year
100+ posts

Closed topics don't show as closed in search

I just tried to delete one of my topics, and it's still there. With -1 views. But when you click on it, nothing's there.

1000+ posts

Closed topics don't show as closed in search

I just tried to delete one of my topics, and it's still there. With -1 views. But when you click on it, nothing's there.
That's a whole different glitch.

Professional web developer and lead engineer on the Scratch Wiki
Maybe the Scratch Team isn't so badWhy the April Fools' Day forum didn't work last year

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